Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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PREMO Member
But the NYT‘s push is also very risky for the Democrats’ disparate coalition. Black Americans provided roughly 11.5 percent of the electorate in 2020 and delivered one in five of the Biden’s votes.
But black men have slowly been migrating to Trump over the the last year. Some say as many as 20%. Does anybody see them immediately jumping on the Kamala bandwagon just because she's black?


PREMO Member
But black men have slowly been migrating to Trump over the the last year. Some say as many as 20%. Does anybody see them immediately jumping on the Kamala bandwagon just because she's black?

No, Kamala ain't black ... and if the Trump campaign is smart they will continue running the Tulsi Clip daily from here to election day on ALL Black Media
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🔥 Within two hours following Biden’s sudden and unexpected Bailout, Alex Soros —heir to the $24 billion George Soros fortune— popped up like a deranged Jack-in-the-box, endorsing Kamala Harris for President. He also did it on Twitter:

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Through the afternoon hours, consensus quickly solidified around Kamala. In the hours after Biden stepped out of the race, the Clintons, a majority of Democrats in Congress, and ten of the country’s twenty-three Democratic governors —including Gavin Newsom— announced their support for Kamala Harris. Infographic from the New York Times:

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Today, I expect most democrat politicians will fall into the Kalama Harris limbo line.

Chalk up another historic first. Assuming she can secure the nomination, Kamala would be the most diverse candidate to ever run on a major party ticket. But her approval ratings are, and always have been, languishing in the 30’s. She’s not a terrific speaker. Her gaffes are, if anything, nearly as goofy as many of Biden’s. She has long been lampooned as being Biden’s impeachment insurance, since nobody wanted to see her occupying the Oval Office.

I peeked into liberal Twitter replacement BlueSky to see how the Democrats were handling the news. Responses to the possibility of the nominee being Kamala “Joe’s Impeachment Insurance” Harris were, well, mixed:

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Mainly, the hyper-partisan democrats on BlueSky took a practical approach; it was just time to roll up their sleeves and get to work promoting the replacement, undemocratically-selected candidate:

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Notably, the Washington Post’s Editorial Board had not endorsed Kamala Harris. Instead, it ran an op-ed headlined, “With Biden stepping aside, Democrats must now embrace an open process.

Similarly, the New York Times’ Editorial Board, after praising Harris to high Heaven, called for an open convention:

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Some Democrat elites do not want Kamala. But will that last? And what about voters? Biden had 3,850 pledged delegates. Now, those delegates should be permitted to choose whomever they want, with Biden out of the race.

Will the Democrat party save democracy from itself?

The Hill ran a story around 3:30pm yesterday headlined, “DNC chair vows ‘transparent and orderly process’ to choose new nominee.

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Will the ‘transparent and orderly process’ consist of rubber-stamping Kamala Harris, voters be damned? Some commenters remained skeptical yesterday that the Democrats can afford to hold an open convention:

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CLIP: Newt Gingrich dubious about open convention or Kamala nomination (0:34).

Notably, former President Obama did not endorse Harris yesterday. National Review:

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And don’t forget about independent candidate Robert Kennedy, who is still swimming around the campaign scene. The Hill:

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#*! boat!
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