Hrm... there seems to be some, shall we say, dual personalities on this board.
Kris will be at the Bad Fish tonight. On_the_Water, I'm not sure... I'm not even sure I know who On_the_Water is.
I realize that in previous posts I may have come off as overbearing, obnoxious, arguementative, whatever... I've apologized where the apologies are due and by my karma and the PMs I receive not everyone dislikes me.
Sometimes I think ya'll like to insult me to try and get a rise out of me.
That being said, I think most of ya'll are pretty great people and I'm pretty sure this band tonight is going to rock, so if you happen to see me out stop by and say hello! You'll know who I am if you look at my avatar.
LusbyMom ate lunch at the same Asahi table as I did and last I checked she's none the worse for the wear...
Is this the Rachel who is the same one on your MySpace page, or is this an MPD Rachel who has posted a link back to your MySpace page? I'm kind of
On_the_Water posted about Donovan's and karaoke there. You posted in the thread saying you went.
SIL's and haircuts and beauty salons. I'm skeptical and calling you on it.
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