Jewish Buyers Remorse


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'The Left in America Has Really Let Us Down': Some American Jews Reassess the Progressive Left

I first noticed this topic about 10 days ago when Michelle Goldberg wrote about it. Simply put, American Jews who polls show mostly lean left, have been shocked and dismayed by the reaction of fellow progressives to the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Over the weekend there were several good pieces about this topic. First up is one published yesterday bt the Free Press. Author Konstantin Kisin says he heard a friend joke that some people woke up as progressive on Oct. 7 and went to bed as conservatives.

A friend of mine joked that she woke up on October 7 as a liberal and went to bed that evening as a 65-year-old conservative. But it wasn’t really a joke and she wasn’t the only one. What changed?…
The reaction to the attacks—from outwardly pro-Hamas protests to the mealy-mouthed statements of college presidents, celebrities, and CEOs—has exploded the comforting stories many on the center-left have told themselves about progressive identity politics. For many years, they opted for the coping mechanism of pretending that the institutional capture of universities, corporations, and media organizations by the woke mind virus was no big deal. “Sure, students shutting down events they disagree with is annoying,” they would say, “but it’s just students doing what students do.”…
We woke up on October 8 to the clamor of street protests in cities across the West condemning Israel even before any major Israeli response to the attacks. We watched celebratory crowds brandish swastikas and chant “gas the Jews” at events purporting to be about the loss of Palestinian lives. We saw Black Lives Matter chapters lionize terrorists…
The events of the last two weeks have shattered the illusion that wokeness is about protecting victims and standing up for persecuted minorities. This ideology is and has always been about the one thing many of us have told you it is about for years: power. And after the last two weeks, there can be no doubt about how these people will use any power they seize: they will seek to destroy, in any way they can, those who disagree.

Kisin isn’t writing explicitly about Jews but I think it’s fair to say they have been at the forefront of this sudden realization about the nature of the progressive left many have been affiliated with. The NY Times had an article about this last Friday.

The LA Times also published a story today which considers the case of Jonah Goldman, a progressive Jew who was active in the left-leaning Jewish group J Street. Now he suddenly finds himself shocked by some of his former comrades.

He was shocked by how quickly friends mobilized for the Palestinian cause while failing to condemn the attack. The militants killed more than 1,400 people, most of them civilians — slaughtering families, including children — and taking about 200 more hostage.
Good people he never considered antisemitic suddenly seemed “supportive of Jewish genocide,” he said…
“The left in America has really let us down,” said Goldman, 31, who lives in the Washington area and considers himself a Democrat and a socialist.



Well-Known Member
One of my very best and closest friends growing up is Jewish and is now very much conservative. Even though my best friends were Jewish from 6 to 16, he taught me more about Judaism (and still does) than anyone else.

It still amazes even HIM that Jews in America are so decidedly left-leaning, but it may have to do with the fact that a plurality of them live within 100 miles of New York City. It may well be because they because, as a consequence, they are SOCIALLY left-leaning - but it is 100% clear to the rest of us, that Democrats and the left here has always opposed Israel, been condemning of it and has not been supportive of Jews in this country.

Of course - it is my opinion that the Democrats ARE the bigots - this has been partly from personal experience, partly from interaction with Democratic leadership (however meager) and from the long term effects of policy. Their remarks make it all too clear that their opinions of minorities is condescending.
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How many of those left-leaning Jews are either Reformed or non-practicing. I bet the vast majority.


PREMO Member
How many of those left-leaning Jews are either Reformed or non-practicing. I bet the vast majority.

I am sure .. Oh I am leftist ... Progressives are Leftists

Oh Wait ... I'm white and lose in the intersectional fight


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On Friday evening, Harvard President Claudine Gay gave a speech to Harvard Hillel that was adapted in Forward. Gay forthrightly admitted that Harvard has an anti-Semitism problem:

Here in the U.S., we are witnessing a surge in anti-Jewish incidents and rhetoric across the nation — and on our own campus. The ancient specter of antisemitism, that persistent and corrosive hatred, has returned with renewed force.
A recent ADL report found that incidents of antisemitism had almost tripled over the past six years nationally. Here at Harvard, I’ve heard story after story of Jewish students feeling increasingly uneasy or even threatened on campus.
As we grapple with this resurgence of bigotry, I want to make one thing absolutely clear: Antisemitism has no place at Harvard.
For years, this university has done too little to confront its continuing presence. No longer.
I am committed to tackling this pernicious hatred with the urgency it demands.

No one who has paid attention will be surprised, and some will say that Harvard has always been anti-Semitic. But that isn’t true. I went to Harvard Law School in the early 1970s. At that time, the student body was one-third Jewish. I am going from memory and it has been a long time, but my recollection is that around two-thirds of the faculty were Jews, as were the members of the Law Review. I didn’t have much to do with the undergraduate college or the other graduate schools, but I have no reason to think the situation there was different. It was the great age of non-discrimination against Jews–which is to say, the great age of meritocracy.

What changed? Harvard, like most other academic institutions, became obsessed with two demographics: international students and students of color. The last people Harvard was interested in were white Americans, the least likely group to be anti-Semitic.


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Cornell University Jews told to avoid kosher dining hall after threats posted online

JTA — Police at Cornell University were called to the school’s kosher dining hall, and the campus Hillel warned students to stay away from it, after anonymous antisemitic posts on a Greek life website that included threats to “shoot up” the building and kill and rape Jewish students.

The posts, whose text has circulated widely on social media, were published Saturday and Sunday under pseudonyms including “hamas,” “jew evil,” “jew jenocide,” “hamas warrior” and “kill jews.” The posts have titles such as “jewish people need to be killed,” “eliminate jewish living from cornell campus” and “gonna shoot up 104 west,” the name of the kosher dining hall.

The posts were made on Greekrank, a site that students at the Ivy League school and others use to rate fraternities and sororities.

“If i see a pig male jew i will stab you and slit your throat,” read another post by a user called “hamas” that was viewed directly by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “If i see another pig female jew i will drag you away and ràpe you and throw you off a cliff. if i see another pig baby jew i will behead you in front of your parents.”

The university’s president denounced the posts, which come three weeks after Hamas’s October 7 invasion of Israel killed and wounded thousands and during Israel’s ensuing war against the terror group in Gaza.


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Report: Jewish Students at Cornell in Hiding After Vile Anti-Semitic Death Threats Posted on Student Message Board; Kosher Dining Hall on Lockdown

Jewish students at Cornell University in upstate New York are reportedly hiding in their rooms after vile, anti-Semitic death threats were posted on a student message board. The campus kosher dining hall was singled out with a threat of a massacre. Police are reportedly on scene and the Cornell administration has issued a statement expressing concern.

That was followed by pro-Palestinian graffiti on campus:



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Gaza’s genocidal war against Israel has torn the Democratic Party apart by revealing the anti-Semitic core of its dominant left wing. Axios headlines: “Biden’s 2024 team roiled by Israel-Hamas war.”

Part of President Biden’s political team is in turmoil over the Israel-Hamas war, as some aides see the White House as abetting an immoral attack on Palestinians — while others believe Biden is showing “moral clarity” in protecting Israel from terrorists.
… The strife within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) — which Biden is leaning on for his re-election campaign — reflects larger generational and political divisions among Democrats.
Those divisions are chiefly between older pro-Israel Democrats and younger progressives who are more sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians.

And are entirely indifferent to mass murder, gang rape and the beheading of infants, where the victims are Jews.
At the Daily Mail, Alan Dershowitz writes that the relationship between Jews and the Democratic Party has been profoundly altered:

The Hamas atrocities of October 7th have forever fractured any political alliance between centrist and liberal Jews and woke, anti-Israel progressives.
It’s either them or us.
The coalition is at civil war.
Following the terrorist massacre of Israeli civilians and even before the military response, young woke progressives turned stridently against the Jewish State.
It was a knee-jerk reaction stimulated not by what Israel did – because it had done nothing to justify Hamas’ brutality – but what Israel is: the nation state of the Jewish people.


Well-Known Member
Well, unfortunately even if every Jewish person flips from voting democrat to republican it isn't likely to make much of a difference given they typically live in dense democrat enclaves (Florida aside).


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Well, unfortunately even if every Jewish person flips from voting democrat to republican it isn't likely to make much of a difference given they typically live in dense democrat enclaves (Florida aside).
It would probably have more of an impact on the local and state levels.


Well-Known Member
American Jews are not even in the same league as Israeli's
For some reason they always want to vote for giving away the store in Government while they do not do the same in business.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't feel sorry for American Jewish people. They are reaping what they have sown. Those are THEIR monsters. THEIR Party mates. THEY vote for the people who are now unafraid to be open about wanting them dead. Hillary Clinton very famously loved up on Arafat's wife and Jews showed their displeasure by showering her with campaign money and voting for her whenever they had the chance. Democrats rushed to build mosques after 9/11 and Jews were right there with them.

So really, **** 'em

I love Israelis - I think they're tough SOBs when they're not forced into submission by American Democrat politicians and their Jewish constituents. I have a TON of admiration for them. But American Jews can GFT. They helped do this to all of us.

Yeah. I said it. Truth hurts.

And I'll tell you something else:

This blatant antisemitism won't hamper their support one tiny bit. They'll bitch and cry, but come November they will be right there at the polls voting for all the Democrats who want them dead. Watch and see.


PREMO Member
I don't feel sorry for American Jewish people. They are reaping what they have sown. Those are THEIR monsters. THEIR Party mates. THEY vote for the people who are now unafraid to be open about wanting them dead.

They were hoodwinked believing the lies of the leftest propaganda, ' the right ' / Republicans were the bogeyman RE The Klan [ which was a southern democratic construction ] Neo Nazi's were right wing ... so anyone on the right should be avoided ....

make your bed, enjoy the people you climbed into bed with ... it's complicated, Jewish people in some numbers lean left all the way to Marx ... therefore they believe they are safe with other leftists ... however as shown modern progressives / intersectionalists are Antisemitic

look at who these intersectional leftists are supporting

Gays Supporting Islamist's
3rd Wave Feminists

all believing the lies of CAIR or other Western Islamic Groups .... oh Jihad is just an internal personal struggle and other lies
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Board Mommy
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They were hoodwinked believing the lies of the leftest propaganda, ' the right ' / Republicans were the bogeyman RE The Klan [ which was a southern democratic construction ] Neo Nazi's were right wing ... so anyone on the right should be avoided ....

Well they've had 40-some years to realize that none of that is true, so.....?

This is such classic human nature because humans are retarded.

Like in Jr. High school where you align with the shitty mean girls in hopes they won't pick on you like they do everyone else. So not only are you a shitty mean girl, but one wrong move and those bitches are on you like a wolf pack.

Currying favor with your shitty boss in hopes of getting favoritism, then finding that your shitty boss will throw you overboard in a second because loyalty isn't a thing he's interested in.

Jewish Americans aligned with the shitty Democrats because they thought they'd be protected. How'd that work out?

The only thing people like that boss and those girls and all Democrats understand is aggression and standing up to them, followed by a punch in the face if need be. Trying to curry favor with them never works. Like ever.

I figured that out in 2nd grade, so hey Jews? WTF is the problem?

Oh, and Black people? Talking to your asses too. :smack:

Watching people actively work against their own best interest is endlessly fascinating, but frustrating as hell.


Well-Known Member
Well they've had 40-some years to realize that none of that is true, so.....?

This is such classic human nature because humans are retarded.

Like in Jr. High school where you align with the shitty mean girls in hopes they won't pick on you like they do everyone else. So not only are you a shitty mean girl, but one wrong move and those bitches are on you like a wolf pack.

Currying favor with your shitty boss in hopes of getting favoritism, then finding that your shitty boss will throw you overboard in a second because loyalty isn't a thing he's interested in.

Jewish Americans aligned with the shitty Democrats because they thought they'd be protected. How'd that work out?

The only thing people like that boss and those girls and all Democrats understand is aggression and standing up to them, followed by a punch in the face if need be. Trying to curry favor with them never works. Like ever.

I figured that out in 2nd grade, so hey Jews? WTF is the problem?

Oh, and Black people? Talking to your asses too. :smack:

Watching people actively work against their own best interest is endlessly fascinating, but frustrating as hell.
You're giving this too much thought. Most of the Jewish people in the US live in large cities, most close to the main ports of entry in the last couple hundred years. They immigrated, got jobs in the cities, built their communities, and stayed there (I.E. Jewish farmers are almost non-existent).

And urban city dwellers are classist. By and large they look down on anyone who doesn't live in the city, and regardless of political party they all look down on the mostly rural states.

So if everyone they know and care about lives in a liberal Democrat area, how else are they going to vote?
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Well-Known Member
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Currying favor with your shitty boss in hopes of getting favoritism, then finding that your shitty boss will throw you overboard in a second because loyalty isn't a thing he's interested in.

The only thing people like that boss and those girls and all Democrats understand is aggression and standing up to them, followed by a punch in the face if need be. Trying to curry favor with them never works. Like ever.
Slow down. I'm taking notes.

"... punch in the face...."