Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Harris echoes debunked claim about Georgia abortion limits causing woman's death despite pushback from doctors

Vice President Kamala Harris repeated the left's claim Sunday that a woman in Georgia died due to delayed care as a result of the state's abortion limits, despite doctors previously denouncing the narrative as false.

During an interview on the raunchy and often-sexually explicit "Call Her Daddy" podcast, host Alex Cooper asked Harris about the impact of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, blaming the death of Amber Nicole Thurman on the Supreme Court ruling and the state’s abortion limits after she received a chemically induced abortion in 2022.


Georgia's heartbeat law states that "no abortion shall be performed if the unborn child has a detectable human heartbeat except in the event of a medical emergency or medically futile pregnancy."

OB-GYNs have criticized the Amber Thurman narrative as a misleading story that is being pushed by the media and Democrats.


Charlotte Lozier Institute Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs Dr. Ingrid Skop called out the "fearmongering" and "lies" of the media that are hurting women who don’t understand new abortion laws.

"I was not surprised to see this pro-abortion media try to point the blame at Georgia’s pro-life laws, but, in fact, Georgia’s laws allow doctors to intervene to save the life of the woman," Skop recently told Fox News Digital.

"I think the focus of the Democratic Party upon abortion as an issue is only because the American people do not understand the laws. Many times, women are hurt by abortions. It is not necessary for women to live their best life. And, of course, it’s the fearmongering and lies that have led us to this place where we are today, where people even think there would be a reason to point at the law."

Ramp Guy

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Kamala Harris Falls Apart on 60 Minutes After Host Peppers Her With Surprisingly Tough Questions Regarding Her Economic Plan and Tells Her: “We Are Dealing with the Real World” (VIDEO)

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Harris, expecting an easy interview, sat down with host Bill Whitaker to discuss her campaign for President and her policies, which are unknown to many Americans. She began by uttering nonsensical remarks about the Middle East as all-out war threatens to break out in the region.

“The work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen,” Harris sputtered.

Harris was in for more humiliation when the subject turned to the economy. Whitaker surprisingly asked her pointed questions regarding her socialist promises, which she had no answer for.

Harris started with a nonsensical word salad about investing in the middle class and small businesses, which did not impress Whitaker. He interrupted Harris and repeated his question.

Harris tried to spin her way out again, this time claiming the ‘evil’ rich would pay for it all without explaining how she would implement her scheme. Understanding how America’s system of government operates, Whitaker told her to start living in the real world and tell him how she would get her economic plan through Congress.

Unsurprisingly, Harris embarrassed herself again and robotically repeated campaign talking points. It almost seems she forgot how legislation is implemented.

...seems a better sentence would have stated... "It seems she doesn't know how legislation is created and doesn't know how it works in today's economy".
It's not about forgetting because she hasn't any idea how it works.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 In a 2024-style twist that might explain much, it unsurprisingly turns out that Kamala Harris has serious daddy issues. The New York Times ran a hagiographic story Friday headlined, “Kamala Harris and the Influence of an Estranged Father Just Two Miles Away.” Perhaps even more astonishing than the fact that Kamala and her father haven’t spoken in decades was that Kamala’s father’s first name and middle initial are “Donald J.” I am not making that up.

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The Times’ article is an overlong, over-the-top biography of far-left economist Donald J. Harris that tries its best to excuse Kamala’s absence from his life, bizarrely attempting to paint a picture of a strong, albeit absent, father figure who positively influenced his daughter even though the two can’t stand each other. Without evidence, the Times hilariously described their nonexistent relationship as his “spectral presence” in her life.

In other words, he ghosted her.

Dr. Harris,” the Times earnestly informed readers, “has been a mostly absent figure from his daughter’s life but not an irrelevant one.” Uh huh. The excruciatingly lengthy, excuses-packed, race-baiting, meandering article never quite got around to putting its finger on the family’s problem, even though that would seem to be the most interesting question for readers. The closest the article came was quoting a family friend who said the trouble “is that they’re so much alike.”

I think that is called damning someone with faint praise. What common element of their similar personalities precludes familial affection?

I’m not slamming Kamala Harris for having a troubled family life. Who among us can claim a halcyon Leave It To Beaver legacy? But all this blackwashing has got to stop.

Donald J. What are the odds? I mean, come on.



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This might be the worst television interview by a candidate in U.S. presidential history.

Bill Whitaker: “You’ve changed your positions so much that no one believes anything.”

Harris: “Well, I’m the vice president and I travel a lot.”


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Democrats EXPOSED PANICKING Over Kamala LOSING To TRUMP As She GETS ROASTED Over Tanking Campaign!​



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Gutfeld: CBS News tried to salvage this train wreck​

Watch closely at the preview of the interview clip, verses the clip that actually aired. Did they think nobody was going to pick up on it?

They think the American people are stupid, because they are stupid.

Okay, in fairness, half the American people ARE stupid.
