John Kerry = Fascist Whiner


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

John Kerry has filed a complaint with the FEC, charging that George Bush broke the law by airing the SV commercials. #1, Bush has nothing to do with it. #2, where's all that love of free speech you've been talking about, John.

The Democrats are done. Effing hypocritical bawlbabies. :rolleyes: Whoever is running John Kerry's campaign and thought up this bright idea should be fired immediately. If these are the incompentent nincompoops that Kerry picks for campaign advisors, what might his Presidential cabinet look like???


Sorry about that chief.
I guess that means if the right can show swift boat commercials the left can show move on commercials, let their minions sling the mud for them. Now if we can just stop the VP and cabinet from slinging mud we'll have a clean campaign.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

AND the Kerry kids are trying to get "Unfit For Command" banned and pulled from circulation. IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA they want to ban a book that's critical of their hero!!!!!!!

Democrats piss and moan about how the RNC won't allow protesters at their rallies - WHILE THEY'RE TRYING TO GET A BOOK BANNED!!!!!!!



Sorry about that chief.
Boy I'm sure glad nobody tried to ban bare b**bies at halftime shows, right wing kooks don't burn books, and people don't boycott the dixie chicks!

If, in fact the main premise of the book is false they should do the American thing, SUE!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I guess that means if the right can show swift boat commercials the left can show move on commercials, let their minions sling the mud for them.
:durhard: Where have you been? Ever hear of How about "Farenheit 911"?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Boy I'm sure glad nobody tried to ban bare b**bies at halftime shows, right wing kooks don't burn books, and people don't boycott the dixie chicks!
Oh look - JLab is doing his Chris Matthews impression.

None of those things you mentioned are even remotely the same as YOUR CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT banning books and commercials critical of him. Last time I looked, this was the United States of America, not China or Iran. :rolleyes:

You thought it was so horrible that free citizens exercised their right to NOT LISTEN to Dixie Chick CDs. Yet you think it's A-OK for YOUR PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE to start banning everything that opposes him. Again, un-effing-believable.


Sorry about that chief.
I never said it was OK for Kerry to ask for the ban. Putting words into my mouth again. I said, if it is wrong, sue them.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by jlabsher
I guess that means if the right can show swift boat commercials the left can show move on commercials, let their minions sling the mud for them. Now if we can just stop the VP and cabinet from slinging mud we'll have a clean campaign.

I seem to remember comparing Dubya to Hitler, and F911 spouting BS long before the swifties arrived on the scene. Hmmmmm, it's really strange that a group of Vietnam vets would be a little pissed about one of their own accusing them of atrocities before Congress. Gee, a group of guys exercising their rights in saying what they think has the libs with their panties all knotted whereas its fine for the libs to sing hosannas of Soros and Mooron?? The weenie lib on Hannity last night deflected every question when it came to the swifties rights, didn't answer a one of em. What about PAC rules, which the libs are spouting, saying the swifties are a front for Bush?? Harold Ickes is a DNC official, yet he is listed as an advisor for one of George Soros' PACs. Its one thing to accuse collusion between the RNC and the swifties, quite another when it is ILLEGAL for a DNC official to be asscociated with a PAC. But, Im sure you will just deflect that with an hysterical "its not fair, its not fair":tantrum, and completely ignore your own dirty laundry.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
:durhard: That's what I meant, there sure was a lot of complaining on here about F911 & even mention of banning it, hmmm. Now the screw has turned.
And there you go again. Somehow you've worked it out in your mind that FREE CITIZENS saying that the lies and spin in F911 aren't right is completely equal to A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE filing complaints and banning books.

Did George Bush try to get and F911 BANNED? NO.

Is John Kerry trying to silence HIS critics? YES.

You just can't admit that YOUR PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE is a lying, fascist dirtbag.


Sorry about that chief.
Last I checked it was legal to have an opinion but illegal to make a false statment and claim it was true. We call that slander in this country. Comparing dumbya to Hitler is an opinion, if F911 was slander the right should have sued, they didn't. If the swifties are false the left should sue.


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
And there you go again. Somehow you've worked it out in your mind that FREE CITIZENS saying that the lies and spin in F911 aren't right is completely equal to A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE filing complaints and banning books.

Did George Bush try to get and F911 BANNED? NO.

Is John Kerry trying to silence HIS critics? YES.

You just can't admit that YOUR PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE is a lying, fascist dirtbag.

and yours is pious? Smoke another one Vrai!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I never said it was OK for Kerry to ask for the ban.
Then let me see it in writing. Say that John Kerry is a book banning fascist and would make a wonderful dictator in some third-world #### hole.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
If the swifties are false the left should sue.
If the SVs are lying, John Kerry could clear his name by authorizing the release of his military record, including medical.

Why do you suppose he won't do it?


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
He's a hell of a lot better than YOUR little book burning, censoring fascist.
:cool: Vrai, I am really beginning to think that this whole Kerry nomination, the credibility problems he's having, etc., was hatched several months ago by friends of Bill and Hillary.

It's destined to self-destruct, on purpose.

If Kerry/Edwards were to win, Hillary would have no chioce but to sit with clenched teeth in her senate office wondering what if?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
Vrai, I am really beginning to think that this whole Kerry nomination, the credibility problems he's having, etc., was hatched several months ago by friends of Bill and Hillary.
It HAS to be. No serious candidate for President acts as stupid as John Kerry. No wife of a candidate acts as stupid as Terayza - "Tree more munts, tree more munts...". No campaign advisor in the WORLD would let their guy file a complaint with the FEC because of a few disparaging ads. No candidate's PAC would EVER make a serious attempt at banning a book.

The whole thing has just been ridiculous. I never in a million years thought any Democratic candidate could out-do Al Gore. So congrats to Kerry - he's the #1 idiot Presidential candidate of all time.