Just heard something worth noting...


Football addict
on Bill O'Reilly. They were talking about Katrina of course and this black gentleman calls up and in a very emotional outburst and he says "I live in Georgia but I am by far no means a Republican, I even dislike many Bush policies. With that out of the way, where is Jesse and the rest, the rappers, and all the other black leaders of today. Why have they not helped in this matter. It is time for the brotha's and sista's to wake up! Bush is helping the brotha's down there, the white people are coming to help! Wake up my brotha's!"


Well-Known Member
BuddyLee said:
on Bill O'Reilly. They were talking about Katrina of course and this black gentleman calls up and in a very emotional outburst and he says "I live in Georgia but I am by far no means a Republican, I even dislike many Bush policies. With that out of the way, where is Jesse and the rest, the rappers, and all the other black leaders of today. Why have they not helped in this matter. It is time for the brotha's and sista's to wake up! Bush is helping the brotha's down there, the white people are coming to help! Wake up my brotha's!"

Strange, I wasn't listening to the program, but just a few moments ago I asked the very same, here are the answers: At the moment Jesse Jaskson is off trying to win a medal. Al baby? He's in Texas cursing Bush. The rappers? Have no idea.


Homesick said:
Strange, I wasn't listening to the program, but just a few moments ago I asked the very same, here are the answers: At the moment Jesse Jaskson is off trying to win a medal.

I thought he had his tongue firmly lodged in Hugo Chavez's pewp-chute right now. What medal is he after?

Homesick said:
Al baby? He's in Texas cursing Bush.

Well someone had to pick up where Sheehan left off. One shrill media whore to replace another shrill media whore.

Homesick said:
The rappers? Have no idea.

I dont' understand this one. It's not their job. I don't see Billy Joel or John Maier flocking to North Dakota should any natural disasters befall there. Leave the rappers alone.


New Member
People are expecting immediate help when it doesn't work that way.

Those from outer sources that want to help can't do it as quickly as the gov't.

They'll come around.


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
I thought he had his tongue firmly lodged in Hugo Chavez's pewp-chute right now. What medal is he after?

Well someone had to pick up where Sheehan left off. One shrill media whore to replace another shrill media whore.

I dont' understand this one. It's not their job. I don't see Billy Joel or John Maier flocking to North Dakota should any natural disasters befall there. Leave the rappers alone.

First off relax, and suck on some vaseline to help rid yourself of that giant hairball.

1.Exactly. The one Carter got, you see he's jealous.


3.Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. Just answering a question and being truthful. I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THEY ARE!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do not go to disaster areas. They put on their $1000 suits and silk ties, then get on TV to talk about how horrible it is that George Bush let this happen and isn't doing enough to help. Then they might go on to accuse Bush of knowing about the hurricane way in advance, but kept quiet so all the black people would drown.

I can recite their rhetoric by heart.


I dont' understand this one. It's not their job. I don't see Billy Joel or John Maier flocking to North Dakota should any natural disasters befall there. Leave the rappers alone.[/QUOTE]

I was listening to the same show as BuddyLee and I believe the point about the rappers was that Hollywood and these celebrities are so quick to jump on the Liberal side, where are they when we could use them on the "American Side". Remember "VOTE OR DIE", well, how about "WRITE A CHECK SO OTHERS WON'T DIE". Where's the love, Hollywood?


Homesick said:
First off relax, and suck on some vaseline to help rid yourself of that giant hairball.

It took me about a minute and a half to figure out what the hell you were talking about there.


Hairball gone.

<IMG SRC="http://users.gmpexpress.net/~ecker/Images/meown3d.jpg">


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
It took me about a minute and a half to figure out what the hell you were talking about there.


Hairball gone.

<IMG SRC="http://users.gmpexpress.net/~ecker/Images/meown3d.jpg">

Sorry for biting your ear off....want it back? :lol:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I just heard they're going to fly the occupants of the Super Dome to Houston...and put them in the Astro Dome. :lmao:


New Member
K_Jo said:
I just heard they're going to fly the occupants of the Super Dome to Houston...and put them in the Astro Dome. :lmao:
The should put them in the Metrodome. I was just up there for a Twins game, dey got a/c flowin' an' ur'thin'.

Hot N Bothered

New Member
K_Jo said:
I just heard they're going to fly the occupants of the Super Dome to Houston...and put them in the Astro Dome. :lmao:
I heard that earlier. Thing I think is interesting is all the people in the Superdome, those are the ones who did what they were told and evacuated to a government approved shelter. They are all going to get space in the Astrodome, which has cancelled all events for the next two months. All the other refugees who are wondering aimlessly around, who didn't go to the Superdome, can go to Houston and knock on the door, but there's no gurantee they'll get a seat.

It may not be luxury accomodations, but it's dry and the A/C works. It's good to know that it pays to do as you are told in these situations.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Hot N Bothered said:
I heard that earlier. Thing I think is interesting is all the people in the Superdome, those are the ones who did what they were told and evacuated to a government approved shelter. They are all going to get space in the Astrodome, which has cancelled all events for the next two months. All the other refugees who are wondering aimlessly around, who didn't go to the Superdome, can go to Houston and knock on the door, but there's no gurantee they'll get a seat.

It may not be luxury accomodations, but it's dry and the A/C works. It's good to know that it pays to do as you are told in these situations.
They shouldn't cancel events. They have a built-in full house. When is the last time an Astros game was a sellout?

When the weather gets cooler, they should move them to Camden Yards. :yay:


I'm probably blowing my chances for the <a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxdm824YYUS' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_36.gif' border=0></a>, but I smell a hit reality show here....ASTRODOME....if they thought it was fascinating to put a bunch of drunk kids together.........


The reverend Al Sharpton was unavailable. He was in Crawford TX posing for touching photo ops with the Sheehan freak.
