Joe Biden Claims That Trump Taking Hydroxychloroquine Is Just Like Injecting Clorox In Your Veins


PREMO Member
The uproar has been hilarious. Media personalities as varied as Neil Cavuto (who used to pass for sane and lucid before Trump broke him) to Joe Scarborough have all proclaimed that one of the most widely prescribed anti-virals in the world will kill you. I don’t fully understand the media hysteria over this drug. It is safe and effective against malaria and thousands of doctors are using it to treat Wuhan virus victims. It either works or it doesn’t. The fact that no one has “approved” it for use is just so much horse sh**. Doctors prescribe drugs for indications for which the drug has never been approved all the time, it is called ‘off label’ use.

Suffice it to say a lot really stupid and pig ignorant stuff has been said on the subject, but it had mostly died down until Leeeeeeeeroy Jenkins, sorry, I mean Joe Biden waded in. The forum was a Yahoo Town Hall (wtf? those actually exist? people watch them?) with celebrity chef and anti-hunger activist Jose Andres (wha…, oh, well, at least he wasn’t lolling naked in a bathtub full of Cheerios, so there is that).

Here’s the quote:

It’s like saying maybe if you inject Clorox into your blood it may cure you. C’mon, man! What is he doing? What in God’s name is he doing?


Well-Known Member
I thought this was a JOKE. Babylon Bee stuff. And people want HIM to be President.

I'm on a couple forums where participants with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis have not only been saying they've been taking it for 30 years - but also express frustration because they can't get a full prescription, currently.

I take medication for hypertension - without it, my BP goes through the roof. I can't imagine if for some reason, the left were to suddenly declare it DANGEROUS and as a consequence, hinder my access to it. I'd be furious.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
These people are so annoying and the dumb bots who latch onto this crap and REEEE!! all over the internet about it really should be locked away for their own safety.

If for no other reason, this is why I will never ever vote for another Democrat again. They lie, they play to the LCD of their supporters, then they have the freaking nerve to call their opponents dumb and dishonest. I hate them.


Well-Known Member
Hey don't besmirch the good name of LeeRoy Jenkins like that, at least he has chicken.

If someone died of injecting Clorox into their veins now can we blame Joe?


Well-Known Member
I'm on a couple forums where participants with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis have not only been saying they've been taking it for 30 years - but also express frustration because they can't get a full prescription, currently.
I was on hydroxychloroquine (Plaqenil) for about 15 years before my doc switch me to a different med. I never had an issue when I was taking it and a couple of times when they were trying to have me taken off the med, I would have severe flare ups that would land me in the ER, so I couldn't imagine not being able to access that when I clearly needed it to maintain my condition.
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