Jen Psaki: Are you gonna believe me or your lyin eyes?


PREMO Member
Jen Psaki forced to edit book after making misleading claim about Biden not checking watch at ceremony

Psaki’s initial claim contradicted photos, accounts of Gold Star families

MSNBC host Jen Psaki said she will alter future reprints of her book after being called out for downplaying President Biden looking at his watch during a 2021 ceremony for U.S. service members who were killed in Afghanistan.

Psaki, who was Biden's White House press secretary before joining MSNBC, initially claimed in her new book, "Say More," that Biden never looked at his watch "during the ceremony." But a report by Axios noted that Psaki’s version contradicted pictures and Gold Star families' firsthand accounts.

Psaki, who initially declined comment, changed her tune after online backlash and told Axios "the detail in a few lines of the book about the exact number of times he looked at his watch will be removed in future reprints and the eBook."



American Beauty
PREMO Member
When touting your "accomplishments" isn't really working... what else is there except "Orange man bad!"
Pretty much the whole administration for 3+ years. At what point do you throw in the towel and start doing your own thing and not pass blame.


PREMO Member
Pretty much the whole administration for 3+ years. At what point do you throw in the towel and start doing your own thing and not pass blame.
They’ve never taken responsibility for the Charlie-foxtrots they produce.