I'm not leaving....just going to suck it up. Be a thorn in the sides of Steny, Crosby and any Democrat Govenor as much as I can......I know it won't work but makes me feel good. Moved my "legal" residence to Florida for eight years saved a lot of bucks but all my children and grandchildren are here and if I move I move alone and that would cost more that the taxes.....
And we appreciate that, and I understand fully.
I did The Statehouse thing for a few decades starting in Rockville in the early eightys when they tried to vote in stores keeping ammo logs, on up to 2008 or so.
As time went on it just grew more disappointing.
I only have one kid and no wife, when hes done his walkabout around the globe I will see where he settles. Im done in two years or less and then I will snowbird between Indiana and a sailboat. Gonnna kick around the Caribbean, windward and leewards until hes done. It could be sped up if to much stupid comes out of DC.