Justyn Sayne


New Member
maylinduplantis said:
before this thread gets deleted lets just put some things to rest...

Dwight, just for the record, I'm Jesse...

and before you ask: watercolor did read the email you sent me, but only after she posted this thread... I gave her your name to pass it along to a few people yesterday after sending you the email which you so nicely posted... she then got information on her own from someone else and posted this thread... I then I received the email you had sent back to me and I had to share it with her... i know the timing was a little weird but thanks for assuming though :yay:

my two paragraph email that I sent (as everyone can read) had one paragraph of constructive criticism and one paragraph of praise on what you're doing... to which you responded with a rather lengthy email in response filled with sarcasm and total disrespect... we're not in the same business, but again: thanks for assuming though :yay:

your attitude here, with me and with the group watercolor is talking about clearly speaks volume of your "professionalism"

and also, just so you know, I gave your name to a few people before I got your response but, hey some people can handle a little criticism from time to time... I am sorry you can't... but, in the end of it all, I'll let them make their own decisions on how to handle you because my opinion is just that: my opinion...

Well Hello Jesse! Thanks be God you do exist, now answer me this... Why did you feel it was needed to make comments about the way the website is designed, why not ask questions regarding the real reason for contacting me "THE SERVICES"? You should have a look see at the mess people call websites on the internet for record labels. Also, do you understand what the term "Indie" means? That's why we a lot of "free" usage scripts on the site. The point of being Indie, to not pay out the nose for services you can provide yourself.

I also, can accept constructive criticism extremely well. However, I was making my point to you, in the reply you got from me about your email, that you too did not have all the facts before you sent your email, so, basically, this fiasco was started by you and this is where is at, you were quite a bit out of line with your email and I don't know that my email was sarcastic in anyway.


New Member
maylinduplantis said:
hell, i wasn't doing business with you and you were a rude and pompous jerk... and, I know the people she talked to... I'd believe them over anything you'd say anyway because you would of been "oh, I'm a nice guy... blah blah self promoting blah" because any good business man would of done the same...

so, she's actually making true statements... :yay:

message me back will ya


JustynSayneBand said:
Well Hello Jesse! Thanks be God you do exist, now answer me this... Why did you feel it was needed to make comments about the way the website is designed, why not ask questions regarding the real reason for contacting me "THE SERVICES"? You should have a look see at the mess people call websites on the internet for record labels. Also, do you understand what the term "Indie" means? That's why we a lot of "free" usage scripts on the site. The point of being Indie, to not pay out the nose for services you can provide yourself.

I also, can accept constructive criticism extremely well. However, I was making my point to you, in the reply you got from me about your email, that you too did not have all the facts before you sent your email, so, basically, this fiasco was started by you and this is where is at, you were quite a bit out of line with your email and I don't know that my email was sarcastic in anyway.

well, that's fine and dandy but the imature way you handle the email to my responce was uncalled for... I wasn't offering my services or I would of said "hey, I'll do it for you for this price" but I didn't, I actually told you to go somewhere else... and I have seen a lot of Indie sites, and yeah, some of them are extremely poor in quality but that doesn't make it okay... "Oh, I can have a crap site because label X and Y do too! PEACHY!"

and sure, if you were making your point to me by saying "hey, umm, you don't know all that you're talking about, here is why" then I could of accepted that with a thumbs up, positive responce, but you had to make it into this drawn out "holyer than thou" email which made you look like a rude and pompous jerk... I don't have to point out the lines to you, because it's not worth it... I showed her the email instead of just telling her what the email was about because it was a first hand account of how you handle people who criticize you... in all honesty, I wish I got more criticism back on the stuff I do... its hard to try and make something better when no one says a thing...

be happy I told you how I felt because I'm sure I'm not the only person feeling the same way... just because someone doesn't say something doesn't mean they aren't thinking it...

now, get down off of your high horse before you fall off hard...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JustynSayneBand said:
I have already put out a call to the Moderator to delete this entire post because it's got nothing to nothing anyway.

I fail to see what the problem is here. Jesse criticized your website in a rather benign way. If that's your idea of a "full attack" you got some skin to grow.

So I'm not deleting this thread - sounds like a legitimate consumer complaint and it was your inappropriate response that made it more than it needed to be.

The judge has spoken. :bangsgavel:


New Member
maylinduplantis said:
well, that's fine and dandy but the imature way you handle the email to my responce was uncalled for... I wasn't offering my services or I would of said "hey, I'll do it for you for this price" but I didn't, I actually told you to go somewhere else... and I have seen a lot of Indie sites, and yeah, some of them are extremely poor in quality but that doesn't make it okay... "Oh, I can have a crap site because label X and Y do too! PEACHY!"

and sure, if you were making your point to me by saying "hey, umm, you don't know all that you're talking about, here is why" then I could of accepted that with a thumbs up, positive responce, but you had to make it into this drawn out "holyer than thou" email which made you look like a rude and pompous jerk... I don't have to point out the lines to you, because it's not worth it... I showed her the email instead of just telling her what the email was about because it was a first hand account of how you handle people who criticize you... in all honesty, I wish I got more criticism back on the stuff I do... its hard to try and make something better when no one says a thing...

be happy I told you how I felt because I'm sure I'm not the only person feeling the same way... just because someone doesn't say something doesn't mean they aren't thinking it...

now, get down off of your high horse before you fall off hard...

OK, OK, enough of this. It's been great fun and I'll just get back to doing what I was doing. I tried to make the mess sensible, but, before we keep going around and around here, I'm just gonna fold my hand and take whatever I made away from the table.

If the parties involved, myslef and the band, had of stayed that way, then none of this would have started, so, please let your friends in the band know what a mess you created. I now see where you fit in, and you had nothing to do with where the matter started in the first place. I understand you were trying to help, but you didn't, you made a bigger mess out of something that was already laid to rest. Please tell your friends that I what I had to say hurt their feelings, I'm sorry, but, they asked what they could do better, I told them in MHO, and also let them know that what I told them to change, still sticks... 100%

As for being a pompous jerk, I am, if you say so. However, I invite you to come hangout with me anytime, and then maybe you'll realize that I do offer a 100% professional attitude when dealing with local bands. I give them what they ask for, Professional Criticism!

Super Coop Records


New Member
vraiblonde said:

I fail to see what the problem is here. Jesse criticized your website in a rather benign way. If that's your idea of a "full attack" you got some skin to grow.

So I'm not deleting this thread - sounds like a legitimate consumer complaint and it was your inappropriate response that made it more than it needed to be.

The judge has spoken. :bangsgavel:

Hello vraiblonde,

I appreciate your comments, but, you must realize that the person who started the thread had no factual evidence as to what the conversation between myself and the band in question was about, that matter was laid to rest weeks ago between myself and the band, that's where it should have stayed. I had no reason to believe that this Jesse person was remotely related to the band in question, no mention of that was ever made to me by Jesse.

Therefore, Jesse should have been more direct in the actual reason for contacting me in the first place. Instead, Jesse insisted on opinionating on the websites design, and then proceeded to mention something about some friends in a band he knows, what band? who's band? No band name was ever mentioned to me.

So, basically, we ended up with 2 people involved in this matter that should not have not gotten involved. At no time did I ever make a mention to anyone to visit my website and make comments about the site, my ending comment in any post regarding the SCR site is similar to this:

"You can read more about the CD Consignment Service and our other services by visiting the SCR site at www.supercooprecords.com and clicking on the menu button titled "Our Services".

At no time did I ever say anything about visiting the site and ask anyone to "tell us what you think about our webmaster / web design skills", that was a direct attack on something that had no premise to the start of all this.

When I spoke with the band in question, they could care less about how the site looked, they came to me for answers about my services. So, yes, I do feel this entire post should be deleted, it is filled with false-truths and attacks on subjects that have no bearing to anything to do with the band.

But, it is only through the postings on this forum, that their true identities came out and we find that they are simply friends of a certain band and they have no clue as to what went on in a private conversation between myself and their friends band.

If they were to have contacted me to ask me to reevaluate the band for their friends, then I would have done that, but, there was no reason for them to attack the way the website is created and designed, that has nothing to do with anything related to the origin of this conversation with their friends band.

So, please, delete this post and all associated posts.


yeah yeah
*scratches head* I dont think that you have the same band in mind that I am talking about. Because "When I spoke with the band in question, they could care less about how the site looked, they came to me for answers about my services."....that doesnt mesh well. Therefore, I will admit- I think there is confusion between me and you.

And the deal with Jesse, is he found you through a ad, and came to your website on his own- and emailed you on his own accord. Nothing more. He knew nothing about the band stuff, until I told him about it.


New Member
watercolor said:
*scratches head* I dont think that you have the same band in mind that I am talking about. Because "When I spoke with the band in question, they could care less about how the site looked, they came to me for answers about my services."....that doesnt mesh well. Therefore, I will admit- I think there is confusion between me and you.

And the deal with Jesse, is he found you through a ad, and came to your website on his own- and emailed you on his own accord. Nothing more. He knew nothing about the band stuff, until I told him about it.

Ok, so, this only proves my theory right from the start, the confusion was created on the other end, so, with that said, I'm done here.

This is the reason that I tried to IM you, I want to speak with you directly to try to figure out what you and Jesse are talking about and how this whole mess got started with this "band", that's all, I don not, like I mentioned in the start understand where your comments are coming from based on bands that I have had contact with.

If at anytime anyone would like to discuss the actual matters of "SCR's Services" that Super Coop Records has to offer to local bands and musicians, then I am here to assist in those matters.


yeah yeah
JustynSayneBand said:
Ok, so, this only proves my theory right from the start, the confusion was created on the other end, so, with that said, I'm done here.

This is the reason that I tried to IM you, I want to speak with you directly to try to figure out what you and Jesse are talking about and how this whole mess got started with this "band", that's all, I don not, like I mentioned in the start understand where your comments are coming from based on bands that I have had contact with.

If at anytime anyone would like to discuss the actual matters of "SCR's Services" that Super Coop Records has to offer to local bands and musicians, then I am here to assist in those matters.

No, it doesnt. But you may have the last word.


Nice lady!
ponchie said:
This has been quite entertaining.

:yeahthat: Only one person comes off looking like a total defensive jerk in this thread. I've never seen anyone get so bent over a few suggestions for their website. :twitch:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When people email us to tell us something's wrong with our website, we say, "Thank you for letting us know. We'll take a look at it!" :shrug: