Joe Biden's Son Kicked Out of the Navy For Doing Coke


Lawful neutral

Hunter Biden, the son of Vice President Biden, was discharged from the Navy Reserve this year after testing positive for cocaine, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The paper reports that after joining the Navy as an ensign in 2013, he reported for duty in Norfolk, Va. He was drug tested in June 2013 and the test was positive for cocaine, according to the paper’s sources.

Hunter Biden was as discharged in February of this year.


Funny, this all happened in 2013 with his discharge happening in Feb of 2014 with no mention at all. Flashback to the Bush daughters drinking a beer and it was on every website and news cast.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
One thing about the Golden Flow - it is indiscriminate. Every drill weekend for the 21 years I was a reservist, the CMC drew two numbers out of the hat, and EVERYBODY whose SSN ended in those two numbers was escorted to the head, E-1 through O-10. At least they were consistent for everybody. Often you were lucky and had to do it two or three months in a row.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
You can't blame the dad for what a grown child does. VP gets a pass here.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

I was going to say, his dad acts like he did too many drugs in the '60s.

I guess the adult family that parties together and covers up is interesting that it took about 7-8 months for this to become public. Go figure, eh?

Apparently, Biden was given special waivers to enter the officer program - he was seven years past the age cutoff, and had to have a prior drug infraction waived by the board as well:

Mr. Biden, 44 years old, decided to pursue military service relatively late, beginning the direct-commission process to become a public-affairs officer in the Navy Reserve in 2012. Because of his age—43 when he was to be commissioned—he needed a waiver to join the Navy. He received a second Navy waiver because of a drug-related incident when he was a young man, according to people familiar with the matter. Military officials say such drug waivers aren’t uncommon.

But they sure are not common as well.

Nah - his dad as VP had absolutely no sway over the officers board decision to let him in in the first place.