Joe Fargis Clinic @


Ahhhh Florida!
It's only a what hour drive???? :lmao: We have an extra bedroom for you and the kiddos.

Guess I'll have to let you know when the clinics are coming to your neck of the woods? :whistle:

I can get there in about 10 .5 hours if I go 90-100 the entire way! That is without kids. :)


New Member
it was great!! lovely weather haha

he focused on straightness and precision in transitions. set up some poles like this on center line:
_ _ _
_ _ _

that they had to do transitions in between at certain points depending on the group level.
the lowest did walk/halt up to i think just canter departs, calling out if they were on the correct diagonal or lead without looking down at it. the middle level were doing 3 simple changes and then a flying changes in the straightaway. the last group was just 2 riders, they didn't use it, but had to stay straight just on the rail with simple changes, flying changes.
the last group also did an interesting collection excersise with just two trot poles set normal distance apart - at walk, get each front feet to land in between the poles once, then collect so that the horse puts an extra step. at trot - trot normal, and then collected so that horse puts in an extra step.

he set up a 4 jump gymnastics, two strides in between the jumps. built up from the first fence, then he made a big poing of winding down - backing it off to 3 fences, then 3 fences, then 1 fence, then just the trot poles in front.
the final group did a one stride to bounce to one stride i believe.

about half of each session was on the flat.

there were a couple of ...interesting...horses. and one really fabulous hanovarian in the final group.

and we got in for Free!! no one ever told us to pay...