Well-Known Member
POS can't stroke out soon enough but when he does I hope it hurts for 10 years.
He means the rich and the Koch brothers.I've seen clips and the one where he frets about the rich and powerful having undue influence in government.....just days after he gave George Soros a medal....
Wilson was a real piece of work. Besides being incapacitated during the last year and a half of his tenure - he was openly and brazenly racist. He squeaked into office in a three way between him, Taft and Teddy Roosevelt, and managed to eke out a win in 2016 based on ONE SINGLE PROMISE - to keep us out of the war in Europe. ONE MONTH after his second inauguration - we were at war.You know, thinking back, we used the Wilson Bridge very frequently and my dad would always mutter something under his breath about "that bastard". Being a kid, I never understood.
It surprises me that the bridge hasn't been renamed yet.speaking of his racism..... ahem..... remember that PeeGeee County political hack that wanted the plaque honoring WW ON THE BRIDGE, to be removed or facing Virginia?