John Bolton's book


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You Either DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD, or GTFO ...
You are not there to argue or inhibit the Presidents Policy Choices

That's the problem with so many of these DC swamp creatures - they have an inflated sense of their own importance. They think they run the show and have little regard for anyone else, including the President.


See, and how I see it is that Bolton doesn't have to be under oath to write a book. They keep going, "Well why didn't he testify during the impeachment hearings?" And the reason is because he wouldn't tell these stories under penalty of perjury.

I think that was my point. And, that's it's about money.


PREMO Member
However You Slice It, John Bolton Undercuts His Credibility By Exploiting A Deeply Serious Allegation To Sell Books

Bolton accuses Trump of okaying Chinese President Xi’s construction of concentration camps during a G-20 dinner last June, and “pleading with Xi” to seal his reelection.

The severity of Bolton’s allegation is his own worst defense. There is only one reason he didn’t go public with it until now, and that’s to boost the book, and increase profits. It’s an outrageous scandal, not nearly as outrageous as Trump’s alleged comments, but outrageous enough that it raises immense questions about Bolton’s character.

The book is reportedly based on Bolton’s extensive personal notes from his time in the Trump White House. Here’s the relevant excerpt of his piece in the Wall Street Journal (emphasis added):

Trump then, stunningly, turned the conversation to the coming U.S. presidential election, alluding to China’s economic capability and pleading with Xi to ensure he’d win. He stressed the importance of farmers and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome. I would print Trump’s exact words, but the government’s prepublication review process has decided otherwise.
At the opening dinner of the Osaka G-20 meeting in June 2019, with only interpreters present, Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. According to our interpreter, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do. The National Security Council’s top Asia staffer, Matthew Pottinger, told me that Trump said something very similar during his November 2017 trip to China.
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Bolton’s story is accurate. He certainly believes it to be true. The allegation that a sitting president okayed concentration camps and asked the leader of an enemy country to ensure his reelection is not information you keep private until launching a book. It is obviously so severe it warrants immediate action, and is of great news value to the public. We deserve to know if our president is lending his approval to Chinese concentration camps.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Two comments.

1. Re: executing journalists. I guess hyperbole is now allowed only for those the MSM likes.

2. Re: Vindman. The Army selected him for promotion to Colonel (O-6). Three sub-comments:

(1) Would have loved to see the board's instructions and the comments from his file review.

(2) I am, of course, disappointed. But once the Army didn't deal with him administratively (or otherwise), his selection was virtually a slam dunk.

(3) And now the Dems and the MSM are firing preemptive shots at Trump by ginning up a story that Trump will refuse to confirm the promotion. They could be correct, but at this point, this is table setting by them (or shaping the battle space, if we want to stick with a martial flavor).

--- End of line (MCP)


Well-Known Member
2. Re: Vindman. The Army selected him for promotion to Colonel (O-6).
Good grief, kinda hard to believe his promotion package was left for the board to review. What kind of PC admin pukes reviewed his package?
Army of one, Team Army or Army strong could have survived without this guys help. Guess we’ll have to wait and see if he gets a pinning date.


Well if history shows us anything, it shows that suppressing the press has always turned out to be a good thing, right?

Well, I would tend to agree with the spirit of your post, except for two things.

Firstly, and most importantly, Trump has done exactly dick to suppress the press. He runs his mouth and taunts reporters and generally trolls the bejezus out of them, and is one of the biggest blow-hards that ever existed - but unless I'm missing something (And I seriously doubt the media would allow me to miss it), Trump hasn't done anything that makes me think he would suppress the press.

So, that's one thing. Now, picking up from where I said that Trump is a yuge blowhard - is it so much of a stretch to think that maybe, just maybe, his saying something like that follows the over-the-top rhetoric that he's famous for? Been famous for, since the 1980's? It's just more bloviating from someone who is a known bloviator. I take everything that comes out of his mouth with a grain of salt. I always have. Like when he overstated the crowd at his inauguration. I rolled my eyes in light amusement - meanwhile, people's heads were turning red and inflating like a balloon ready to pop, and the press was running around like Benny Hill having a shit hemorrhage. Like they're completely unfamiliar with "The Donald" and this crap he spews. That he's always spewed.

Also - People talk about killing Trump ALL THE TIME. I'm absolutely amazed (and pleasantly surprised) that no one's take a shot at him. I'm not going to hold it against him if he makes an off-the-cuff remark like that. I tell my kids all the time that I'm gonna kill them. I think it goes without saying that I never would. I doubt Trump said it with levity and a good-natured tone like I do - but who cares?

We've definitely looked back at historical figures who have executed journalists and said "this guy gets it".

If you show me ONE journalist that Trump has executed - or attempted to execute - I will shut the **** up immediately and will cede every argument on the subject in perpetuity.

And I'm using the work "journalist" - very, very generously - although I get the feeling that you're not. The media and damn near everyone in it has Soros's jizz on their face drying into a fine-cracked glaze, and I wouldn't trust a single god-damned one of the sons of bitches as far as I can pitch a moose.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Bolton’s story is accurate. He certainly believes it to be true.

See, I don't think he does. If he thought his story was true, he'd have testified in the impeachment hearings.

Because he waited until he could write a slam book, make bank, and not be held accountable for anything in it, I have no choice but to believe that he's flat out lying.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And I'm using the work "journalist" - very, very generously - although I get the feeling that you're not. The media and damn near everyone in it has Soros's jizz on their face drying into a fine-cracked glaze, and I wouldn't trust a single god-damned one of the sons of bitches as far as I can pitch a moose.

Such a wordsmith. :hot:


PREMO Member
Firstly, and most importantly, Trump has done exactly dick to suppress the press. He runs his mouth and taunts reporters and generally trolls the bejezus out of them, and is one of the biggest blow-hards that ever existed - but unless I'm missing something (And I seriously doubt the media would allow me to miss it), Trump hasn't done anything that makes me think he would suppress the press.

He kicked that cu n t Acosta off the White House Grounds until the Judiciary said he had a right to be there

I don't care .. the White House should be able to issue or NOT issue Press Credentials to whom ever they want
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He kicked that cu n t Acosta off the White House Grounds until the Judiciary said he had a right to be there

That wasn't suppression of the press, IMO. That was removing a single troublemaker who was deliberately being extremely disruptive and inappropriate.

I don't care .. the White House should be able to issue or NOT issue Press Credentials to whom ever they want



PREMO Member
That wasn't suppression of the press, IMO. That was removing a single troublemaker who was deliberately being extremely disruptive and inappropriate.

I agree 110 % ..... ' the press ' calls it suppression

some days I would put his head on a pike as a warning to others to STFU ...


PREMO Member
Grenell Hammers Bolton For ‘Situation’ He Allegedly Caused While ‘Pursuing His Own’ Agenda

“I have to say, everyone should be troubled by someone who was unwilling to testify under oath but then is willing to speak under a book deal, and to me this is exactly what’s happening,” Grenell continued. “They saved salacious stories in order to sell books. There’s no other explanation for this because clearly this is not the President Trump that we know, and we had all sorts of signs that John Bolton was going to go his own way anyway.”

Grenell then highlighted policy problems that the administration allegedly had with Bolton, saying, “To want to start a war with Iran when you’re the national security adviser for the president who ran on bringing our troops home, who ran on trying to stop endless wars, and to talk to the North Koreans instead of picking fights, this is yet another contradiction for Bolton.”

“He didn’t want to talk to the North Koreans, he is somebody who would rather pick the fights and push the policy in a very direct way,” Grenell continued. “That wasn’t President Trump, he wanted to make sure that we weren’t going to go into wars.”
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PREMO Member
AG Barr: If Bolton Doesn’t Complete Review Process For Book, He ‘Forfeits’ Its Proceeds To Government

“I don’t think it’s too late, because what we’re asking is for him to complete the process before the book is published, complete the process of taking out classified material,” Barr responded. “And, in our view, there remains – there remains very highly classified material in the book still. And we would like him to address that. And so, under the law, we are bringing a civil action to enforce his agreement that he would do that before publishing.”

“The process is run through the National Security Council, called pre-publication review, for any book,” Barr later added. “And as that wasn’t completed, the National Security Council contacted us. So, that’s initially how the DOJ got involved.”

Barr noted that there would potentially be consequences for Bolton if he did not complete the review process to remove the classified material from the book.


Well-Known Member
That wasn't suppression of the press, IMO. That was removing a single troublemaker who was deliberately being extremely disruptive and inappropriate.

Accuse-ta and the current @PressSec seem to have a symbiotic relationship. He likes getting slapped around in public, and she doesn't mind doing it.
