JPC why would people vote for you?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

sinwagon said:
Is this son the same child you admit to not paying a dime in Child Support for?
:yay: I did try to pay the child support at times, I just did not pay it all.
sinwagon said:
What kind of message are you sending to your son?
:yay: I think my son understands the situation and we try to deal with it as best as we can.

It is wrong to judge people so harshly as that just hurts yourself even more.

When I get elected as the next U.S. Congressman from 5th District then there will be a blessed change.
:cheers: .............................. :patriot:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: I did try to pay the child support at times, I just did not pay it all. :yay: I think my son understands the situation and we try to deal with it as best as we can.

It is wrong to judge people so harshly as that just hurts yourself even more.

When I get elected as the next U.S. Congressman from 5th District then there will be a blessed change.
:cheers: .............................. :patriot:

Oh brother.....I bet you will be assasinated within your first day. Wait, what am I talking you would ever get elected anyway!


sinwagon said:
Oh brother.....I bet you will be assasinated within your first day. Wait, what am I talking you would ever get elected anyway!
As long as there's only 460 stupid people in Maryland, he doesn't have much of a chance.


Lem Putt
Vince said:
As long as there's only 460 stupid people in Maryland, he doesn't have much of a chance.

There are a LOT more than 460 stupid people in MD, but we are fortunate because he is not running in Baltimore.


New Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: I did try to pay the child support at times, I just did not pay it all. :yay: I think my son understands the situation and we try to deal with it as best as we can.

It is wrong to judge people so harshly as that just hurts yourself even more.

When I get elected as the next U.S. Congressman from 5th District then there will be a blessed change.
:cheers: .............................. :patriot:
Do you have a job? What are your qualifications?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

smcop said:
Do you have a job? What are your qualifications?
:yay: I do not have a job as I am disabled from old work injuries.

My last job was 1994-95 as a Maintenance Inspector at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, and that is where I strained my abdomen severly.

My campaign website is HERE.

and I have more info about me on my biography page click HERE.

I really see my best qualification is my political platform in that I want to put hard restrictions onto abortion, and I want the USA to promote the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and I want to reverse the destructive growth in this area orchestrated by Steny Hoyer, and to reform the child support laws.

Hoyer has greater experience for sure buy Hoyer's politics are not superior at all. Hoyer supports abortion on demand, and excessive growth that only benefits the rich, he never condemned the torture of prisoners, and he ignores the jails being crammed overfull of parents that are too poor to pay the high demands of child support.

This is what makes me more qualified then he. :howdy:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Bay_Kat said:
He's EX-TRO-DI-A-NIRE....what an idiot. :shortbus:
:whistle: The poster that called me that could have been using a French accent like:

Eex' tro' dian' niree' :wah:


JPC sr said:
:whistle: The poster that called me that could have been using a French accent like:

Eex' tro' dian' niree' :wah:

Out of boredom, I thought I might read some of your posts on different issues and I've come to the same conclusion on every single one. You are an idiot, you have no reason to even be in politics, my 8 year old knows more than you and you are a big loser. I haven't even gotten to the problems you have with your son and I won't go there, I just feel very, very sorry for him.


spike2763 said:
JPC sr said:
:yay: I do not have a job as I am disabled from old work injuries.

So, you are too disabled to work. But you are able enough to be a rep?

His only disability is that he has the mentality of a 3 year old. What a waste of air.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

spike2763 said:
So, you are too disabled to work. But you are able enough to be a rep?
:yay: Actually the gov tries to help us disabled to get a job and it would be a big success if I did win the election.

And even if I do win the election then I will still have my injuries and it will be some what difficult to do some things but I suspect I will have a secretary to help me.

It is different for people that were born disabled as opposed to those of us that get disabled in our later years like I did.

The young learn and adjust more easily and I am accustomed to being in charge.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC sr said:
And even if I do win the election then I will still have my injuries and it will be some what difficult to do some things but I suspect I will have a secretary to help me.

Will he/she wind up the key in the back of your head?


JPC sr said:
:yay: Actually the gov tries to help us disabled to get a job and it would be a big success if I did win the election.

And even if I do win the election then I will still have my injuries and it will be some what difficult to do some things but I suspect I will have a secretary to help me.

It is different for people that were born disabled as opposed to those of us that get disabled in our later years like I did.

The young learn and adjust more easily and I am accustomed to being in charge.

Uh, JPC, give it up....reality're not going to win. Why are you even trying? Every disabled person knows their limitations, think it's about time you learned yours. Stop wasting your time and do something a little easier on the computer, like solitaire maybe?


New Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: Actually the gov tries to help us disabled to get a job and it would be a big success if I did win the election.

And even if I do win the election then I will still have my injuries and it will be some what difficult to do some things but I suspect I will have a secretary to help me.

If you are disabled enough to not hold a job at all and get disability, you are not fit to hold an elective position.