Justyn Sayne


yeah yeah
wow..I was really excited to see that local talent was getting things up and running with a a local label. But now- I am curious as to why and how they are doing business when, the person who is the owner is a rude, and pompous jerk. Through the grapevine- of people I have had the pleasure of meeting, and hearing their stuff- they went to contact this "owner" in persuance.... only to be treated like dirt- and like this person was their "god" and they didnt mean anything. He would claim things to be 'uneducated and immature', and other such untactful things. Forgive me, but I dont see him as a L.A. Reed or a Quincy Jones. He is just trying to get into the industry and knocking the dust of his boots. I do however see that he is a new business trying to bring a common good, from something- but he isnt going about it in a manner that will bring customers. Which is very sad- seeing as this could be a great and brilliant idea.

They had also asked about the possibility of promotion on the website- but upon actually looking at it- with the ad's that are generic for a common browser- plastered all over it, and the 'professional' apperance being hard to read, and having to adjust your eyes- they chose to go in a different direction. They feel as if they are going to be represented by a company who is going to 'label' them- that they should at least get the proper care and proper exploitation of their works, but again, after reviewing said website, and actually talking to this person- they feel as though it would not be in their best interest- when the said owner has not taken the time to promote correctly. He told them countless times that he is not trying to 'impress anyone with looks', but when something is sold by looks, along with any demo's, it needs to be appealing to the eye. I would think for a company that is wanting to be in a business like this- it is TO EARLY to have an ego this high.

In closing, I am writing this, only as a vent- because I was thinking about passing his name along to the current band a couple of my friends are in- but I am not so sure that is a good thing to do, seeing as his "work ethic" has shown to be less than tasteless.

Has anyone else had problems with this dude? Is this company even worth their time with trying again? Can someone recommend someone else who will treat them better? I am really only writing this commentary to hopefully be able to change their mind- and maybe that this dude isnt really a jerk. As he has a good idea- but at the rate he is going- it is going to bomb in a heartbeat.
Last edited:


New Member
watercolor said:
wow..I was really excited to see that local talent was getting things up and running with a a local label. But now- I am curious as to why and how they are doing business when, the person who is the owner is a rude, and pompous jerk. Through the grapevine- of people I have had the pleasure of meeting, and hearing their stuff- they went to contact this "owner" in persuance.... only to be treated like dirt- and like this person was their "god" and they didnt mean anything. He would claim things to be 'uneducated and immature', and other such untactful things. Forgive me, but I dont see him as a L.A. Reed or a Quincy Jones. He is just trying to get into the industry and knocking the dust of his boots. I do however see that he is a new business trying to bring a common good, from something- but he isnt going about it in a manner that will bring customers. Which is very sad- seeing as this could be a great and brilliant idea.

They had also asked about the possibility of promotion on the website- but upon actually looking at it- with the ad's that are generic for a common browser- plastered all over it, and the 'professional' apperance being hard to read, and having to adjust your eyes- they chose to go in a different direction. They feel as if they are going to be represented by a company who is going to 'label' them- that they should at least get the proper care and proper exploitation of their works, but again, after reviewing said website, and actually talking to this person- they feel as though it would not be in their best interest- when the said owner has not taken the time to promote correctly. He told them countless times that he is not trying to 'impress anyone with looks', but when something is sold by looks, along with any demo's, it needs to be appealing to the eye. I would think for a company that is wanting to be in a business like this- it is TO EARLY to have an ego this high.

In closing, I am writing this, only as a vent- because I was thinking about passing his name along to the current band a couple of my friends are in- but I am not so sure that is a good thing to do, seeing as his "work ethic" has shown to be less than tasteless.

Has anyone else had problems with this dude? Is this company even worth their time with trying again? Can someone recommend someone else who will treat them better? I am really only writing this commentary to hopefully be able to change their mind- and maybe that this dude isnt really a jerk. As he has a good idea- but at the rate he is going- it is going to bomb in a heartbeat.

watercolor said:
wow..I was really excited to see that local talent was getting things up and running with a a local label. But now- I am curious as to why and how they are doing business when, the person who is the owner is a rude, and pompous jerk. Through the grapevine- of people I have had the pleasure of meeting, and hearing their stuff- they went to contact this "owner" in persuance.... only to be treated like dirt- and like this person was their "god" and they didnt mean anything. He would claim things to be 'uneducated and immature', and other such untactful things. Forgive me, but I dont see him as a L.A. Reed or a Quincy Jones. He is just trying to get into the industry and knocking the dust of his boots. I do however see that he is a new business trying to bring a common good, from something- but he isnt going about it in a manner that will bring customers. Which is very sad- seeing as this could be a great and brilliant idea.

They had also asked about the possibility of promotion on the website- but upon actually looking at it- with the ad's that are generic for a common browser- plastered all over it, and the 'professional' apperance being hard to read, and having to adjust your eyes- they chose to go in a different direction. They feel as if they are going to be represented by a company who is going to 'label' them- that they should at least get the proper care and proper exploitation of their works, but again, after reviewing said website, and actually talking to this person- they feel as though it would not be in their best interest- when the said owner has not taken the time to promote correctly. He told them countless times that he is not trying to 'impress anyone with looks', but when something is sold by looks, along with any demo's, it needs to be appealing to the eye. I would think for a company that is wanting to be in a business like this- it is TO EARLY to have an ego this high.

In closing, I am writing this, only as a vent- because I was thinking about passing his name along to the current band a couple of my friends are in- but I am not so sure that is a good thing to do, seeing as his "work ethic" has shown to be less than tasteless.

Has anyone else had problems with this dude? Is this company even worth their time with trying again? Can someone recommend someone else who will treat them better? I am really only writing this commentary to hopefully be able to change their mind- and maybe that this dude isnt really a jerk. As he has a good idea- but at the rate he is going- it is going to bomb in a heartbeat.

Well, since "Watercolor", I mean Jesse Webb, I know this because he left a few words in this message that are exact as was in the email he sent me the first time are the same in this message and those were are were only used between him and I on one occasion, it's valid proof, wants to make this a public dispute, I would like to offer the email that Jesse sent to me, this is the very first contact that I have ever had with Jesse, so, we can now see that his argument has no real basis, since he came off to me as being what he says that I am.

Read on, and see for yourself what kind of person Jesse is, I mean Watercolor:

This email was received by Super Coop Records on Monday 1/22/07:

" I dropped by your website (Super Coop Records) which I saw on SOMD.com's forums and because I know a few people in the local band scene, I figured I'd check it out and see what you had to offer... I was a little intrigued and a little disappointed... I'll explain...

I wasn't impressed by your website and the fact you offer bands websites, I'd hope they look better than your own... free flash buttons, old and out dated backgrounds and more pre-placed ad's than I'd care to shake a stick at... as well as your lack of a real URL... but, you are only beginning... I'd suggest taking a look at Yahoo's domain pricing (10 bucks a month) and packages that include a real URL and no ad's... it'll help... just MHO... also get someone to do a nice website with original graphics... I do like the old school attempt at your logo using the Dark Crystal font LOL

I was, however, excited to see you're doing something I had thought of doing not to long ago... getting local talent together, under one label, is something I'm interested in seeing happen and you guys are in the first step in the right direction... I really do hope you guys get your stuff together a little deeper and get running... I'll be passing along your name to a few people I know... I also added you to my MySpace account (which sounds really gay typed out) but that seems to be the way to promote yourself...

Good luck,
Lone Dog Productions"


Now, had Jesse not made such unneeded comments regarding the website, I would not have told him how I felt about his comments, however, if you are willing dish out some poor opinions related to nothing other than your own personal attacks on someone you know nothing about, then you are capable of accepting my honest reply.

As for myself and Super Coop Records, yes it is a new venture and I have the utmost respect and professional attitude towards bands and musicians that I have been in contact with since I took SCR public and I am trying to help local bands in Southern Maryland promote and market themselves. For anyone who knows me personally I have a great reputation and I have made a lot of friends in the local music scene, however, when someone like Jesse comes in with a full attack like he did in that email he sent me, I will let you know how I feel. And as I see he also wants to make this a public attack so have at Jesse. I assure you that the bands I have been in contact with will back me up when I say I have offered them nothing but a professional attitude. And if you say I have this unprofessional attitude, please go ask these bands if my correspondence with them was so horrible:

Broken Stigma
This You Can Count On

I don't know if Jesse is upset about the introduction of SCR in the local area, it appears that he has some competitions in the local market, however, I have yet to see any proof myself that Lone Dog Productions even exists, so, in short, I'm not quite sure what Jesse's game is with his arguement.

I am simply trying to help out the local bands in Southern Maryland to promote their bands, there is no catches and no gimmicks here, SCR is a home-brewed promotional and marketing resource for local bands. If the bands do not have the interest in pursuing what I have to offer, I can not force them, it's a free-will issue when you promote your music and how you intend to do it is strictly up to the band, all I can do is say hey, "I think I can help you, if you want it, the rest is up to them".

Simply put, Jesse has begun a major retaliation again Super Coop Records and I have not the slightest idea what his issue is. If anyone would like to see the email that I sent to him, I'll let you have it, it's really neat.

Thanks Peeps,
Super Coop Records


New Member
JustynSayneBand said:
Well, since "Watercolor", I mean Jesse Webb, I know this because he left a few words in this message that are exact as was in the email he sent me the first time are the same in this message and those were are were only used between him and I on one occasion, it's valid proof, wants to make this a public dispute, I would like to offer the email that Jesse sent to me, this is the very first contact that I have ever had with Jesse, so, we can now see that his argument has no real basis, since he came off to me as being what he says that I am.

Read on, and see for yourself what kind of person Jesse is, I mean Watercolor:

This email was received by Super Coop Records on Monday 1/22/07:

" I dropped by your website (Super Coop Records) which I saw on SOMD.com's forums and because I know a few people in the local band scene, I figured I'd check it out and see what you had to offer... I was a little intrigued and a little disappointed... I'll explain...

I wasn't impressed by your website and the fact you offer bands websites, I'd hope they look better than your own... free flash buttons, old and out dated backgrounds and more pre-placed ad's than I'd care to shake a stick at... as well as your lack of a real URL... but, you are only beginning... I'd suggest taking a look at Yahoo's domain pricing (10 bucks a month) and packages that include a real URL and no ad's... it'll help... just MHO... also get someone to do a nice website with original graphics... I do like the old school attempt at your logo using the Dark Crystal font LOL

I was, however, excited to see you're doing something I had thought of doing not to long ago... getting local talent together, under one label, is something I'm interested in seeing happen and you guys are in the first step in the right direction... I really do hope you guys get your stuff together a little deeper and get running... I'll be passing along your name to a few people I know... I also added you to my MySpace account (which sounds really gay typed out) but that seems to be the way to promote yourself...

Good luck,
Lone Dog Productions"


Now, had Jesse not made such unneeded comments regarding the website, I would not have told him how I felt about his comments, however, if you are willing dish out some poor opinions related to nothing other than your own personal attacks on someone you know nothing about, then you are capable of accepting my honest reply.

As for myself and Super Coop Records, yes it is a new venture and I have the utmost respect and professional attitude towards bands and musicians that I have been in contact with since I took SCR public and I am trying to help local bands in Southern Maryland promote and market themselves. For anyone who knows me personally I have a great reputation and I have made a lot of friends in the local music scene, however, when someone like Jesse comes in with a full attack like he did in that email he sent me, I will let you know how I feel. And as I see he also wants to make this a public attack so have at Jesse. I assure you that the bands I have been in contact with will back me up when I say I have offered them nothing but a professional attitude. And if you say I have this unprofessional attitude, please go ask these bands if my correspondence with them was so horrible:

Broken Stigma
This You Can Count On

I don't know if Jesse is upset about the introduction of SCR in the local area, it appears that he has some competitions in the local market, however, I have yet to see any proof myself that Lone Dog Productions even exists, so, in short, I'm not quite sure what Jesse's game is with his arguement.

I am simply trying to help out the local bands in Southern Maryland to promote their bands, there is no catches and no gimmicks here, SCR is a home-brewed promotional and marketing resource for local bands. If the bands do not have the interest in pursuing what I have to offer, I can not force them, it's a free-will issue when you promote your music and how you intend to do it is strictly up to the band, all I can do is say hey, "I think I can help you, if you want it, the rest is up to them".

Simply put, Jesse has begun a major retaliation again Super Coop Records and I have not the slightest idea what his issue is. If anyone would like to see the email that I sent to him, I'll let you have it, it's really neat.

Thanks Peeps,
Super Coop Records


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yeah yeah
Actually- first, I would like to say- I am in no way jesse. Ask away, the people who know me, know that I am not jesse. :lmao:

Second of all, the band that I am speaking of, is NOT one of the ones mentioned, because they have chosen not to go with you because of how you acted. Period. Maybe you used the same words and terms with them- that you chose to use with jesse. And they didnt think you were very professional with them. Maybe ya'll didnt mesh well, I dont know what the deal is- but, getting your panties in a bunch is not going to do any good. I was asking for a repore on yourself, rather than you 'attacking' me. As I stated at the end of my post, I was hoping that you weren't going to be that person they are saying... because I think what you are doing with a business like this is good... but you are really not showing me any reason to change their mind. You may have those bands under your belt, and good for you- and many happy returns and all that jazz.. but- it wouldnt have hurt to get another under there- and one of a genre that might have opened more doors.


New Member
watercolor said:
Actually- first, I would like to say- I am in no way jesse. Ask away, the people who know me, know that I am not jesse. :lmao:

Second of all, the band that I am speaking of, is NOT one of the ones mentioned, because they have chosen not to go with you because of how you acted. Period. Maybe you used the same words and terms with them- that you chose to use with jesse. And they didnt think you were very professional with them. Maybe ya'll didnt mesh well, I dont know what the deal is- but, getting your panties in a bunch is not going to do any good. I was asking for a repore on yourself, rather than you 'attacking' me. As I stated at the end of my post, I was hoping that you weren't going to be that person they are saying... because I think what you are doing with a business like this is good... but you are really not showing me any reason to change their mind. You may have those bands under your belt, and good for you- and many happy returns and all that jazz.. but- it wouldnt have hurt to get another under there- and one of a genre that might have opened more doors.

Well, I do greatly apologize if you are in fact not Jesse, however, I read for my self exact statement from the email I had with Jesse, and they are in no way related to any other bands I have been in contact with, so therefore, I am pretty certain that this is one in the same. However, I am not that person that this band or Jesse says I am I have no idea where anyone would have gotten that assumption from in the first place. I just don't quite understand where this "jesse" is coming from, nothing I have ever said, has anything to do with the email I got from the said "jesse" so what is the deal.


yeah yeah
Again, as I said before, Dwight, I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here- and seeing if you can give me a reason to change my friends mind. But you are really not showing me a reason. I posted the information that I had gotten, that you were not that "great" with them, when the person talked to you- and maybe you were having an off day, or whatever, and I am willing, again to give the benefit of doubt here- hence the reason I posted what I posted, and asked specifically if someone could make claim that you really aren't a jerk. Maybe you didnt want to deal with the genre they played? I dont know. Maybe its not your style, which is fine, and perfectly legit, and maybe you didnt want to promote that style, which to each their own...but, the way they are feeling is not very good, and to have 1 bad apple to deal with, can say alot- seeing as word gets around fast. hence the reason I was asking for someone to lay claim that you weren't a sucky arse person.

And I am not jesse. so feel free to acknowledge that now. :lmao:


watercolor is a female and went to highschool with me. Therefore I know shes not a dude and her name isnt jesse !


New Member
watercolor said:
Again, as I said before, Dwight, I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here- and seeing if you can give me a reason to change my friends mind. But you are really not showing me a reason. I posted the information that I had gotten, that you were not that "great" with them, when the person talked to you- and maybe you were having an off day, or whatever, and I am willing, again to give the benefit of doubt here- hence the reason I posted what I posted, and asked specifically if someone could make claim that you really aren't a jerk. Maybe you didnt want to deal with the genre they played? I dont know. Maybe its not your style, which is fine, and perfectly legit, and maybe you didnt want to promote that style, which to each their own...but, the way they are feeling is not very good, and to have 1 bad apple to deal with, can say alot- seeing as word gets around fast. hence the reason I was asking for someone to lay claim that you weren't a sucky arse person.

And I am not jesse. so feel free to acknowledge that now. :lmao:

Ok, that's fine. However, if you were looking for some real background info, on who I am and how I am to deal with in a personal, and professional respect, I don't think you had to be quite so direct with your post, after all, you already made a misunderstanding a bad situation for everyone. The simplest thing to do is ask someone if they knew who I was and how was to work with, you went a bit overboard with your post.

I am recalling a dealing I had with a band some weeks ago and I gave them my professional and honest opinion, they asked for it. Now, if they felt it was not what they wanted to hear, then they took it personally, and not as professionally minded critisism, there are alot more people doing what I am doing, and SCR is minnow in a sea of whales, so they should have laughed me off and went elsewhere, it's how it works, I'm a musician, I Know!

Now, all of those conversations are between myself and my clients, or possible clients, where you fit in, is not a needed factor in the equation, if you're not a part of the parties involved in the situation, then you should not make public comments until you have first spoken with me in person. If you felt you needed to find out more about who the situation, the you had no need to be slanderous about it. The email I got from this Jesse guy was a direct attack, and a personal one at that, with no factual information.


New Member
chess said:
watercolor is a female and went to highschool with me. Therefore I know shes not a dude and her name isnt jesse !

I have completely accepted the fact that Watercolor is not a Jesse, HOWEVER, I am making the point that Watercolor, has involved herself in something she knows nothing about, therefore, we have this fiasco that should have never gotten started in the first place. I have already put out a call to the Moderator to delete this entire post because it's got nothing to nothing anyway.


New Member
JustynSayneBand said:
I do... she got her snout stuck where it don't belong... LOL!

She is obviously a friend of a band that contacted me some time ago and she doesn't like what I said. I assure you all it was nothing rude or vulgar, simply an honest opinion, and now she just wants to make SCR look bad in front of every one, but, that's just not the case. I'm a laid back, really nice guy, who has nothing but good intentions for the local music scene, always have always will, but, I just don't understand what her issue is.


yeah yeah
I was not being slanderous. If I were to be slanderous- would be me, outright dealing with you and then calling you every name in the book, and then following to every local gig, and then making sure that you were to never be recognized in a good fashion again. But, I was not doing that- I was rather asking for a repore on how you deal, and how your business deals with people- because with me, being around this particular band all the time- and hearing all the juice with what is going on in their "band lives".. I was hoping- because of the local label status- that I could change their minds about you. period. That is all. But you want to make it into something more than it is. And being direct- is better than beating around the bush...and lollygaggin around with bs, when it is something that someone could have said a) he sucks, dont deal with him, they are better off without him or b) give the guy a chance, he is really great to work with, and he is giving me/my band a great opportunity, and I am really diggin him.

I was asking for a detail on you/your ways of promoting and how you were, and what better place to do it- on a southern maryland forum, where I have seen your name plastered before. Also, getting a public disclosure about you/your actions/your business that you run is a way to make sure that you work with the public well. And when you say you are going to run something such as a local label, wouldnt that be something that you would want to try hard to keep upstanding and in good fashion? If you are only willing to deal with certain genre's and or certain areas of music, they you should make that well known and make your philosophy VERY CLEAR before people come to you looking for a way to market themselves.


yeah yeah
JustynSayneBand said:
She is obviously a friend of a band that contacted me some time ago and she doesn't like what I said. I assure you all it was nothing rude or vulgar, simply an honest opinion, and now she just wants to make SCR look bad in front of every one, but, that's just not the case. I'm a laid back, really nice guy, who has nothing but good intentions for the local music scene, always have always will, but, I just don't understand what her issue is.

Actually, what I know of it all, is that they didnt like the way you presented what you did, and I chose on my own standing to find out what the deal was, and to see if you would be worth a second chance and for them not to get their panties in a bunch if it wasnt needed.

And I am in no way out to make you look bad- I wanted to know more about you- and what your were. But it is not showing you are this laid back dude with really nice intentions. I am all about supporting local businesses and seeing their endevors rise- but this is not going in the direction is should be.


New Member
watercolor said:
If you are only willing to deal with certain genre's and or certain areas of music, they you should make that well known and make your philosophy VERY CLEAR before people come to you looking for a way to market themselves.

But I did, I have more than directly stated that SCR only has the current direction of working with original rock bands in the Southern Maryland area. I never said a thing about opera, rap, hip-hop, country, etc. So, the band came to me as a rock band, they asked for my opinion, I told them how they could improve on their marketability, I'm sorry, if they did not care for my opinion, then, like I said before, they could have went elsewhere, instead we end with this garbage, it's uncalled for.

I am not making any invalid arguments, I will however, defend my name and my business when I get publicly attacked for no reason, and by someone who does not have the first hand facts of the conversation between myself and the band, that's just a nose in the wrong place. Longer story short, I told them what they could do, and they chose to not go that direction, that's it, end of story, if they chose to not take my opinions, then we're done, if in the future they decide I might have been right, then the offer is back on the table, it's still open on my end, so, what's all this filler content have to do with anything?

Please message me on Yahoo at: justynsayne


before this thread gets deleted lets just put some things to rest...

Dwight, just for the record, I'm Jesse...

and before you ask: watercolor did read the email you sent me, but only after she posted this thread... I gave her your name to pass it along to a few people yesterday after sending you the email which you so nicely posted... she then got information on her own from someone else and posted this thread... I then I received the email you had sent back to me and I had to share it with her... i know the timing was a little weird but thanks for assuming though :yay:

my two paragraph email that I sent (as everyone can read) had one paragraph of constructive criticism and one paragraph of praise on what you're doing... to which you responded with a rather lengthy email in response filled with sarcasm and total disrespect... we're not in the same business, but again: thanks for assuming though :yay:

your attitude here, with me and with the group watercolor is talking about clearly speaks volume of your "professionalism"

and also, just so you know, I gave your name to a few people before I got your response but, hey some people can handle a little criticism from time to time... I am sorry you can't... but, in the end of it all, I'll let them make their own decisions on how to handle you because my opinion is just that: my opinion...


New Member
watercolor said:
Actually, what I know of it all, is that they didnt like the way you presented what you did, and I chose on my own standing to find out what the deal was, and to see if you would be worth a second chance and for them not to get their panties in a bunch if it wasnt needed.

And I am in no way out to make you look bad- I wanted to know more about you- and what your were. But it is not showing you are this laid back dude with really nice intentions. I am all about supporting local businesses and seeing their endevors rise- but this is not going in the direction is should be.

Then you should have contacted me directly and asked me the questions you wanted to ask me. Instead of wasting more time on other peoples opinions, you should have went directly to the source, instead you decided to publicy announce false comments, Like this, this comment you made, this is all hearsay, you DO NOT KNOW how the conversation went, this is not even close"

"But now- I am curious as to why and how they are doing business when, the person who is the owner is a rude, and pompous jerk. Through the grapevine- of people I have had the pleasure of meeting, and hearing their stuff- they went to contact this "owner" in persuance.... only to be treated like dirt-"

This is pure garbage, you're making statements that are not true.


JustynSayneBand said:
Then you should have contacted me directly and asked me the questions you wanted to ask me. Instead of wasting more time on other peoples opinions, you should have went directly to the source, instead you decided to publicy announce false comments, Like this, this comment you made, this is all hearsay, you DO NOT KNOW how the conversation went, this is not even close"

"But now- I am curious as to why and how they are doing business when, the person who is the owner is a rude, and pompous jerk. Through the grapevine- of people I have had the pleasure of meeting, and hearing their stuff- they went to contact this "owner" in persuance.... only to be treated like dirt-"

This is pure garbage, you're making statements that are not true.

hell, i wasn't doing business with you and you were a rude and pompous jerk... and, I know the people she talked to... I'd believe them over anything you'd say anyway because you would of been "oh, I'm a nice guy... blah blah self promoting blah" because any good business man would of done the same...

so, she's actually making true statements... :yay: