Jim Zorn Death watch...


No Longer the Kid
You really think they want to coach for Snyder? I suppose perhaps a ton of money might be attractive but I really think most of the good candidates have seen what has happened in the past and don't want to be castmates of the Danny/Vinny comedy hour.

I think the only way to get a coach with some caliber to his name, Vinny will have to go... Also, said coach will want his own staff...which, I think if the fans break bad enough through this year, it will happen.

#1 overall, Danny is a business man, and he will do what he thinks will put more bucks in his pocket... SO... IF Zorn goes, I believe to get a good coach in here, there will have to be mass change... And the one thing that I do not see changing anytime soon, is Synder being the owner. Sadly enough, none of us fans make enough to buy the team from him and start changing things :lol:
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Oh Danny will change, when he sees Jerry's Boys are the league leading money makers, he'll jump, scream and change the whole lackadaisical outfit.
I've never seen the Skins fan base so quiet. It's as if: Who cares? Can't change anything anyway, (flips to another game).


No Longer the Kid
Oh Danny will change, when he sees Jerry's Boys are the league leading money makers, he'll jump, scream and change the whole lackadaisical outfit.
I've never seen the Skins fan base so quiet. It's as if: Who cares? Can't change anything anyway, (flips to another game).

Actually, Jerrah's boys value is higher than the skins, the new stadium puts them at a level the Skins can't reach unless Danny builds a new stadium that is worth more.

As for the fans being quiet, your just on the wrong site bud :lmao:

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Oh Danny will change, when he sees Jerry's Boys are the league leading money makers, he'll jump, scream and change the whole lackadaisical outfit.
I've never seen the Skins fan base so quiet. It's as if: Who cares? Can't change anything anyway, (flips to another game).
Banwagons tires fell off.


Football addict
Actually, Jerrah's boys value is higher than the skins, the new stadium puts them at a level the Skins can't reach unless Danny builds a new stadium that is worth more.

As for the fans being quiet, your just on the wrong site bud :lmao:
I doubt Snyder cares that much about it.

Jerruh World makes his franchise 'worth' more. However, Snyder still makes more money than Jerruh according to Forbes.


My Sweetest Boy
Oh good..News 4 just said we didn't play the worst team in football yesterday..that comes next week. Of course when I just told this to Ott he said, WE are the worst team in football. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh good..News 4 just said we didn't play the worst team in football yesterday..that comes next week. Of course when I just told this to Ott he said, WE are the worst team in football. :lol:

Just as I suspected, the core problem. the Sisters warned us of this; no good can come of playing with yourself.