Just got an AWFUL text message from Boy


New Member
Work Smarter NOT harder.
He scored high enough on the entrance exams to get the job he wanted, he'll be repairing jet engines. He's thrilled and can't WAIT to get to school. Boot camp ends in 8 weeks, and he goes right into the school on the same base in Texas.
he also emptied out his room, packed it all away so we can put it in the attic. We're setting him up and apartment and remodeling the upstairs as our master bedroom complete with a balcony overlooking our foal field...
so why am i so sad??? :frown:

Congrats to your son! Sounds like he is a very smart young man!

I dont have kids yet, so I cant possibly understand how you feel, but I can say that I agree with everyone else in saying that you should be proud! You have a very intellegent young man for a son! Keep smiling!


Painted Spirit
:flowers: Godbless your family and your son! He's already showing how mature he is by making such a hard decision. He certainly is a son to be proud of! :huggy:


Ahhhh Florida!
Heck....I was thinking how long until mine can live on their own....:whistle: Your little boy has become a man. Isn't that our goal as parents to make them strong enough to be successful on their own? It shows that you obviously have done your job well. Maybe you are sad because your job has changed. Be happy....you did great!


Ahhhh Florida!
devine....(sorry to high jack the thread, but did you get ALL of our messages and WHAT was the outcome?)


I love her wild,wild hair
In middle school, after 911, my first born son decided he would serve our country to protect his family and friends. He developed a plan and when he was a senior in high school he was awarded a four year Navy ROTC scholarship to KU. He left this fall and it is still hard on me even though he has four years plus flight school to go to before he sees any action. Now my second born wants to join him and try for a ROTC scholarship. He is only a junior in high school so I have another year and a half with him until he leaves. It is very hard to see them go even though they have chosen noble causes and I will be scared for them every day of my life. But, I am soooo very proud of him and I tell him often. I am very proud of your son serving his country too and if you ever need some support for those hard days, I'll be here for you. :howdy:


..if momma ain't happy...
The day our oldest left to join the Navy was a sad, sad day for his dad and I, but also a proud one. I agree that our job as parents is to raise productive, independent adults. I remember going out for boot camp graduation...he had matured so much in such a short time!

He has done wonderfully in the Navy, and he's enjoyed the travel he's done. Got married to a girl I love, and had adorable babies. His original 5 yr enlistment is complete, and he's not re-upping. Gonna move with his wife and their children to her home town. Guess we really did our job well, such an independent young man!

So proud of you and your son...you did a great job raising him! :huggy:


Active Member
Work Smarter NOT harder.
He's thrilled and can't WAIT to get to school. Boot camp ends in 8 weeks, and he goes right into the school on the same base in Texas.

If he's going to Lackland you definitely have nothing to worry about and his excitement will simmer soon after he gets there and realizes the really only semi-exciting thing to do in the area is the river walk and you dont even get to that unless you get a special pass to get off base.


Rocky Mountain High!!
If he's going to Lackland you definitely have nothing to worry about and his excitement will simmer soon after he gets there and realizes the really only semi-exciting thing to do in the area is the river walk and you dont even get to that unless you get a special pass to get off base.
We asked him what base he was going too, and he said "I don't know and don't care, I get to FLY there! Wonder if i can go hunting?" :lol: I checked and it is Lackland.

Just got off the phone with him at 12:50 pm, and he said "Ma, your son is officially enlisted, we took the oath and got shoved into a van and we're on the way to the airport for a 1:45 flight!" I said has any of the group ever been to an airport? He asked the guys in the van and they all said..."Nope" :shocking:
I said keep your bag with ya, and RUN :lol:


Set Trippin
"Shutting my phone off now ma...Luv ya"

He's putting his Cell phone on hold until April.

He leaves early tomorrow morning for Texas. He's leaving us for.....
the Air Force!

My baby boy....
At first glance I thought Pete's MPD was getting sloppy.....:lmao:

Good luck to your boy...:patriot:


Rocky Mountain High!!
Just got a call from Boy...one ticket was cancelled, so the reservations desk inadvertantly cancelled all the tickets in the group :lol: so now he's sitting at the airport until a 3:45 flight. Guess he's getting to know airports :killingme
Good thing is the new flight is a direct flight, so i don't have to worry about loosing him during a connection :lol:


Ahhhh Florida!
If he's going to Lackland you definitely have nothing to worry about and his excitement will simmer soon after he gets there and realizes the really only semi-exciting thing to do in the area is the river walk and you dont even get to that unless you get a special pass to get off base.

And that is coming from people that live in Southern Md....it must be bad:lmao:


Don't EVER be a breedist!
Okay, at the risk of sounding non-empathetic, I must say this, as hard as it is to see him go, at least you know it is only boot camp and 6 weeks at that. Don't worry about what might happen when he graduates, just be proud that he has decided to do something most men would not ever even think of doing- being a true patriot. Just to let you know, yes I do understand, my husband is a Marine and I was a Marine a few years back, so dry those tears and hold your head up high!


Cowgirl Up
Okay, at the risk of sounding non-empathetic, I must say this, as hard as it is to see him go, at least you know it is only boot camp and 6 weeks at that. Don't worry about what might happen when he graduates, just be proud that he has decided to do something most men would not ever even think of doing- being a true patriot. Just to let you know, yes I do understand, my husband is a Marine and I was a Marine a few years back, so dry those tears and hold your head up high!

:howdy:good to see you've come aboard.


New Member
My baby girl joined early 2002. She just re-enlisted for 5 more, and is going to "the dessert" in January. I cried the day the recruiter came to pick her up and put her on a bus to the afees station. It will be allright. You will see a grown man after he comes out of bootcamp.


Rocky Mountain High!!
ACTUALLY he's got to stay through his MOS School too, so he won't be home until mid/late april. :frown:

he sent a pix over the phone of the view out the window of the plane monday, called when he touched down in texas, and i haven't heard from his since. :bawl: