John Durham


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"Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says he's given John Durham, investigating the Justice Department actions in its Russia collusion probe, a trove of documents that he thinks support charges beyond those recently filed against cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussman."



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The day is coming....



Well-Known Member
Although I have some hope that Durham might actually get something done , I cannot build any enthusiasm for it.
No doubt because nothing has been done so far.
Blockbusters turn out to be duds that don't even raise the dust.


Well-Known Member

One by one...



Well-Known Member
💯" Trump had to set the stage for these political crime families to be taken down. He never could’ve accomplished it his first 4 years in office. The MSM would’ve labeled him a dictator using authoritarian powers to go after political rivals.

So what did he do? He used himself as bait. Understanding that they knew he had all the information needed to destroy them he laid numerous traps. He knew they would investigate taxes, family, foundations, communications, his own attorney even.

Every time they thought they had him trapped somewhere, he was setting a precedent. What he masterfully did was allow the world to see “If they can investigate Trump, why can’t Patriots investigate them?”. The optics were brilliant.

Trump has told us all already that he caught the swamp. He just had to clear himself of ANY wrongdoing in the public eye first. Taking down the swamp was never going to be a few months or few years. It’s called the Deep State for a reason. It’s deep.

Trust in the rule of law, trust in Trumps strategy of “what’s good for them, is good for us”. The boomerang has already been thrown out and it’s now on its way back in while they aren’t paying attention."

He already told us the ending 👍

He also told us we are going to be soooooo happy.
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Sharing this

"James Baker reportedly 'resigned' from the FBI on On May 4, 2018 but Anons amazingly knew he was acutally fired days earlier on April 27th.

Better yet, Anons have also known that he's been cooperating with Durham since as early as Sept 11, 2018. That he's now been publicly identified as someone who will testify against Sussman both illustrates that we were, in opposition to the fake news media that claimed otherwise, correct all along about him terminated against his will.

Now, were I one of the dirtbags involved in #SpyGate I'd be super worried right about now that the former/disgraced General Counsel for the FBI, a guy who having plotted with me & possesses intimate knowledge of the treasonous operation to target and remove #Trump, has been cooperating with John Durham....and for a few years at that.

But I suspect they've been aware of as much for some time."



Well-Known Member
Although I have some hope that Durham might actually get something done , I cannot build any enthusiasm for it.
No doubt because nothing has been done so far.
Blockbusters turn out to be duds that don't even raise the dust.

It takes time..this is heavy duty stuff. I understand you wanting things done yesterday but we don't always get what we want. You are a lot older than me, I shouldn't have to tell you this stuff. Anyway, please do not croak because I want you to see how all of this ends. 👍

I think you will be happy.


Well-Known Member
It takes time..this is heavy duty stuff. I understand you wanting things done yesterday but we don't always get what we want. You are a lot older than me, I shouldn't have to tell you this stuff. Anyway, please do not croak because I want you to see how all of this ends. 👍

I think you will be happy.
I am old enough to have seen a lot of duds.
But powerful politicians seldom fail unless the other politicians want them to.


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"Federal authorities arrested Igor "Iggy" Danchenko, a Russian national who was the primary researcher for the so-called Steele Dossier - a compendium of opposition research funded by the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and used to smear Donald Trump as a Russian operative. It was also used as justification for an FBI wiretap application targeting former Trump adviser Carter Page."



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General Flynn

"A long but necessary read…and pay attention to the latest actions in the Durham investigation.

As we’ve known all along, the entire “Russia-Gate” collusion was one big set up. Democratic operatives were actually colluding with Russia…Look at what they did to me, my entire family and our country. We have all known or certainly felt it, but now Durham has confirmed it. By their grotesque abuse of the law, the DEMs changed the course of history by their egregious actions and lies. Forcing me out of the NSA position was job #1 for them because they knew I would stop this dead in its tracks. The DEMs and their thug henchmen on the left tried to destroy the country over the past four years. And even now they’re trying to get away with stealing the nation. They won’t, and may all these evil bastards rot in hell."