JC Penney-Wildewood


Well-Known Member
Went in there today to look at shirts. I have never seen it so unstocked. It was eerie. Shelves in ladies dept half empty. The items that were there seemed very high priced. I know they fired the new CEO yesterday so maybe this is why.


Went in there today to look at shirts. I have never seen it so unstocked. It was eerie. Shelves in ladies dept half empty. The items that were there seemed very high priced. I know they fired the new CEO yesterday so maybe this is why.

Just an FYI, our JCP closed down last week, not sure if others are doing the same.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I read an article this week saying JC Penney was in serious financial difficulties and would be surprised if they were still around come September. I'll see if I can find it.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Is the End Near for JCPenney? | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance

The clock is ticking on the 111-year old chain. If JCP runs through cash at the rate it has over the last 12 months the company will have no money on the balance sheet by sometime this summer, exactly at the time retailers need to maximize their borrowing to be in stock for the holidays.

If the new CEO can’t stop the bleeding JCPenney will be bankrupt by Labor Day. The question for investors and shoppers alike is who is the new boss and what, if anything, can he do to save the company.


New Member
They are involved in a lawsuit. The new CEO was counting on a deal to sell Martha Stewart product and then Macy's sued. It sounded like they were pinning recovery on that deal. Last time I was in there, I was the only customer in the store.


They are involved in a lawsuit. The new CEO was counting on a deal to sell Martha Stewart product and then Macy's sued. It sounded like they were pinning recovery on that deal. Last time I was in there, I was the only customer in the store.

I used to love that store and often found nice clothes for work... but they changed their clothing line to appeal to a younger population and it was those styles that are not appropriate for my office environment.


I went into our JCP a week before my hubby came home in November to get him a new pair of shoes (I noticed they were very understocked, but figured they were in the process of getting ready for the holidays). When he came home, we found out they were the right size, but he wears a wide. I went to take them back and JCP was gone, that quick. We do have another one, it's a hike but we made a day out of it and all was well. I was just shocked that they packed, stacked and rolled out that quick.


Well-Known Member
I was in the one in Wildwood about a month or so ago. I noticed that there was lots of open space. The shelves and racks that were there were stocked, but it seemed that there were not many shelves or racks.
I was in the one in Wildwood about a month or so ago. I noticed that there was lots of open space. The shelves and racks that were there were stocked, but it seemed that there were not many shelves or racks.

Yep same here. Also I didn't find any decent polo shirts there. All really cheap stuff.


Active Member
I went to Wildwood JCP 2 months ago, and found the same thing. Practically nothing on the shelves. My Sister works at JCP in Jacksonville, NC, and they are downsizing big time. It's just a matter of time before they are all gone.
JC Penney just recently fired its CEO, Ron Johnson, whom it had hired less than a year and a half ago. He had grand plans to remake the JC Penney brand and store model. It's hard to know if the transformation would have ultimately worked, but in the minds of many analysts and shareholders it was taking too long. In the meantime, sales results were pretty bad.

I think he may have underestimated how long it would take to move to the newer way of doing things. Based on what I've read, the stores that had been made over (or the sections of the stores that had been made over) were doing quite well. The idea was to make the stores kind of like malls in themselves with lots of stores within the stores - distinct sections selling, e.g., particular brands. They also intended to have large aisles with places to sit and other things (e.g. perhaps food) akin to what you'd find in a mall.

I think he also underestimated the degree to which many people (particularly JC Penney's existing customers) are hooked on the perception of value. He wanted to switch to a more transparent, more consistent pricing model - everyday low prices. Instead of pricing, e.g., a piece of clothing at the ridiculous price of $50 and constantly having promotions and sales that make the real price $20, he wanted to price it at $20 (or perhaps $25) to begin with. But in retail, the perception of value is sometimes more important than value itself. People like the feeling that they're getting a deal on something, whether they are or not. That sensation of getting a deal is part of what people are paying for, it's part of the retail product. Conditioning JC Penney customers to be just as happy with a decent price when it wasn't disguised as some special, limited-time, deal, or in the alternative bringing in enough new customers interested in the new straight forward pricing policies to make up for those that were lost, wasn't working well enough or fast enough.

For now I would guess the future of the JC Penney model is in a bit of limbo. New leadership has to decide which direction to go. Some modified version of Mr. Johnson's vision? Back to what they had been before? Something else? It isn't clear yet where the company will go from here, but I think a far bit of damage has been done to the brand. If it tries to go back to where it was pre-Johnson, it may find that some of those people that were lost in the now-aborted transformation aren't quick to come back.


New Member
Um, that's a bunch of crap because plenty of businesses openly support gay marriage and are doing great: Amazon, Budweiser, Microsoft, Target, Nike, Apple, Google, Starbucks....


Well-Known Member
I only speak for myself and I know I stopped shopping there when all the changes took place and it would seem like a lot of other folks did too.