First out of the gate is none other than:
President Biden held a press conference about former President Jimmy Carter's legacy on Sunday, sharing fond memories with the late statesman while also criticizing Trump.
The correct answer to that question is "nothing". Not one single thing. Same as what Trump should take from Biden - nothing, no thing. Two disgraced one-term presidents - sure, why not emulate them...
Ask the Iranian hostages if Carter was "decent". Ask Americans who suffocated under his economic policies. Ask the Iraqi women dragged off to rape rooms by Saddam Hussein's sons while Carter was inserting himself and begging for negotiations instead of war. Ask the GHWBush Administration if they thought it was "decent" for Carter to undermine US policy by writing love letters to hostile Arab nations. Oh! Ask Bill Clinton if he thought it was decent for Carter to cuddle up to NK while undermining US policy. And you can ask the Israelis about Carter's "decency" cozying up to Hamas and declaring Israel the real terrorists.
People are dumb and only think about Carter swinging a hammer for whatever org that was, but he was actually quite active in hate-America activities post-presidency.
Terrible president. Terrible former president. Only Joe Biden surpasses Carter in ignorance and treasonous acts.
I'm prepared for the usual cast of characters to revise history and laud him as a great man, therefore I'm going to avoid them so I don't end up throwing my TV/laptop across the room in frustration.
Burn in Hell, Carter. Tell your buddy Saddam we said hi.