Just heard something worth noting...


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
remaxrealtor said:
I'm probably blowing my chances for the <a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxdm824YYUS' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_36.gif' border=0></a>, but I smell a hit reality show here....ASTRODOME....if they thought it was fascinating to put a bunch of drunk kids together.........
:lmao: I like it for the title alone. :roflmao:

Hot N Bothered

New Member
K_Jo said:
They shouldn't cancel events. They have a built-in full house. When is the last time an Astros game was a sellout?

When the weather gets cooler, they should move them to Camden Yards. :yay:
That'd be nice if they played there anymore. The article I read said that they haven't had any sporting events there in several years.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Hot N Bothered said:
That'd be nice if they played there anymore. The article I read said that they haven't had any sporting events there in several years.
Damn. :ohwell: Well, maybe some concerts would be fun!


I bowl overhand
Toxick said:
I dont' understand this one. It's not their job. I don't see Billy Joel or John Maier flocking to North Dakota should any natural disasters befall there. Leave the rappers alone.
I think this came from an interview on one of the news channels.. interviewing a black person he asked where all the black leaders were, the entertainers, the sports stars, the rappers.. Bush the WMFIC is sending help, where are OUR people?


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do not go to disaster areas. They put on their $1000 suits and silk ties, then get on TV to talk about how horrible it is that George Bush let this happen and isn't doing enough to help. Then they might go on to accuse Bush of knowing about the hurricane way in advance, but kept quiet so all the black people would drown.

I can recite their rhetoric by heart.

Blame Bush has already started in some camps. A few people have been throwing out how the federal emergency budget that had been set aside to work on increasing NOLA's protections in case of a major storm had been cut by Bush to pay for the war in Iraq. You know that extra $10-20 million in 2002 would have made the difference, don't ya? I mean, its completely sane and logical to assume such... its Bush's fault. :lmao:


Actually, The Reverand Jackson is actively putting together a bus and supply truck convoy to go to New Orleans. More likely is that his minions are doing it and he'll take the credit as rides into town. The Reverand Sharpton isn't doing anything that I've heard.