John Kerry = Fascist Whiner



Politics has always been a challenge to the opponent, but the challenge has gotten uglier with each presidential campaign that I have witnessed since I started voting in the early 60's. I have never seen the vitriol that is used in this campaign. I am ashamed that it has come to this type of battle. It seems that politics is no longer a noble profession.


Dancing Up A Storm
grandpa said:
It seems that politics is no longer a noble profession.
:yeahthat: And there is one of the main points about the whole matter:

Many people are fed up with what they see and hear about these senators and congressmen/women.

Many will argue the point: "How do you think these people got elected?" And,

"Everyone of them had to step on somebody's toes, to get where they are; had to kiss someone's behind as well."

"They are getting sleazy, just like lawyers." (many of them are, maybe that's the trouble)


Dancing Up A Storm
North to Kerry: Fess up Flip-Flopper

Oliver North's Open Letter to John Kerry

Bring it on, John
Oliver North (archive)

August 27, 2004

"Of course, the president keeps telling people he would never question my service to our country. Instead, he watches as a Republican-funded attack group does just that. Well, if he wants to have a debate about our service in Vietnam, here is my answer: 'Bring it on.'" -- Sen. John Kerry


Dancing Up A Storm
Did Kerry Really Volunteer Duty In Viet Nam?

Kerry's Deepening Quagmire - The Latest

"Fortunately, President Bush can account for his service. He wanted to fly fighter jets, he earned his wings, and he logged many air defense hours in an F-102 Delta Dagger with the 147th Fighter Group and its subordinate 111th FIS, Texas ANG. Mr. Bush's unit was subject to rotation in Vietnam under the Palace Alert Program. In fact, 15 F-102 pilots were killed in Vietnam, but American involvement in that conflict was de-escalating by 1972, and Bush was honorably discharged from his service with the ANG.

Of course, as noted in The Patriot many times before, George Bush's most distinguished military service has been in his role as Commander-in-Chief since the 9/11 attack on our nation -- one of the most difficult and challenging periods for any president since World War II. "

"Implicit in Kerry's warning, however, is the notion that he, himself, volunteered for service in Vietnam. Remember Bill Clinton's repetitive "Send me" paean at the Demo Convention? Try again. Kerry's anti-military sentiments were well known when he was a student at Yale. After graduating, Kerry petitioned his draft board for a student deferment so he could study in -- where else? -- Paris. His deferment denied, Kerry then calculated that he could avoid Vietnam by joining the Naval Reserves, where he'd likely be able to serve stateside even if his unit was activated. Kerry's service record indicates that on 18 February 1966 he enlisted in the USNR under "inactive" status. This puts the lie to any assertion that Kerry "volunteered" for dangerous swift boat duty while George W. Bush somehow slunk off to fly fighter-jets."
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Flying the F-102

The F-102 was not a forgiving aircraft, that's why it wasn't a high production aircraft and didn't stay in the active inventory for a longer period. It's usability in most situations requiring high speed manuverability were not that good. It was good for a fast intercept and destroy only. Pilots that had to drive them into tactical situations had to be very agile and fast thinkers.
Flying the F-102 in the "Guard" was not as "coushy" a job as it is made out to be.


Nothing to see here
Turd Ferguson said:
Gee, you think the liberal media will hound him until he commits suicide?


In 1996, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda committed suicide after he was accused of wearing medals he hadn't earned.

At the time, Kerry told the Boston Herald that the error was "sufficient to question his leadership position."

"If you wind up being less than what you're pretending to be, there is a major confrontation with value, self-esteem and your sense of how others view you," Kerry told the Boston Globe.

****Just noticed Hessian has this quote in another thread...ooops*****
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Dancing Up A Storm
otter said:

In 1996, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda committed suicide after he was accused of wearing medals he hadn't earned.

At the time, Kerry told the Boston Herald that the error was "sufficient to question his leadership position."

"If you wind up being less than what you're pretending to be, there is a major confrontation with value, self-esteem and your sense of how others view you," Kerry told the Boston Globe.

So, is he saying in effect, he admits that he, John F. Kerry is unqualified to be in a position of leadership, ie., Commander-in-Chief of these United States, since he lays claim to wearing a "V" cluster to his Silver Star?

No, no, of course not; It's simply(flip) a matter of the Navy's(flop) practice in the manner(flip) that the medals (flop) are awarded.


Dancing Up A Storm
otter said:
:yay: Otter, I've been noticing similar articles in the media like this one, and Ive come to the conclusion - and I stated it in another thread - I think
it's almost as if this scenario had been pre-ordained; there is, or has been a program in effect, that was put in motion months ago, and John Kerry is following it true to form, whether he realises it or not.

Somebody is pulling the strings in this campaign, and it's not John Kerry.