Juvenile Rhematoid Arthrits


Lem Putt
Anyone have any experience with it?

One of the toxlets might have it :bawl:

I have a cousin who has it. It can be crippling, but it can also be dealt with very effectively.

My cousin made the Olympic luge team as an alternate, so it obviously didn't slow him down too much.


wandering aimlessly
Are they also testing for Lyme? The arthritic symptoms are with Lyme disease as well.
I hope toxlet has neither. :huggy:


b*tch rocket
thanks mmdad

I don't know what they're testing her for yet.

Get her tested for Lyme! It is EXTREMELY rare for a child to have rhematoid arthritis, although that is what our peditrician at the time tried to get us to buy in to. Turns out she had lyme.


New Member
My little brother has it. I remember MANY days and nights that he was in bed with pain, especially when it was about to rain, he would ache even worse. I suggest you take stock in Icy Hot, that helped him a lot, along with some heat pads.

Good luck, I hope the little one doesn't have it.


..if momma ain't happy...
Are they also testing for Lyme? The arthritic symptoms are with Lyme disease as well.
I hope toxlet has neither. :huggy:

:yeahthat: Knew two families whose kids were eventually diagnosed with Lyme...one at 11, one at 17. Eleven year old in terrible joint pain. Seventeen yr old ended up with a catheter to place antibiotics directly in her heart. Both are 100% OK now. Hope everything works out for your family. :huggy:


New Member
I have Lyme disease. It took my doctors a long time to figure out that I had Lyme disease at first they thought it was many different things like chronic fatigue syndrome then maybe multiple sclerosis but an MRI ruled that out. In the beginning I felt like I had the worse flu of my life my body ached couldn't get out of bed then the aches and pains started. I had horrible head aches and felt like I was in a constant fog . I kept going back to the doctors begging them to find out what was wrong . I told my doctor I know theirs something really wrong I cannot live like this anymore. I thought I was crazy or dying . I couldn't take care of my son all I wanted to do was sleep or lay in bed. I started forgetting things. After taking multiple blood tests . It came back as I was positive for Lyme disease.

I took antibiotics for 30 days but that didn't help so I had to have a pic line " IV " put in my arm and was on daily rocephin antibiotic treatment for 4 months straight. That helped for awhile but not to long after stopping the antibiotics the pain came back in my joints and back and my ankles and wrists. I don't feel like I'm in a fog as much but I still get the headaches a few times a week. I have arthritis in all of my joints and when I move my arms you can hear my joints crack and pop my hips do the same thing.


Are they also testing for Lyme? The arthritic symptoms are with Lyme disease as well.
I hope toxlet has neither. :huggy:

Great advice to check. I have been reading up on Lyme since I was bitten by a tick about 3 weeks ago. All the original Lyme kids were diagnosed with RA before they had 'discovered' the disease.

I hope everything works out for the little one! It's scary when you don't know what's wrong.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I was actually "tested" for Juvenile RA when younger.

Never tested for Lyme's.

I believe the dx was something like 'joints are extremely sensitive to barometric pressure changes, the pain from which may cause overall fatigue... :blahblah:

This was Malcolm Grow in the 70's. :shrug:

I just recall my mom constantly rubbing my legs and knees for me and my elbow/wrist joints and often putting Ace bandages on for comfort. It was horrible.

And, my family has significant hx of RA, though I've never followed up on the relevance of juvenile onset.

I hope your Toxlet feels better and finds comfort soon. :huggy:


b*tch rocket
I took antibiotics for 30 days but that didn't help so I had to have a pic line " IV " put in my arm and was on daily rocephin antibiotic treatment for 4 months straight. That helped for awhile but not to long after stopping the antibiotics the pain came back in my joints and back and my ankles and wrists. I don't feel like I'm in a fog as much but I still get the headaches a few times a week. I have arthritis in all of my joints and when I move my arms you can hear my joints crack and pop my hips do the same thing.

My daughter had lyme that was misdiagnosed for 6 months. We managed to find a wonderful doctor who knew how to properly treat lyme. He kept her on antibiotics until she went two months without any lyme symptoms which was 9 months total on antibiotics. If you want his information, shoot me a PM. It's been several years since we've been to him, but I believe he is still around.


Good news and bad news...

The good news is the doctor doesn't think she has arthritis.

The bad news is that the doctor doesn't know WTF she has, if anything, or what to do about it, and therefore didn't do a ####ing thing.

She suggested a pinched nerve, but that sounds like a load of crap to me. I've had pinched nerves before. It wasn't like that.

So now I have a child here who's perfectly normal, and runs around the house like a maniac, jumps around, plays with dolls and makeup, and toy ponies and princesses... except that when she sits on the potty she needs someone to come pick her up because she can't stand up. If it weren't for the possibility of deterioration, we could simply deal with that at home - but suppose she's at school and gets stuck on the commode. We're going to take her to an arthritis specialist, because this is not acceptable.

And if it turns out there is no arthritis, I have no idea what to do next.


New Member
The good news is the doctor doesn't think she has arthritis.

The bad news is that the doctor doesn't know WTF she has, if anything, or what to do about it, and therefore didn't do a ####ing thing.

She suggested a pinched nerve, but that sounds like a load of crap to me. I've had pinched nerves before. It wasn't like that.

So now I have a child here who's perfectly normal, and runs around the house like a maniac, jumps around, plays with dolls and makeup, and toy ponies and princesses... except that when she sits on the potty she needs someone to come pick her up because she can't stand up. If it weren't for the possibility of deterioration, we could simply deal with that at home - but suppose she's at school and gets stuck on the commode. We're going to take her to an arthritis specialist, because this is not acceptable.

And if it turns out there is no arthritis, I have no idea what to do next.

Is it always on the toilet?


Well-Known Member
The good news is the doctor doesn't think she has arthritis.

The bad news is that the doctor doesn't know WTF she has, if anything, or what to do about it, and therefore didn't do a ####ing thing.

She suggested a pinched nerve, but that sounds like a load of crap to me. I've had pinched nerves before. It wasn't like that.

So now I have a child here who's perfectly normal, and runs around the house like a maniac, jumps around, plays with dolls and makeup, and toy ponies and princesses... except that when she sits on the potty she needs someone to come pick her up because she can't stand up. If it weren't for the possibility of deterioration, we could simply deal with that at home - but suppose she's at school and gets stuck on the commode. We're going to take her to an arthritis specialist, because this is not acceptable.

And if it turns out there is no arthritis, I have no idea what to do next.

I guess that why the call medicine "practicing medicine". I would take her somewhere else to get the answers you need. Sounds like something is going on. I'm surprised they didn't do any lab work, at least a SED Rate or an RA Factor. What's a little bit of bloodwork going to hurt? or possibly an x-ray to check her joints. Was this the regular pediatrician? How old is she again?

Hope all checks out and it's just growing pains or something. Until you know for sure, keep playing her advocate until you get a correct diagnosis. :huggy: for toxlot.


b*tch rocket
The bad news is that the doctor doesn't know WTF she has, if anything, or what to do about it, and therefore didn't do a ####ing thing.

She suggested a pinched nerve, but that sounds like a load of crap to me. I've had pinched nerves before. It wasn't like that.

And if it turns out there is no arthritis, I have no idea what to do next.

It probably is a load of crap. I know I'm :deadhorse: but insist she be checked for lyme. I had to fight with 4 different pediatricians just to get one of them to finally run 2 sets of lyme tests. Lyme disease is rampant in this area. Even if you think she's never had a tick get her checked. The deer ticks are so small, they are easy to miss.