vraiblonde said:
Kerry touted his OWN service record in order to convince the voting public that, as a big war hero, he was more qualified to lead us in the War on Tara than Bush. Bush didn't make a big deal out of his NatGuard service - he didn't have a distinguished military career and he knows it. Never tried to pretend otherwise and even went out of his way to praise Kerry's service.
Bush has no past that we're not aware of. We know he used to be a drunk - he said so himself. We know that he had a DWI back in the day - he admitted it. We know he was a stinker rapscallion ne'er-do-well until he got religion and got sober.
Kerry, on the other hand, is trying to polish a turd.
This is totally correct. Let's examine our recollections for a moment:
J. F. Kerry is the one who came out on the Democratic National Convention podium and told us "Here I am America, reporting for duty", giving us a dumbassed (if-I-ever-saw-one) looking salute.
Right then and there, he made it a "who's qualified to be president more, him or me?" type issue.
The stories about the President's drinking habits in his youth were first raised in the 2000 elections - OLD NEWS!
Kerry's the one who had a dozen or so ex-Swift Boat (supposed comrades) travelling around with him.
Did GW play that game? Nope. Did he once boast about his tenure of service in the Guards? Nope. Nothing to boast about, except that he did qualify in the F-102 jet fighter, by all accounts. So he didn't go to war; I believe I read he wasn't chosen because of his youth, and inexperience, not qualified enough for combat operations. Again, nothing to brag about.
I believe I did see GW on national television, replying to the ads against Kerry about his Vietnam service, and GW giving praise to Kerry for his efforts.
I don't believe I saw Kerry returning the favor, huh?
Kerry, I think, is still in shock over losing the election, even though it happened 4 months ago, he's still not recovered from it.