Back in the saddle
At first I had my mom pick it up for me at The Vitamin Shop in Waldorf but I've started ordering it online. It's not expensive at all, about $12 for a bottle that'll last about a month. I started seeing results in just a couple weeks. I use Now Naturals brand. I know GNC sells it as well as Walmart but it was important to me to (after all my research) to get one that's made from a natural source. Hormones are a major player in your metabolism; that's why women get closer to menopause they typically start to gain weight. I'm only 30 but having my tubes tied at 25 made my hormones start to whack-out early.
I was thinking of calling my doc after the holidays to get my tubes tied. Is this a bad idea? Should I not go this route? I don't want any more babies and I don't want to take the pill any more.
Hubby is not interested in getting snipped.