Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Kamala Harris: She’ll Cackle While America Burns

As expected, Joe Biden has dropped his reelection campaign. In doing so, he endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, as his replacement as the Democratic Party’s nominee. It might seem impossible, but she would be an even worse president than he was.

Start with the fact that Harris is an unserious person and a classic midwit, defined by the Urban Dictionary as:

Someone who is around average intelligence but is so opinionated and full of themselves that they think they’re some kind of genius. Midwits have a shallow understanding of things and at first can seem a bit smart, until you dig deeper and realize they’re just posers.

But let us skip any further preambling and go right into the reasons why Harris, who would be a wreck in the White House.

First off, if she were elected president, there would be at least another four years of the Biden administration, which in reality would be Barack Obama’s fourth term. Little good has come from the combined 11 1/2 years of Obama and Biden. “Fundamentally transforming” this country has not improved it but instead drained it of its identity, independence, cohesiveness, and perpetual optimism.

Furthermore, Harris’ failings are monumental. Since being named “border czar” in March 2021 just two months into the Biden presidency, illegal border crossings have soared. During the four years of the Trump presidency, there were 2.4 million illegal entries. An estimated 7.4 million illegal immigrants, however, crossed into the U.S. during Biden’s first three years, a staggering number that doesn’t include the nearly 2 million “gotaways” who were seen jumping the border, but weren’t caught.

The border crisis was not due to incompetence, though it is hard to find a shred of competence in this administration. It is a disaster by design.

Think of Harris’ negligence on the border matter and then imagine this woman, who, as Center Square contributor William Haupt III says, “has failed at every job Biden has given her.” Because she has the persona of a court jester, no foreign leader would ever take her seriously. She constantly spews an incoherent “mixture of words or phrases that is confused and difficult to understand,” which the Federalist’s Mark Hemingway calls “authentic California self-actualized airhead gibberish,” and it is all too often followed by maniacal cackling.

Imagine her going up against Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping. As long as they could hold their laughter, they would be able to easily push her into making grave errors. Her mistakes would be magnified if today’s cold war grows hot.

A Harris domestic political agenda would be no less calamitous. It would look exactly like the one that is ruining California, because she believes “in that old adage that as it goes in California, so goes the country” and if she “were to become president,” it would be her “goal to make that adage a reality for America.”

As president, Harris would alienate Israel. She has engaged in anti-Israel rhetoric and made it clear she sides with the pro-Hamas gangs, sorry, protesters, that have been revealing themselves for nine months now to be truly vicious as well as morally and intellectually corrupt.

Never forget that Harris asked people to “chip in now” to the Minnesota Freedom Fund that raised bail for those who participated in the George Floyd protests, which in several cases were actually deadly riots.

Or that she made a fool of herself by “cluelessly clapping along” and smiling while on a visit to Puerto Rico as a man sang in Spanish “We want to know, Kamala, what did you come here for? We want to know what she thinks of the colony.”


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New York Times Board Wants Kamala Harris Out of the Race

The board first provided some throat-clearing praise for Biden:

By agreeing to step down when his term ends in January, he is greatly increasing the chance that his party is able to protect the nation from the dangers of returning Donald Trump to the presidency.
Then it dropped the hammer:

Choosing Ms. Harris would be a reasonable path for Democrats to take; she has been Mr. Biden’s running mate, and while no votes were cast for her as a presidential candidate in primaries, the president’s voters expected her to be on the ticket in November.
Nonetheless, party delegates should have a voice in a decision of this consequence. There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win, and picking a candidate without a real contest is how the party got into a position of anointing a standard-bearer that large majorities of Democrats and independents had profound concerns about. While the hour is late, there is still time to put leading candidates through a process of public scrutiny before the party’s nominating convention begins on Aug. 19, to inform the choice of a nominee and to build public support. [Emphasis added.]

The NYT‘s instant push to demote Harris after Biden’s exit helps to explain why so many black politicians were publicly eager to keep the Biden-Harris ticket for 2024. TheHill.com reported on July 8:

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus are throwing their support behind President Biden as a growing number of Democrats call for him to suspend his 2024 campaign.
On Sunday, Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) issued a sharp rebuttal of those calling for Biden to step aside.
“Any ‘leader’ calling for President Biden to drop out needs to get their priorities straight and stop undermining this incredible actual leader who has delivered real results for our country,” Wilson said in a statement. “And when you contrast that with a dangerous figure like Donald Trump pushing a radical agenda to be dictator on day one and destroy our democracy, we must do everything in our power to defeat him; Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is the ticket to do just that.”

But the NYT‘s push is also very risky for the Democrats’ disparate coalition. Black Americans provided roughly 11.5 percent of the electorate in 2020 and delivered one in five of the Biden’s votes.


PREMO Member

A Full-Blown Civil War Looms for Democrats

While Biden’s endorsement may be helpful for Kamala, it doesn’t doesn’t mean she’s going to be handed the nomination.

Far from it.

Soon after the news dropped that Biden was dropping out, former President Bill Clinton and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton released a statement that included the following:

We are honored to join the President in endorsing Vice President Harris and will do whatever we can to support her.
We've lived through many ups and downs, but nothing has made us more worried for our country than the threat posed by a second Trump term. He has promised to be a dictator on day one, and the recent ruling by his servile Supreme Court will only embolden him to further shred the Constitution. Now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight with everything we've got to elect her. America's future depends on it.

Former President Barack Obama also released a statement. It’s a long one, but here’s the part that matters:

We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August. And I expect that every single one of us are prepared to carry that message of hope and progress forward into November and beyond.

This is clearly a non-endorsement of Kamala Harris.

With Biden stepping down, the Democrats are now navigating uncharted waters. While the Clintons are rallying behind Harris, Obama’s support for an as-yet-to-be-defined process to select a new nominee foreshadows a civil war for the Democratic Party. For sure, there are other influential figures within the party who will want Kamala Harris to take the baton, but others might prefer a different candidate.

On one side, you have the establishment wing, led by the Clintons, who are committed to Harris. On the other, you have progressive elements and possibly other establishment figures who will likely see Harris as a weak candidate—which is true.

It seems like an open convention is still likely, and that could turn into a bitterly divisive battleground, with different factions vying for control and influence over the party’s future direction.
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The Greatest Hits of Kamala Harris

Not exactly a good resume. Plus, she's tied to every bad thing that Biden has done while he's occupied the office. She went along with everything and she knew about Biden's problems, so she's complicit. As my colleague Mike Miller wrote, the Trump team dropped a great ad that nails her for the complicity.

When you're most known for the mystifying way you talk, there could be a problem.

Let's walk through some of Harris' greatest hits. There are so many of them, so I'll just hit the highlights.

Let's go back to August 2019 when she got trounced by Tulsi Gabbard on the national stage during a Democratic primary debate.

Who can forget when she said we had a long and enduring alliance with North Korea?

How about when she claimed she'd been to the border? When she was told that wasn't true, she said well, she also hadn't been to Europe. How about, "How important it is to work together so that we can work together?" And let us not forget about that passage of time and the great significance to the passage of time. You know when we talk about the children of the community, guess what? They're the children of the community. And let's not forget all the wild cackling.

There was this fun moment when she didn't understand they were protesting her, so she clapped along mindlessly.



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I just made a pit stop on MSN (https://www.msn.com/en-us) to check out their collection of Memes. Gues what I could find at all? Nothing about Biden or Harris. Nada, Zilch. It' like they don't even exist.

Maybe they have changed their mantra to be "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all'', ya think?