JPC why would people vote for you?


New Member
I just find it so damn hypocritical that he preaches the way things should be and he won't even follow the rules we already have. What the hell is he going to do try to pass legislation until it doesn't suit his purpose anymore and then break them????

Part of being a political figure is respecting the laws that are set down by the many figures that were before you. I mean so with his stupid reasoning, he could get elected all he wants, if he passes laws we don't agree with, we just won't abide by them. After all, thats what he did right?

So....if we want to break all the windows out of his house, we can because after all we don't agree with that law. Then when he gets a restraining order against us we can walk right through it and do it all over again because "we don't agree with his laws"

What an idiot, talks out of both sides of his mouth! Ever heard teach by example? You should be run out of town you idiot! Now shut up! I don't want to ever hear your CRAP again about your beliefs and your many ways to get out of paying child support etc. etc. etc.....if you do....I will then take my damn time to start my own site disputing all your bull#### and posting our criminal records!!!!!


New Member
Nah never mind, scratch what I just said. I won't even waste my time because bad publicity is still publicity for a scum bag like you!


Baby blues
MysticalMom said:
No worries sinwagon. No one votes for him. :biggrin:

Sadly, when he ran for Delegate back in '05, he DID get votes. I don't remember how many -- 1000 or more? Someone else will remember. I'll have to search for the thread where we placed bets on how many votes he would get and what the results were. :lmao:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

sinwagon said:
I just looked up all our records online and you have quite the lengthy history with the courts and aparently so does your son. I assume he is your son anyway, named after you and all. Why would anyone vote or align themselves with someone like you?

For those of you that don't know, go to:

and search away!
:yay: It is a mistake to see a Court record as some negative sign.

In the USA the Courts is our thind and equal branch of government and us citizens have rights that are only protected by the Courts.

I really think that a person that has no or few dealings with the Court are persons that live in pampered lives.

Like Paris Hilton that failed to respect the Court, but now she will.

I like my Court record and I think it paints a very positive portrait of myself and it shows that I am active within our government.

The Court is, I believe, the one most prominent place that any citizen meets the government face to face.

This is why people make such a big deal out of the President picking the Supreme Court Justices and the Governor selects our State Judges and it is a big deal because the Courts is a powerful part of our form of government.

I never went to law school but I have been through Court enough that now I can file my own Court cases and I can represent myself and others with compitancy.

You might notice under the Court case of mine and the Dept. of Education - DORS that I just won (2007) the case in the Court of Special Appeals for Maryland. That does not mean that I cheated the system but it means that the three Judge panel in the Court of Special Appeals did agree with my side of the argument and ruled in my favor.

That is not bucking the system, being in the Courts is being an active citizen. :whistle:


Baby blues
JPC sr said:
...I like my Court record and I think it paints a very positive portrait of myself and it shows that I am active within our government.
I never went to law school but I have been through Court enough that now I can file my own Court cases and I can represent myself and others with compitancy.

:rolleyes: oh brother.....


I am so very blessed
JPC sr said:
I never went to law school but I have been through Court enough that now I can file my own Court cases and I can represent myself and others with compitancy.
Well, I've never been to Medical School, but I've seen "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" to know that you are flippin' crazy. :jameo:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

BadGirl said:
Well, I've never been to Medical School, but I've seen "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" to know that you are flippin' crazy. :jameo:
:killingme ........................ :lmao: ...................... :killingme

:yay: Well I like being crazy as the normal people really get on my nerves. :crazy:


Im On 1.
good lord.....u should really look into getting the closed cases expunged...because that sh!t is ridiculous....not to mention all the open traffic cases....

if you are running for anything it should be to better your record. i wouldn't vote for you and thats based on your views for child support alone.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Qurious said:
good lord.....u should really look into getting the closed cases expunged...because that sh!t is ridiculous....not to mention all the open traffic cases....

if you are running for anything it should be to better your record. i wouldn't vote for you and thats based on your views for child support alone.
:yay: I do not like the concept of "expunging" the record (that is remove the old info from the Court record - legal term expung).

The Court record is my record and to have any of it removed would seem dishonest to me. :whistle:


Im On 1.
JPC sr said:
:yay: I do not like the concept of "expunging" the record (that is remove the old info from the Court record - legal term expung).

The Court record is my record and to have any of it removed would seem dishonest to me. :whistle:

well what are u doing about all those open active traffic cases? are u going to call the courts to get them handled and pay your fines?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Qurious said:
well what are u doing about all those open active traffic cases? are u going to call the courts to get them handled and pay your fines?
:yay: Those are for my son who has the same name as I gave him at birth.

He is a party guy and he knows he did wrong and he has already informed the Court that he is pleading guilty.

I do not believe he will ever do it again and we here are hoping the Court is not too harsh with him - but we will accept and deal with whatever happens.

My name is legally registered as JPC, Sr. and my son is just JPC. :whistle:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: Those are for my son who has the same name as I gave him at birth.

He is a party guy and he knows he did wrong and he has already informed the Court that he is pleading guilty.

I do not believe he will ever do it again and we here are hoping the Court is not too harsh with him - but we will accept and deal with whatever happens.

My name is legally registered as JPC, Sr. and my son is just JPC. :whistle:

Is this son the same child you admit to not paying a dime in Child Support for? Funny how kids turn out when they are shown by their parents that they should not have to take responsibility for their actions isn't it?

What kind of message are you sending to your son? You hope the court is not too harsh with him? How about him stepping up to the plate and not doing it again FOR REAL! Considering there are repeat offenses on there? How about instead of taking a stand against people taking responsibilty for their actions by avoiding child support, why don't you try to incorporate more programs that encourage people not to drink and drive or to not drink period? That would be something I would maybe be willing to listen to! Instead you laugh in the face of justice and act as if it is ok to run and hide from the laws of this land and your responsibilities.

I don't know how many kids you have but if you have taught them by the way you live, by your example then maybe we should all stay in our homes in fear that they are on the prowl for another law to break because after all their make shift lawyer of a daddy will file their legal papers and try to get them off through some crazy loophole or the fact that the judge feels sorry for the fact that one person could be so stupid!!!!

You should be ashamed of the example that you have set for your children! And one of those cases when your ass is called to the flame and are being made to pay child support what do you do? You claim the child is not yours and ask for a paternity test? My guess is this child was not sprung on you, that you knew about the child all along and were active in the childs life until you were told you had to pay!!!! SAD!!!!!

I have said I have issues with the child support system being biased against men due to my husbands ex not paying and nothing being done but for every man who refuses to take care of their obligation, it leaves the door wide open for 3 more and one skank ass woman as well!