Josh Earnest: Let's stop using the word “radical Islam”


I bowl overhand
Not no, but hell no. Why should we remove the Pledge to our Country's flag for a religion. Apples and oranges. It doesn't compute. And I already know what you're thinking. "one nation under God." Sorry, this country was founded by people that believe in God, not Allah.

We say, "One Nation under God" we don't specify whose or which God.. the words can apply to any and all religions. The only ones that should bitch are the socialist/liberals hiding behind the guise of being an atheist.


We say, "One Nation under God" we don't specify whose or which God.. the words can apply to any and all religions. The only ones that should bitch are the socialist/liberals hiding behind the guise of being an atheist.
No we don't, but they will want it changed to Allah.


Really? Which christian religion do you follow that welcomes individualism and choice?

I'm not a follower of any religion. Agnostic for the most part. I'm a scientist.
The Christian religion does not espouse the 'become a believer or we will kill or enslave you' mantra. It allows that people have the free choice to accept the Christian beliefs and cannot be forced to do so.
I'm not a follower of any religion. Agnostic for the most part. I'm a scientist.
The Christian religion does not espouse the 'become a believer or we will kill or enslave you' mantra. It allows that people have the free choice to accept the Christian beliefs and cannot be forced to do so.

No. Not any more. But Christianity certainly does not welcome or promote choice or individuality. Christian religions have strict rules, and some practice "shunning" and excommunication if church members fail to follow the rules as with the LDS, FLDS, Anabaptists, and Jehovah's Witnesses.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
No. Not any more. But Christianity certainly does not welcome or promote choice or individuality. Christian religions have strict rules, and some practice "shunning" and excommunication if church members fail to follow the rules as with the LDS, FLDS, Anabaptists, and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Yeah..its changed a lot recently. I took this picture in the vestibule just last Sunday, in fact.


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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I knew you attended 'Our Lady of Perpetual Overkill' for a reason.

Yeah. For some reason I really connected with their message: "Peace Through Strength". I think they may also be where the famous "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out" prayer came from. Note 100% sure on that though...


Active Member
The KKK considers itself a christian organization even though most christians likely disagree with their interpretation of the bible and their agenda. Should we start referring to the KKK as part of radical christianity, or a terrorist hate group?

And I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that just about every other christian "organization" condemns the KKK; but I don't feel like the same can be said for muslim "organizations".
And I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that just about every other christian "organization" condemns the KKK; but I don't feel like the same can be said for muslim "organizations".

There are 1.6B Muslims in the world (23% of the population). Is it your feeling that most Muslims support these terrorists who claim islam?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There are 1.6B Muslims in the world (23% of the population). Is it your feeling that most Muslims support these terrorists who claim islam?

Great question.

Let's say Charlie Hebdo did a cartoon of Christ making out with the Charlie Hebdo character, with a long running history of cartoons mocking Christ, and two Christian brothers who'd been to the middle East and seen how Christians have been persecuted this last decade or so, run out of Iraq, run out of Syria, Egypt, some murdered, all of that, and they just had had enough and decided to attack the magazine, I would say that a GREAT many of the world's Christians would, however privately, at the very least, feel some sort of 'they had it coming' emotions. I would feel at least a little sense of support that, for once, a Christian had had enough. I would never support it nor condone it. I would call it what it is, murder. I would agree with anyone who said it was wrong and way out of bounds but, I'd have some sympathy for it.

And, when Christian leaders hunted them down, tried, convicted and executed them, I'd support that as proper and just punishment for murdering cartoonists. And that is the difference. American's, Christians, can take it, can dish it out and not lead to violence any more. However, 2-3, 4 generations ago, it would not have been tolerated. Larry Flynt was shot by someone who'd had enough of him. I understood why abortion clinic bombers did what they did. I am sympathetic to the argument that it is saving babies lives. But, I would also agree with them being punished.

In the West, in Christianity, we have walked a LONG road of reformation, of bigotry, of intolerance but, the simple fact of the matter is that we have progressed, yes, progressed to being able to object but, to do so civilly by and large.

Islam, on the other hand, has not had any reformation and, far from any sort of liberalization and progressive growth of tolerance and moderation of how seriously and literally to take their faith, are still fighting the same Sunni/Shia battles of, what, the last 1400 years? Without any change? This is the issue with the faith; it's fundamentalism. Many of it hold very tight to it, fundamentally. There are no modern equivalents to the Jew and the Christian who are very, their level of devoutness.

So, if I can argue, and you'd accept that a GREAT many Christians, as liberal and tolerant as it has become, would still, on some level, be sympathetic to the death of a rather severe blasphemer, then, I think it easy to argue that most Muslims would, at the very least, agree they had it coming. To be sure, there isn't going to be any Muslims arresting and trying and convicting and executing these two had this been a Muslim land because it would never have been allowed in the first place whereas Christians lands permit a lot of offensive media. :shrug:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I was trying to find when the last time Christians stoned a woman to death for marital infidelity. Or cut someone's hand off for stealing. Or hanged anyone caught preaching another religion. Guess it's been a while; Google didn't turn up anything. Note even by the Amish.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was trying to find when the last time Christians stoned a woman to death for marital infidelity. Or cut someone's hand off for stealing. Or hanged anyone caught preaching another religion. Guess it's been a while; Google didn't turn up anything. Note even by the Amish.

Even if the last time was some suspected witch in Salem 400 years ago, my point still stands; Islams issue is it's fundamentalism, that it is rooted and has great fealty to, if not in all actions then certainly in general public sympathy, to 1400 years ago.

I mean, look at us. Last botched execution, many of us were calling for firing squads, hangings, wondering what the rules were for guillotines (last use was France, incidentally, what, in the late 1960's, early 70's?). We got some old testament urges and impulses in us even though we LONG ago set aside crusade era fundamentalism and favor of reformation, liberalization and progress.


PREMO Member
“...But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness. In a moment the fruits of patient toil, the prospects of material prosperity, the fear of death itself, are flung aside. The more emotional Pathans are powerless to resist. All rational considerations are forgotten. Seizing their weapons, they become Ghazis—as dangerous and as sensible as mad dogs: fit only to be treated as such. While the more generous spirits among the tribesmen become convulsed in an ecstasy of religious bloodthirstiness, poorer and more material souls derive additional impulses from the influence of others, the hopes of plunder and the joy of fighting. Thus whole nations are roused to arms. Thus the Turks repel their enemies, the Arabs of the Soudan break the British squares, and the rising on the Indian frontier spreads far and wide. In each case civilisation is confronted with militant Mahommedanism. The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace.”

― Winston S. Churchill, The Story of the Malakand Field Force