Jon & Kate Plus 8


Men and women both do that when they get a divorce. Face it you have been comfortable all that time w/ someone else and maybe not cared to much... but now that you are back on the market you gotta look good.

He is just doing it now. She has been doing it all along w/ the tanning, tummy tuck, boob job, expensive clothing. If I were him since she has the book deals etc.. I would take her ass to cleaners for every penny I could!

Gee, that's nice. Nevermind the fact that she's the mother of his 8 kids. Would you suggest a woman do the same thing? Neither parent should ever go after the other for everything they have.


Well-Known Member
Gee, that's nice. Nevermind the fact that she's the mother of his 8 kids. Would you suggest a woman do the same thing? Neither parent should ever go after the other for everything they have.

I'd do it to Big B in a heart beat and he knows it :evil:


Happy Camper!
I don' think he does, she does. She enjoys the spotlight and the money. I'm sure he enjoys the money, but I think he doesn't like the spotlight. And I'm sure even more so now that they are splitting up. She's a greedy B!!!

Despite what he says on tv he seems to enjoy the freebies just as much as she does. I don't see him running out getting a full time job to help support his new place - why does he even need to buy a new place in NY, he's already got the bachelor pad in Utah:ohwell:

Sweet 16

Despite what he says on tv he seems to enjoy the freebies just as much as she does. I don't see him running out getting a full time job to help support his new place - why does he even need to buy a new place in NY, he's already got the bachelor pad in Utah:ohwell:

He mentioned getting a job on the show Monday. He obviously loves his kids and loves being their dad, but I don't think he likes the role of Mr. Mom that Kate kind of forced him into. It was she who wrote the books and relentlessly goes on tour to promote them so he had no choice but to quit working and stay home with the kids -- unlike Kate who has 'helpers' (DON'T call them nannies!) on call 24/7.


The TV people who came up with the idea, hunted these 2 down and put them in Tv ruining their lives should be flogged.


He mentioned getting a job on the show Monday. He obviously loves his kids and loves being their dad, but I don't think he likes the role of Mr. Mom that Kate kind of forced him into. It was she who wrote the books and relentlessly goes on tour to promote them so he had no choice but to quit working and stay home with the kids -- unlike Kate who has 'helpers' (DON'T call them nannies!) on call 24/7.

Why doesn't he use the "helpers"? I don't get that. Also, good for her for writing a book. Women do it all the time and so do men. No one thinks they're bad parents and their spouses don't whine and cry that the other person is in control :blahblah:


New Member
I like Kate. She has to be bossy because he is an immature jerk. She holds it all together. They do play with messy things like paint, she just chooses to take it out side. 8 kids, I would want the mess outside too!!!


Happy Camper!
It was she who wrote the books and relentlessly goes on tour to promote them so he had no choice but to quit working and stay home with the kids -- unlike Kate who has 'helpers' (DON'T call them nannies!) on call 24/7.

No it was their friend Beth that wrote the book that Kate went on tour to promote.


I like Kate. She has to be bossy because he is an immature jerk. She holds it all together. They do play with messy things like paint, she just chooses to take it out side. 8 kids, I would want the mess outside too!!!
