Kanye Glow In The Dark Tour..


New Member
Kanye is a whining, no-talent hack with a bad attitude. I wish he would've died in that car wreck or at least along side his fugly, fat beast of a mother. He was at least a LITTLE tolerable when his jaw was still wired shut. Where are the fellas who shot Biggie and Tupac when you need 'em???


Well-Known Member
Kanye is a whining, no-talent hack with a bad attitude. I wish he would've died in that car wreck or at least along side his fugly, fat beast of a mother. He was at least a LITTLE tolerable when his jaw was still wired shut. Where are the fellas who shot Biggie and Tupac when you need 'em???

:yikes: :buddies:


Kanye is a whining, no-talent hack with a bad attitude. I wish he would've died in that car wreck or at least along side his fugly, fat beast of a mother. He was at least a LITTLE tolerable when his jaw was still wired shut. Where are the fellas who shot Biggie and Tupac when you need 'em???

that is one hell of a thing to say. Wishing death upon someone else. Wow...karma is a biatch you know...


curiouser and curiouser
I'd like to see N.E.R.D. someday, but not at a Kanye West concert. :ohwell:

Kanye is a whining, no-talent hack with a bad attitude. I wish he would've died in that car wreck or at least along side his fugly, fat beast of a mother. He was at least a LITTLE tolerable when his jaw was still wired shut. Where are the fellas who shot Biggie and Tupac when you need 'em???

Such hostility. :lmao:


2 tickets at 147.55 .....muahahhaha! at least I got good seats! holla!!
Kanye is a whining, no-talent hack with a bad attitude. I wish he would've died in that car wreck or at least along side his fugly, fat beast of a mother. He was at least a LITTLE tolerable when his jaw was still wired shut. Where are the fellas who shot Biggie and Tupac when you need 'em???

So I guess that means you don't wanna go to the concert with Nitwhit then?? J/K but really, that's pretty harsh. Wishing death on someone?! Not to mention you're referring to his recently deceased mother as a fugly fat beast. Hmm, maybe you should talk to someone about your anger issues. I know everyone's entitled to their opinion and you know what they say about opinions...they're like @$$holes, everyone has one. Yours just stinks. If you don't like his music, turn the station :yay:


My friends have talked me into going to the Detroit Show....We'll be there for the start of our baseball road trip....Kayne West in Detroit...not a place I ever expected to be....

But then again, i've seen LL Cool J in an outdoor rodeo......


My friends have talked me into going to the Detroit Show....We'll be there for the start of our baseball road trip....Kayne West in Detroit...not a place I ever expected to be....

But then again, i've seen LL Cool J in an outdoor rodeo......
