Jiffy Lube Live question


New Member
I'm attending the Blink 182/MCR show there on Aug. 12. I know these new rules are stupid and I'm going to be stuck in horrid conditions, but its the only place I'm able to go.

Is there a pit? The pictures of the place show a pit, but the seating chart shows three sections in the front. Which of those sections would be considered pit?

The show will probably start with opening bands at 7pm. I want to be the FIRST there no matter what. Since parking gates won't even open until about an hour or two before the show actually starts then where could I sit waiting (outside the venue parking and grounds), to be the first in line? What time should I arrive to do this?

How much would pit tickets cost?
You're talking about going out 66 on a Friday night. Where do you live? Plan on 2 hours from the 66/495 interchange to the exit off 66 to get to JLL. If the gates open at 5, then you should plan on being at the exit off 495 at no later than 2:00. Noon would be even better.


New Member
Is there such a thing as a "Pit" at a Blink 182 Concert?

Yeah there is haha. I just like to stand rather than sit, while the other idiots around me in the pit ruin the show usually.

But yes I live about 1 hour from there already. I was planning on leaving very early at probably around noon or earlier.