sinwagon said:
I just looked up all our records online and you have quite the lengthy history with the courts and aparently so does your son. I assume he is your son anyway, named after you and all. Why would anyone vote or align themselves with someone like you?
For those of you that don't know, go to:
and search away!

It is a mistake to see a Court record as some negative sign.
In the USA the Courts is our thind and equal branch of government and us citizens have rights that are only protected by the Courts.
I really think that a person that has no or few dealings with the Court are persons that live in pampered lives.
Like Paris Hilton that failed to respect the Court, but now she will.
I like my Court record and I think it paints a very positive portrait of myself and it shows that I am active within our government.
The Court is, I believe, the one most prominent place that any citizen meets the government face to face.
This is why people make such a big deal out of the President picking the Supreme Court Justices and the Governor selects our State Judges and it is a big deal because the Courts is a powerful part of our form of government.
I never went to law school but I have been through Court enough that now I can file my own Court cases and I can represent myself and others with compitancy.
You might notice under the Court case of mine and the Dept. of Education - DORS that I just won (2007) the case in the Court of Special Appeals for Maryland. That does not mean that I cheated the system but it means that the three Judge panel in the Court of Special Appeals did agree with my side of the argument and ruled in my favor.
That is not bucking the system, being in the Courts is being an active citizen.