Jewish Buyers Remorse


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Just a thought. During WW2 a shipload of Jews running from Hitler were turned away from the United States and had to return to Europe. About half of those Jews died in the Holocaust. These were not poor or uneducated jews, but mostly business people and their families. Who turned them away? Franklin Roosevelt ,Democrat President. I am not a historian, but I have read a little, but I have never discovered in my musing where the American Jews made a big stink over it.
Strange that now we let in South America's dregs, criminals, terrorists, drug mules, anyone who enters Mexico to cross our borders including prisoners that were turned loose from South American jails. Rapists, Child Molesters, prostitutes. We give them drivers licenses, educations, health care, housing in 4 star hotels. and pay them more a month than we do Social security recipients and Veterans. Haitians and Cubans who are turned around and sent back to sea when they land on our shores can go to Mexico and walk over.

It's kind of Phucked up aint it?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Just a thought. During WW2 a shipload of Jews running from Hitler were turned away from the United States and had to return to Europe. About half of those Jews died in the Holocaust. These were not poor or uneducated jews, but mostly business people and their families. Who turned them away? Franklin Roosevelt ,Democrat President. I am not a historian, but I have read a little, but I have never discovered in my musing where the American Jews made a big stink over it.
Strange that now we let in South America's dregs, criminals, terrorists, drug mules, anyone who enters Mexico to cross our borders including prisoners that were turned loose from South American jails. Rapists, Child Molesters, prostitutes. We give them drivers licenses, educations, health care, housing in 4 star hotels. and pay them more a month than we do Social security recipients and Veterans. Haitians and Cubans who are turned around and sent back to sea when they land on our shores can go to Mexico and walk over.

It's kind of Phucked up aint it?
Democrats established their very own Judenrat.


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Jewish man dies after being struck by pro-Palestinian protester, LA Jewish federation says

(JTA) — A Jewish man has died after a pro-Palestinian protester struck him in the head with a megaphone on Sunday, according to the local Jewish federation.

The altercation occurred at a pro-Palestinian protest on Sunday that assembles weekly in Westlake Village in the Los Angeles area. According to a statement by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and a police report, the man, Paul Kessler, 69, was struck in the head with a megaphone held by one of the protesters and died of his wounds on Monday.

A statement Monday night from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office ruled the death a homicide and confirmed many of the details in the federation’s statement. The police statement said Kessler “died as a result of injuries sustained during an altercation at a Pro-Israeli/Pro-Palestinian event, both of which were occurring simultaneously.” Elsewhere, the Sheriff’s Office describes Kessler as a “pro-Israeli protester.”

“Witness accounts indicated that Kessler was involved in a physical altercation with counter-protestor(s),” the statement said. “During the altercation, Kessler fell backwards and struck his head on the ground.”


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American Jews on the Left Are Just Shocked by Their Fellow Leftists

Left-wing American Jews feel betrayed by the Left. A Left that remains anti-Israel even after the greatest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, and even though most Palestinians and their supporters explicitly call for the destruction of the Jewish state: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."

Progressive American Jews are shocked by their fellow progressives. But the only thing that is shocking is their shock.

The Left wing has been calling for an economic boycott of Israel for decades and has labeled Israel an "apartheid" state.

The Left labels America, the most tolerant, multiethnic society in history, "systemically racist."

The Left called for "defunding the police," supports attorneys general who abolish bail for violent criminals, and praised demonstrations against America -- including many that included vandalism and violence -- for more than half a year.

The Left supports all-black dorms and all-black graduations on college campuses. The Left has almost destroyed every liberal ideal regarding race. The University of California, among many other left-wing institutions, has labeled "racist" the liberal ideal of being color-blind, and labeled "racist" the beautiful anti-racist sentiment, "there is only one race, the human race."

The Left -- specifically schools of education and teachers unions -- has ruined elementary schools and high schools. And it has destroyed universities as institutions that allow open dialogue.


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The Numbers Don't Lie: NYC Antisemitic Hate Crimes Shot Up 214 Percent in October

In addition, it's highly likely that many, many more incidents of antisemitism are simply not being reported. Pro-Hamas graffiti and vandalism have been rampant since Hamas carried out the October 7 terror attacks against Israel, which killed at least 1,400 Israelis.

Scenes like these are becoming increasingly commonplace:

The New York Post editorial board weighed in on Wednesday: "The gigantic rise in antisemitic incidents in the city in the aftermath of Oct. 7 shows the absurdity of the Biden administration’s focus on Islamophobia and lecturing about the dangers to both sides," they wrote.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny noted last month that “hate crime is still down [overall], but since the incident in Gaza, there’s been an uptick.” Graffiti, vandalism, and even assault have been among the crimes committed:

The majority of the recent antisemitic acts have been related to graffiti, criminal mischief and aggravated harassment — “basically almost bordering on free speech where people are yelling back and forth at each other until it takes a weird turn,” Kenny said.
A small amount of assaults have been reported, he added.
In one such assault reported around noon Wednesday, a stranger – apparently motivated by anti-Semitic hate – struck a 29-year-old man in the back of the head with an unknown object at the intersection of Ludlam Place and Sullivan Place in Prospect-Lefferts Gardens, cops said.
“I don’t like Jews,” the attacker snarled, according to police sources.

But it's not just happening in New York, it's happening all over the world:

Pro-Hamas Extremists Attack Israel Supporters—Right in Front of LA's Museum of Tolerance

Tragic: Teen Murders 20-Year Old Israeli-American Soldier as She Patrols Border in Jerusalem's Old City

Antisemitism on the March in Canada: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Plan Recreation of Infamous Nazi Atrocity

NEW: 'He Stalked Us' - Friend of Jewish Man Killed in California Says Pro-Hamas Group Targeted Them

Jewish Woman Stabbed in France Latest Victim of Antisemitic Violence Amid Israel's War Against Hamas

Don't expect strong statements from the White House—Joe Biden is too worried about losing Michigan in the 2024 presidential election to make a principled stand or call out the antisemitism arising from within the ranks of his own party. Instead, he and Kamala will keep crowing about Islamophobia while the antisemitic hate in this country rages on.

NYC that vast bastion of Maga Supporters and White Racists


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'I’ve Been a Left-Winger All My Life. Now I Realize How Naïve I Was.'

One of these former leftists is Sofie Berzon Mackie, an Israeli woman who lived just under two miles from the Gaza border. The UK’s Daily Mail profiled Mackie on Saturday, noting that Mackie would sometimes jog toward the border and look into Gaza: “She would see the city, see the sea and be filled with the hope of peace one day – certain that there were mothers just like her on the other side of the fence who wanted peace, too.”

This is the sort of thing that makes leftism so attractive to so many people: while the more realistic side is warning of dangers and threats, leftists are talking love, peace, and reconciliation. It would be wonderful if the same spirit animated the enemies to whom leftists love to reach out, but it does not, as Mackie discovered to her horror on Oct. 7.

Now Mackie says: “I’ve been a left-winger all my life. I don’t believe in violence. I always wanted co-existence. Even in our darkest hours, I told my children that in Gaza there were mothers like me, and children like them, and they are not the devil. Now I realize how naïve I was.”

Mackie may have been naïve, but leftists in general are something more than just that; they’re in an out-and-out war against reality. That’s what makes them so dangerous. A woman at the Gaza border hoping that those on the other side will drop their genocidal rhetoric and become her friends is one thing; an American administration that demands that Israel behave as if the genocidal rhetoric weren’t happening and that the people across the border are already friends is quite another.

The Biden regime’s stance toward Israel is much like its stance on the trans madness: both are based upon fantasy and a resolute rejection of obvious fact. And both are pushed upon those who disagree with threats: in a manner akin to how opponents of the fantasy that men can become women are vilified as “bigots” and deplatformed, Biden’s handlers are now ratcheting up the pressure upon Israel to agree to a ceasefire that will allow Hamas to regroup or the world’s lone Jewish state could be completely isolated in an increasingly hostile world.

Mackie also says: “There is still a part of me that wants peace, of course I do. But these monsters – Hamas – have to be defeated.” That’s true. As the old saying goes, a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality. And here we are.

Mackie goes on, however, to say this: “And the world has to help us.” That would be nice, but unfortunately, all too much of the world has imbibed the idea that Israel is somehow illegitimate and that efforts to eradicate it, or at least to reduce the already tiny state to an even smaller size, are justified.


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Inquiring minds want to know...

Do Hamas Jeffries and Chuck the Schmuck get booed at the Pro-Israel Rally today?


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'I’ve Been a Left-Winger All My Life. Now I Realize How Naïve I Was.'

One of these former leftists is Sofie Berzon Mackie, an Israeli woman who lived just under two miles from the Gaza border.
And this slides in perfectly with what Thomas Sowell has postulated about human behavior - which is often unfairly distilled into "Lefites think people are basically good - righties think they're basically bad", But he describes it more as lefties are idealists who believe all problems have a solution if you just work at it; righties believe many are not solvable, but CAN be managed. They are pragmatists, while the left are idealists.

It's nice to believe that everyone WANTS to live in harmony with you - until you find yourself face to face with outright EVIL - persons who have NO desire to live harmoniously and peacefully with you - and holding fast your ideals will just end up FEEDING and magnifying the evil, rather than combat it.


PREMO Member

Largest Pro-Israel Rally in US History as 290,000 Take to National Mall to Condemn Antisemitism

The differences? Efune lists seven:

1. Nobody was assaulted.
2. There were many American flags.
3. There was no racism or bigotry.
4. Nobody was hiding behind a face mask.
5. Concern was expressed for innocents on the other side.
6. It was bipartisan.
7. It was much, much larger!

My colleague Teri Christoph reported earlier Tuesday that rally organizers had three goals:

The biggest pro-Israel rally since the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas is expected to take place Tuesday on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the rally has three main goals:
MARCH for Israel
MARCH to Free Hostages
MARCH Against Antisemitism

It was also organized as a counterbalance to the rampant, destructive pro-Hamas rallies that have raged across the globe. But not here, not today:



PREMO Member

Jews Get Kicked Out of the Progressive Club

After a while, it became a parody worthy of classic comedy skits: the Biden administration’s reflexive need to launch into a condemnation of “Islamophobia” every time the discomfiting topic of antisemitism came up — which, you may have noticed, it does quite a bit these days.

Progressives hate antisemitism. Not, unfortunately, the concept . . . the word. It holds a mirror up to their internal contradictions.

Jews have been among the most consequential, cutting-edge progressives in history. A few months back, I reviewed Democratic Justice, Brad Snyder’s biography of Felix Frankfurter, who may have been as responsible for forging the dominance of American progressivism as Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president he zealously served. Alas, Frankfurter would not be welcome today in what’s become of his movement — not least because of another project on which he collaborated with his mentor and fellow Supreme Court justice, Louis Brandeis: Zionism. That project is anathema to today’s progressives. It honors the old order and the uniqueness of a people reified in their ancestral homeland, one in which they dwelled for millennia — before Islam existed and, 14 centuries later, the notion of “Palestinians” was conceived.

Moreover, to highlight antisemitism is intolerably inconvenient to the collaboration of highest priority for modern progressives: Their partnership with sharia supremacists — so-called Islamists, adherents to “political Islam.”

I wrote a book in 2010 about the Muslim Brotherhood in the West: The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America. The terms “grand jihad” and “sabotage” were taken from an internal Brotherhood strategy memorandum in which the organization explicitly described its “work in America” as “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within” by “sabotaging” it. The Brotherhood envisioned that this sabotage would be carried out by its agents with the cooperation of their sympathizers in America and the West. Those sympathizers are on the political Left — progressives.
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Well-Known Member
And this slides in perfectly with what Thomas Sowell has postulated about human behavior - which is often unfairly distilled into "Lefites think people are basically good - righties think they're basically bad", But he describes it more as lefties are idealists who believe all problems have a solution if you just work at it; righties believe many are not solvable, but CAN be managed. They are pragmatists, while the left are idealists.

It's nice to believe that everyone WANTS to live in harmony with you - until you find yourself face to face with outright EVIL - persons who have NO desire to live harmoniously and peacefully with you - and holding fast your ideals will just end up FEEDING and magnifying the evil, rather than combat it.
Was it Reagan who said "The right thinks the people on the left have bad ideas; the left thinks the people on the right are bad people"?

Whoever it was had the right of it.


Well-Known Member
Was it Reagan who said "The right thinks the people on the left have bad ideas; the left thinks the people on the right are bad people"?

Whoever it was had the right of it.
And that neatly fits in with every discussion I have ever read on the subject. One I've discussed many times on here is that the left believes that IF YOU ONLY KNEW THE FACTS as they know it - you would totally agree with them.

(For one thing, this premise is absurd on its face, because it is impossible for one political side to hold the absolute truth on its side while the other has none. "Ah! But that is what you on the RIGHT believe!". Of course not, because we don't believe in absolute truth in issues like these. As Sowell describes - we believe in WHAT WORKS. It's why I was attracted to the left while young - and to the right when older - because the left is heavily ideological and the right focuses on what works. I often point to the ideological beginnings of the Church, and how they all had everything in common and how idyllic that was - it took a VERY short time for people to lie, withhold things, show prejudice and the Church had to accept reality and create structures that accommodated for human failing).

So - if you believed that the OTHER side just - doesn't know everything - and that's why they believe the WRONG THING - well - it's up to you to ENLIGHTEN them. So - what if they STILL don't agree? Well - then they're brainwashed. All that FOX News, and propaganda and lies. And STILL don't agree? Then they're simply - deficient. Stupid. Determined to be ignorant. Or racist. Or simply irredeemably bad. Just - bad people.

Because if they weren't - they'd agree with you. Because there is only ONE RIGHT SIDE OF AN ISSUE, and it's always YOUR SIDE. Heck, since there's only one right side, it must be the one GOD AGREES WITH.

Idealists live in a completely black and white world, where there are no nuances. And it's not just - pragmatism. I refuse to vote for so and so not because his opinions don't work or I don't agree with him. His track record shows, he doesn't do anything. Or I just don't TRUST him, no matter what he believes. He might preach Peace, Love and Understanding, but I don't trust the guy.

A lot goes into why people think as they do, and it's not "bad" and "good". But it IS if you think - as Sowell says - in terms of "everything has a solution".


PREMO Member

In red America, standing up for Israel isn’t controversial

At the center of Knoxville’s booming downtown is Market Square, where the city’s Jewish Alliance set up a table with 239 place settings to commemorate the hostages Hamas terrorists took from Israel.

Each chair bore a poster with the name, bio and photo of a hostage.

They ranged from babies to older adults.

Several hundred people attended.

There were speeches by local political figures, all pro-Israel, including Knoxville’s Rep. Tim Burchett.

All expressed sympathy for Israel, horror at Hamas’ brutality and support for the hostages.

There were backing letters from Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, and Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty.

There were prayers by both Jewish and Christian religious leaders.

Many attendees bore Israeli and American flags.

There were no counterprotesters, and although there was a police presence, it was subdued and not needed.

Passersby seemed generally friendly and supportive.

When the event ended, people fanned out to have dinner at downtown restaurants, buy ice cream and generally make an evening of it.

Of course, not everyone is on the same page, even in a place like Knoxville.

As I write this, a group called Palestinian Action and Liberation is planning to pack the next City Council meeting, dressed in black, and demand a statement in support of Gaza and a boycott of doing business with Israel.

But the numbers of this group are much smaller, and while they may cause headaches for Knoxville’s Democratic mayor, Indya Kincannon, who they’re criticizing for having recently visited Israel, I doubt she’s losing much sleep.

Most important, public order has been maintained.

Since the Black Lives Matter riots of the last decade, the Knoxville police and Knox County sheriff have kept order.

Protests and rallies are protected; people who try to get away with violence or property destruction are arrested and prosecuted.

Likewise, on the University of Tennessee campus, the administration has been strongly supportive of free speech but unwilling to tolerate disruptive, destructive or violent behavior.

This shouldn’t even be worth mentioning, but it is.

Ever since Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake gave rioters “space” to “destroy” in 2015, many municipal leaders have taken a hands-off attitude toward destructive mobs (at least those mobs aligned with the left, which to be fair is pretty much all of them).

This has been bolstered by the criminal-justice “reform” approach of not charging or prosecuting for most crimes even people who are arrested.


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Michael Rapaport LOSES IT Over Black Liberals ABANDONING HIM Despite Support For Black Lives Matter!​



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But in a July 1 speech touting a law mandating background checks for ammunition purchases, Ms. Hochul said New Yorkers’ Second Amendment rights would be protected.

“We know this has nothing to do with lawful gun owners, nothing to do with them at all. These are people who have been convicted of felonies or other categories of people that should be prohibited from firearms and ammunition,” she said.

Mr. Edelman said that the restrictions have turned out to have much to do with law-abiding citizens.

He is a federal firearms license holder, gun dealer, and New York state and NRA firearms instructor. He said that since the Oct. 7 attacks, demands for his firearms license class have increased as the threats from protestors have overridden the political leanings of many in the Jewish community.

“I live in a very, very liberal area. A lot of those people are coming to me like, ‘What do we need to protect the house?’ These are the people who never thought they would ever need to buy a gun,” Mr. Edelman said.

Being new to firearms and the laws that apply to them, Mr. Edelman’s students are often surprised at the hoops through which they must jump simply to own a gun. The state requirements can appear daunting, and the process can take anywhere from a few months to years to complete.

As the process plays out, Jewish applicants will be left unarmed as their enemies march, Mr. Edelman said.

“There are a number of laws that are really precluding law-abiding citizens from first acquiring firearms and exercising their right to defend themselves,” Mr. Edelman said.


Mr. Donahoo pointed out that the state-required training is only the first step.

Each county and New York City has additional requirements. Failure to comply with them can put the entire process on hold.

He recounted the story of one student whose county required that all application forms downloaded from the internet be printed on both sides of the page. The student printed his forms on one side of each page and was told by county officials he could reapply again in a year.
