Just got a call


Pitty Party
Oh my! He is a handsome boy! I see you met :gossip: She is wonderful. She also trains for Canine Mind.

He's got a great personality. I did and she is for sure wonderful. She is the one that called me. She is the one that is coming out to check out the Hollywood Palace.


Pitty Party
Laurie is an asset to CAWL. She is a great canine manager!

Here's the Mrs. of the house. :love:

Sorry a little blurry using my new cell as a camera.


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New Member
Radar is so beautiful!!!
Congratulations on your new family member.
Does he get to sleep on your bed tonight?? Heheh

:huggy: to you and your family for saving him and giving him a new home:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


Does my butt look big?
Nice boy..glad he will be getting a good home...Worm him good and give him some groceries he will do great...When I got my boy he was thin like that..every worm known to man..3 days of panacure and he was good to go..he went from 65 ot 85 in a couple weeks..good luck..

ps I wish Libby would have been good for you but not with Sasha...Also if I had known you were looking for a male you could have had mine..:whistle:


Pitty Party
Nice boy..glad he will be getting a good home...Worm him good and give him some groceries he will do great...When I got my boy he was thin like that..every worm known to man..3 days of panacure and he was good to go..he went from 65 ot 85 in a couple weeks..good luck..

ps I wish Libby would have been good for you but not with Sasha...Also if I had known you were looking for a male you could have had mine..:whistle:

Hopefully they will do all that before I get him, but if not off to the Vet we go.
Yeah Sasha just doesn't really get along with other females. She can be a full on biotch.
I didn't know you were giving up your male. But this saved a pup from the pound so that's a good thing. I might take your male :whistle: :lol: Catt told me becareful what you ask for. :coffee:


Does my butt look big?
The problem with my male is he is not a good house dog..as he was a kenneled dog for a couple years before I got him. Yeah much better off saving one as mine won't be taken to a shelter..I would assume they will do a fecal on him etc..he is so thin. I figure that good groceries will do the trick. My Libby is a scrapper too...I know what you mean..Good luck to ya I am sure I will see him one day..


Pitty Party
The problem with my male is he is not a good house dog..as he was a kenneled dog for a couple years before I got him. Yeah much better off saving one as mine won't be taken to a shelter..I would assume they will do a fecal on him etc..he is so thin. I figure that good groceries will do the trick. My Libby is a scrapper too...I know what you mean..Good luck to ya I am sure I will see him one day..

I'm sure they will. Yes he is really thin. No worries I'll fatten him up.
Right now they are feeding him twice a day.
You know you will see him when it's bath and nail time. Just think you'll have Sash and him at the same time. :lol:

I do have a dilemma with my job and getting Radar. I am in business now with my cousin and is home based in California. I am suppose to leave for New Mexico on the 8th and return the 15th. If I get Radar on the 4th, and newly neutered I would really like to be with more then 3 days before I leave. I do have someone to take care of/watch him while I'm gone, but feel bad. I told them at CCAWL that I was leaving and they said they would get him to me before I leave. I'm trying to get him when I get back.



Does my butt look big?
I need to get with you on the stuff before you leave too...who ever is watching them give them my number if they need me...play it by ear see how they do those 3 days if you don't feel comfortable then board him while you are gone...Maybe Giddy could watch him for you she does that kinda stuff..I would actually give him FREE choice food..


Help "Invisible Dogs"
Congrats Unix!!

Here's a couple of more pictures, I saw him on Friday and sent pics to Boxer Rescue. He's full of energy, when I was taking other pictures he was "hanging" on the cage door....

(they contacted the owner but they didn't want him back...)

So glad he's safe now!:yahoo:


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Well-Known Member
Hey UniPie, whatever happened to you getting that pair of boxers? It was a few months back and the female was preggers.