Originally posted by rraley
I am going to have to disagree with your assessment of the economy, sir. 2.2 million jobs lost in the past four years and decreasing wages (as opposed to inflation). Now January did post job gains but this week the number of jobless claims increased. There is economic growth but it is coming in the form of profits for companies that send their jobs to India or Mexico because our tax code rewards that and workers over there work for slave wages basically. And I do not believe that President Bush wants to stop it (after all his economic adviser says that outsourcing to India is a good thing).
As for the Democrats and the budget. John Kerry and John Edwards has a plan to cut the deficit in half in a couple years by repealing the Bush tax cuts for those with incomes over $200,000. Kerry's math doesn't seem to add up as well as Edwards', but they still have a plan to do it. And to counter your point, I have yet to hear of the president's plans to cut things either. After all he wants to spend billions of dollars so we can go to Mars while neglecting the millions without a job here.
Bush's track record tells me that he won't stop excessive spending or his reckless tax cuts (reckless because he cuts taxes but increases spending, makes no effing sense). Like I usually say, I can take a tax and spender or a no tax and no spender. But a no tax but spend candidate like George W. Bush is just awful.
Good answer rralley. Another thing people don't take into consideration is the fact that since congress won't pass an unemployment extension for those who lost their jobs over six months ago many of the jobless have lost their unemployment benefits and are no longer counted on the out of work rolls.