Just Curious


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No. Not that I don't like Bush okay, but 8 years is long enough for one guy. I get nervous when I hear people talking (like they did with Reagan, Clinton an any other two-term Prez) about amending the Constitution to get them a third term. I'm like, you all really do like your monarchs and dictators, don't you?

Go ahead - ask me what I'm doing up at 6am while I'm on vacation :banghead:


24/7 Single Dad
vraiblonde said:
No. Not that I don't like Bush okay, but 8 years is long enough for one guy. I get nervous when I hear people talking (like they did with Reagan, Clinton an any other two-term Prez) about amending the Constitution to get them a third term. I'm like, you all really do like your monarchs and dictators, don't you?

Go ahead - ask me what I'm doing up at 6am while I'm on vacation :banghead:

:gossip: Don't care why you're up, you'll tell us when you're ready


Routinely Derailed
Bustem' Down said:
If Bush proposed an amendment to allow him to run for re-election in 2008, would you support it?
As much as I would like to have him around for a third term, I think the 2-term limit is valid and appropriate. Having said that, if the amendment were miraculously passed and he went for a third term, he'd have my vote for certain.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Go ahead - ask me what I'm doing up at 6am while I'm on vacation :banghead:

Watching the beautiful sunrise over the horizon, no doubt. :lol:


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
Go ahead - ask me what I'm doing up at 6am while I'm on vacation :banghead:

You were partying so hard you never went to bed. Larry is coked out of his gills and won't climb off the chandelier, so
you decided to check on the forums until he forgets he is a monkey and comes to bed like a normal human being.
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Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Go ahead - ask me what I'm doing up at 6am while I'm on vacation :banghead:
Larry's Viagra kicked in? :confused:

being up at 6am while on vacation isn't too bad. Remembering to bring your computer and wireless router, that is a different story. :kiss:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
If Bush proposed an amendment to allow him to run for re-election in 2008, would you support it?
#### no! I didn't want him the first two times! :wellawarehowoutnumberediam: :lol:


Super Genius
Bustem' Down said:
If Bush proposed an amendment to allow him to run for re-election in 2008, would you support it?
Absolutely not. If somebody wanted to amend the term limit for President, I might think about it. However, I would want a delay on when it takes affect (12 years maybe). That would ensure that it is amended because it makes sense and not because someone wants to be President for another 4+ years.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
vraiblonde said:
No. Not that I don't like Bush okay, but 8 years is long enough for one guy. I get nervous when I hear people talking (like they did with Reagan, Clinton an any other two-term Prez) about amending the Constitution to get them a third term. I'm like, you all really do like your monarchs and dictators, don't you?

Go ahead - ask me what I'm doing up at 6am while I'm on vacation :banghead:
8 years is definitely long enough for anyone to be president. I do like the proviso that ylexot tossed in about the 12 year wait before it was enacted.

Vrai, I always get up early while on vacation. I can watch the sunrise, sip my coffee, and/or get my stuff together for the never ending saga I call "The Hunt for Titlest 4." :lmao: