Juvenile Rhematoid Arthrits


I Need a Beer
a SED Rate or an RA Factor.

:yeahthat: Take her to a rheumatologist and request a Westgren sed rate blood test - this will tell if she has elevated inflamation. Anything above 24 in a young healthy woman is considered high - I don't know what it should be with a child.


It probably is a load of crap. I know I'm :deadhorse: but insist she be checked for lyme. I had to fight with 4 different pediatricians just to get one of them to finally run 2 sets of lyme tests. Lyme disease is rampant in this area. Even if you think she's never had a tick get her checked. The deer ticks are so small, they are easy to miss.

I'll try that. But doesn't lyme disease also display a specific pattern rash?


b*tch rocket

I don't understand why doctors would make such a big deal about testing for Lyme. You'd think it would be part of the "ruling out" process.

Lack of knowledge. The pediatricians I went to said it couldn't be lyme because she didn't have the bullseye rash. Not everyone gets a rash, or if they do get a rash it resembles something else. They insisted my kid had Fifth's Disease and a dash of rheumatoid arthritis.

Another craptastic reality when it comes to the treatment of lyme disease, is that the CDC is so in bed with the insurance companies that doctor's stand to lose their medical license for "over treatment" if they don't just administer the recommended six weeks of antibiotics and then stop. Six weeks of antibiotics works great for folks who catch it early, but is not nearly enough for anyone who's had lyme for an extended period of time without any sort of treatment.

I was actually told by the "experts" at Children's hospital that if my daughter's lyme symptoms didn't go away within six weeks, then she really didn't have lyme.


Lem Putt

I don't understand why doctors would make such a big deal about testing for Lyme. You'd think it would be part of the "ruling out" process.
My doctor didn't have any problem doing it, even though my symptoms didn't totally fit.

I'll try that. But doesn't lyme disease also display a specific pattern rash?

The rash is usually gone long before you have arthritic symptoms. It's also very possible that you didn't notice the rash because it isn't always obvious.


Lem Putt
Lack of knowledge. The pediatricians I went to said it couldn't be lyme because she didn't have the bullseye rash. Not everyone gets a rash, or if they do get a rash it resembles something else. They insisted my kid had Fifth's Disease and a dash of rheumatoid arthritis.

Another craptastic reality when it comes to the treatment of lyme disease, is that the CDC is so in bed with the insurance companies that doctor's stand to lose their medical license for "over treatment" if they don't just administer the recommended six weeks of antibiotics and then stop. Six weeks of antibiotics works great for folks who catch it early, but is not nearly enough for anyone who's had lyme for an extended period of time without any sort of treatment.

I was actually told by the "experts" at Children's hospital that if my daughter's lyme symptoms didn't go away within six weeks, then she really didn't have lyme.
CDC says that only 70-80% get the rash. DVBID: Symptoms | CDC Lyme Disease

You are correct that they don't recommend more than 8 weeks of antibiotics.


I Need a Beer
Toxick - it could be many, many things.....from the worst like childhood leukemia of which one of the symptoms is back, leg, and joint pain, headache, trouble standing or walking. To one of the least worst like her long bones are growing and her tendons and connective tissue are just tight and she needs to stretch daily during growth spurts. Get her to a trusted doctor and have blood work done.

Nanny Pam

Tox..here's the reverse.
I was bitten by a lyme tick. Had the bullseye rash and everything, but so far so good. No lyme disease.

So ask for the test.
Best to you and your family! :huggy:


b*tch rocket
Tox..here's the reverse.
I was bitten by a lyme tick. Had the bullseye rash and everything, but so far so good. No lyme disease.

So ask for the test.
Best to you and your family! :huggy:

Lyme can be treated and cured and it is getting better around here as far as doctor's being able to identify the symptoms and test for it. I'd prefer lyme over rheumatoid arthritis, at least something can be done about lyme.

Sorry for hijacking your thread Toxick. :huggy: Just get that girl in and get her tested. :lol: