Just wondering who next?

Who are you rooting for now?

  • Indianapolis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one, I've sworn off football after the skins defeat - its just too painful at this point

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Now that our dearly beloved skins are out of the hunt, who are you pulling for now? :shrug: Sorry for mispelling routing instead of "who are you ROOTING for" in the poll... I can't figure out how to edit my poll :frown:
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Just looked at who voted and wonder if you and Penn are an item now. :lmao:


Ken King said:
Just looked at who voted and wonder if you and Penn are an item now. :lmao:


Congrats on your win... still can't BELIEVE the fumble at the one! What a fluke!!! And then for Vanderbelt to miss. My question is... why didn't the Colts try to kick a field goal on third down... if he missed then try again on fourth down -- can you no longer do that anymore?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The only reason to try before forth down would be in case of a bad snap. Once the ball is kicked if it is a miss possession changes.


Ken King said:
The only reason to try before forth down would be in case of a bad snap. Once the ball is kicked if it is a miss possession changes.

well that makes no sense because if its a bad snap then it would be the same as a run or considered a missed fieldgoal if he does set the ball correctly in the end and its botched. They used to be able to do this... :shrug: If the field goal is good, I thought it was then and only then, that it would be a change of possession, if not you can keep attempting (providing your attempt was not attempted on 4th down)????:shrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
well that makes no sense because if its a bad snap then it would be the same as a run or considered a missed fieldgoal if he does set the ball correctly in the end and its botched. They used to be able to do this... :shrug: If the field goal is good, I thought it was then and only then, that it would be a change of possession, if not you can keep attempting (providing your attempt was not attempted on 4th down)????:shrug:
Never have they ever done this. If there is no kick then it would be like a running play or a sack, next down.


Ken King said:
Never have they ever done this..

I'd like to challenge you on this but I don't have time right now to research this... will try later though :biggrin: :smooch:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I'd like to challenge you on this but I don't have time right now to research this... will try later though :biggrin: :smooch:
Challenge all you want, but ever since I can remember watching the game it has never been as you suggest.


Ken King said:
Challenge all you want, but ever since I can remember watching the game it has never been as you suggest.

I'm still stunned you'd never heard of this before :lol: Everyone I've mentioned this to has...:lol: :shrug:

Its an old school play, like punting it on 3rd down instead of 4th down, and something I'm not sure legal anymore... a center sneak. :biggrin:


So far I found this in the nfl rulebook on nfl.com, it says you can kick a field goal on any down... but can't narrow anything yet that says you can kick it again if you miss on any down. :biggrin: Getting there... just gotta keep digging in the rule book :lol: :flowers: I think there was a Pittsburgh game a few years ago where they exercised their right to a field goal attempt on third down and if they missed they could have rekicked it on their next down. :shrug: I have an official football rule book somewhere packed away in a box... let me see if I can locate it. It would be interesting to know this. :smile:
If the offense cannot score a touchdown, it may try to kick a field goal. Field goals are worth three points and often are the deciding plays in the last seconds of close games. They can be attempted from anywhere on the field on any down, but generally are kicked from inside the defense's 45-yard line on fourth down. For a field goal to be "good", the placekicker (or field goal kicker) must kick the ball through the goal-post uprights and over the crossbar. The defense tries to block the kick and stop the ball from reaching the goal post.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I'm still stunned you'd never heard of this before :lol: Everyone I've mentioned this to has...:lol: :shrug:

Its an old school play, like punting it on 3rd down instead of 4th down, and something I'm not sure legal anymore... a center sneak. :biggrin:
I have heard about trying a field goal on 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th downs and have seen it done. But that isn't what we were talking about. Once a field goal is attempted if the kick is no good possession changes. You can punt on any down, but again it is a change of possession.

A center sneak I believe is still a legal play just not used anymore.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The following is the only rule I have found:

All field goals attempted (kicker) and missed from beyond the 20-yard line will result in the defensive team taking possession of the ball at the spot of the kick. On any field goal attempted and missed where the spot of the kick is on or inside the 20-yard line, ball will revert to defensive team at the 20-yard line.

Prior to the change about ball placement for kicks attempted beyond the 20 yard line the ball used to be spotted at the 20 yard line for all missed attempts but possession always changed.
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Ken King said:
The following is the only rule I have found:

Prior to the change about ball placement for kicks attempted beyond the 20 yard line the ball used to be spotted at the 20 yard line for all missed attempts but possession always changed.

thats because generally teams wait until 4th down to kick :shrug:
still looking though. :smile:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
thats because generally teams wait until 4th down to kick :shrug:
still looking though. :smile:
Yeah, that is why the terms ALL and ANY are used. :sheesh:


Ken King said:
Yeah, that is why the terms ALL and ANY are used. :sheesh:
You can kick on any down :shrug:

Eitheway,I give up... I do know that you can kick the ball before fourth down, in case there's a bobbled snap and then you can rekick it on your next down... but can't find nothing and I just got off the phone with my number one football geru (my dad) and he reittereated this so... you win!! :biggrin: Thanks for tolerating my silly concepts... :lol: My next theory is what exactly constitutes a bobbled snap... what if its bobbled and then they still get the kick off... is that a change of possession too? How much bobbling can you do and still be able to kick it again? Or, would it be... well it was a bobbled snap and that superceded the kick so it'd be a rekick or change of possession?
Kind of like... once the foot hits a football via punter or kicker thats it? Don't get me wrong, I really do know alot about football, more than most guys, there was just some fogginess on this particular circumstance.:smile:
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Lem Putt
dems4me said:
You can kick on any down :shrug:

Eitheway,I give up... I do know that you can kick the ball before fourth down, in case there's a bobbled snap and then you can rekick it on your next down... but can't find nothing and I just got off the phone with my number one football geru (my dad) and he reittereated this so... you win!! :biggrin: Thanks for tolerating my silly concepts... :lol: My next theory is what exactly constitutes a bobbled snap... what if its bobbled and then they still get the kick off... is that a change of possession too? How much bobbling can you do and still be able to kick it again? Or, would it be... well it was a bobbled snap and that superceded the kick so it'd be a rekick or change of possession?
Kind of like... once the foot hits a football via punter or kicker thats it? Don't get me wrong, I really do know alot about football, more than most guys, there was just some fogginess on this particular circumstance.:smile:

I haven't found the correct link, but I do remember this being explained during a game, when somebody tried on 2nd down. It was something like a missed FG is the same as an incomplete pass.