Honorary SMIB
Funny that when I worked in industry (admittedly over 40 years ago) all the training was paid time (and paid for).Guessing you are or were a teacher? Also guessing that you got the short end of the stick because every teacher I know does NOT go "unpaid" during these times
Also, many, many people (including me) have to take occasional trainings (out of pocket) in order to maintain our positions within our companies. The only difference is that my trainings have to be done on MY time and after work. NOT during "summers at home" where I only have to go into work "occasionally."
"Every teacher you know" may not go unpaid (as a note, the 26 week pay system instead of 22 is relatively new in education. Some Virginia school systems are 10 pays, once a month for ten months) but, as was mentioned, any pay during the summer is deferred compensation. There was more than one year that because of snow/weather days that school ended for the year a couple weeks after the last pay.
Like I said, put in your leave slips.