Jeff the Scanner Guy...


New Member
sockgirl77 said:
As of a few hours ago she is still nonresponsive. She has swelling and bleeding to the brain. One of her pupils has ruptured. We're being told that they really wouldn't know much for 72 hours or so. Thanks for all the sweet messages.
:huggy: :flowers:


Well-Known Member
Celts said:
OK..she is healing and they can do stuff to help with the swelling and bleeding.
My sons friend was in a car wreck, had head trauma and they kept him in a drug induced coma for sometime until he healed. Doing well now, just has some balance problems.
Shock Trauma did all the work.

Hard part now is the waiting....
That is were prayer comes in...
faith, faith, faith....... :yay:

Thank you. That's reassuring.


All Up In Your Grill
sockgirl77 said:
Thank you. That's reassuring.

Just keep positive thoughts, Socki. You got a baby girl on the way, and you know your aunt wants to see that baby! Positive thoughts. I know a few people who have been in accidents and what not and not expected to make it, but they've come out no worse for wear. She made it through the night and that's a good sign!


33 yrs & we r still n luv
nachomama said:
Just keep positive thoughts, Socki. You got a baby girl on the way, and you know your aunt wants to see that baby! Positive thoughts. I know a few people who have been in accidents and what not and not expected to make it, but they've come out no worse for wear. She made it through the night and that's a good sign!


and to your crapkarma giver - quit breathing, your polluting the air for the rest of us.


I AM an enigma
nachomama said:
Just keep positive thoughts, Socki. You got a baby girl on the way, and you know your aunt wants to see that baby! Positive thoughts. I know a few people who have been in accidents and what not and not expected to make it, but they've come out no worse for wear. She made it through the night and that's a good sign!

Amen to positive thinking. Socki you and your family are in my prayers.

Most of you know the story of my micro preemie Grandson, but.....

My son was in a horrific accident in Feb. of this year with major traumatic brain injury after being dumped on to the highway at a high rate of speed right on his head. He was not expected to live. They discussed organ donation with us as well as final arrangements. (This was at Washington Hospital Center). Well, God and my son had other plans! After 2 plus months in the hospital he is now almost a matter of fact, he is racing at the motocross of nations tonight. (AGAINST my wishes...but what can you do with a 21 year old who knows everything?)

Never, never, never give up hope. :huggy:


Active Member
ok first i want to thank everyone who have her in thier prayers
the power of prayer is awesome as some of us already know .
and thanks to all of socki's friends & forum members who have posted positive thoughts they not only have helped her but have helped me and our family as well as i said before i know the womans daughter very well, heck she is like a daughter to me.I have about the same news as socki no change but thats good i believe and hope.
we got a little more info and it seems she was awake for a short time after the accident . We are takin that as a good sign. Its seems she fell unconcious just before the rescue dept got there.
Once again to all of you THANKS for all the prayers.


sockgirl77 said:

May the Lord put his hand on your Aunts shoulder and let her feel his comforting touch, the power of prayer is tremendous and all things are possible with God. May you and your family be blessed and we all pray for a speedy recovery. In Jesus name, AMEN. :huggy:
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Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone who has been sending me PM's asking me how she is doing. She fell into a coma yesterday. So, I really don't know what to say. I'm not sure what happens from here.


sockgirl77 said:
Thanks to everyone who has been sending me PM's asking me how she is doing. She fell into a coma yesterday. So, I really don't know what to say. I'm not sure what happens from here.

I'm sorry SG, I will keep sending prayers. Keep strong. :huggy: