jillian Michael products


Well-Known Member
I didn't think she did either. Kinda "cheapens" her workout/healthy eating regimen IMO.

I agree. One of the reasons I cant stand watching the show is product placements. Do we have to see each contest open a piece of extra sugar free gum, or us glad steam bags... really come on :rolleyes:


art imitating life
I bought one of her DVDs... Kicked my butt. I mean I know I'm kinda outta shape but good god shes got a tough workout. Its full body so you will hurt all over the next day. I love that kind of pain :biggrin: :warnutz:


You're a LOON :)
I bought one of her DVDs... Kicked my butt. I mean I know I'm kinda outta shape but good god shes got a tough workout. Its full body so you will hurt all over the next day. I love that kind of pain :biggrin: :warnutz:

Which one do you have? I have 5 or 6 of them.. and they all kick my butt :lol:


art imitating life
Which one do you have? I have 5 or 6 of them.. and they all kick my butt :lol:

Hmmm I cant remember what it was called. I just know it made me hate her.. and love her at the same time!!!
It was an all over body toner and circuit training.


You're a LOON :)
Hmmm I cant remember what it was called. I just know it made me hate her.. and love her at the same time!!!
It was an all over body toner and circuit training.

The Shred? I think that is the hardest one of all from her. It's 20 minutes of pure HELL!!


I bowl overhand
Has anyone tried any of her weight loss products? They seem a little pricey, so I would like opinions before spending the money. Thanks for any help

If they were good, and they worked they wouldn't have pay HUGE money for a spokesperson to be the "face" of their product.