Kari Lake takes a flamethrower to reporter’s question about Trump and the 2020 election


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And this is worth repeating:

So when some progtard whines about anyone questioning the legitimacy of *snort* Joe Biden *snort* laugh right in their ignorant hypocrite faces.
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Democrat Hobbs formally refuses to debate Kari Lake in Arizona governor race

“In the GOP primary debate, instead of talking about how she plans to move our state forward, Kari Lake brought almost every single answer back to lies about an election that happened almost two years ago,” Hobbs campaign manager Nicole DeMont said in Friday's letter. “In fact, she mentioned the 2020 election and the false conspiracies around it at least 12 times in the hour-long debate. Arizonans are tired of partisan conspiracies about the 2020 election. Voters want solutions and a governor with real plans to drive our state forward for everyone. Kari Lake only wants a spectacle, and she has made that clear in repeated combative interactions with the media.”

The former FOX 10 anchor responded shortly after the letter was made public, criticizing Hobbs’ policy stances and saying the Democrat plans to rely on wealthy outside benefactors to fund a campaign.


Well-Known Member
And this is worth repeating:

So when some progtard whines about anyone questioning the legitimacy of *snort* Joe Biden *snort* punch them right in their ignorant hypocrite faces.


# thingsyoucan'tsayonfascistbook


Well-Known Member
Wes Moore refused to debate Dan Cox at Morgan State University. No one knows why. The guy would be on home turf with a crowd that would be overwhelming in favor of him .

Then someone asked what would the reaction be if it was Cox who refused. The RACIST cries would be deafening.
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Well-Known Member
Speaking of biased "reporting," take a barf bag with you:

Krazy Kari Lake Demonstrates That There Is No Cure For Stupid​

By AZ BlueMeanie|August 14th, 2021|AZ Elections, AZ Government, AZ Politics, COVID-19 & Healthcare, Education

Above: Kari Lake, former Fox 10 news anchor and Republican gubernatorial candidate, speaks to Young Republicans at a protest over Arizona State University’s mask mandate. The protest took place outside Hayden Library in Tempe on Aug. 13, 2021. – BENJAMIN CHAMBERS/THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC
Former Fox News propagandist, now MAGA/QAnon cult candidate for governor, Krazy Kari Lake, teamed up with Trump Youth (College Young Republicans) to protest Arizona State University’s mask mandate to attend in-person classes in order to save their miserable ****ing lives from dying from the Delta variant of Covid-19. Of course, she was also joined by the Arizona legislature’s QAnon Queen, Kelly Townsend. “Q” was in the house!
The Trump death cult wants people to die. This is the whole point.


PREMO Member

Kari Lake Completely Outmaneuvers Katie Hobbs Over Debate Controversy

In response, Lake has thoroughly outmaneuvered her and did so again on Monday by accepting an invitation to the debate, which will now be a 30-minute free campaign commercial.

Hobbs had originally demanded a separate town hall format where she wouldn’t have to face Lake. Ironically, it is now the Republican who will get that, being able to speak directly to the people of Arizona without interruption for half an hour. Of course, you can bet the moderator will still ask some tough questions, but regardless, it’s an unequivocal win for Lake.

The move to ask the commission to extend the deadline is also a knife twist in the back of Hobbs. Lake gets to appear gracious and accommodating while the Democrat is forced to continue to deny the public the debate it deserves.

I really think Hobbs thought she could beat Lake at this game and get the debate host to change the format. Democrats are used to getting that kind of preferential treatment. In this case, though, to their credit, the host held firm and chose not to give anyone an unfair advantage.


PREMO Member

‘Biggest, Best Gift I’ve Ever Received’: Kari Lake Reacts To Liz Cheney’s Vow To Campaign Against Her

“That might be the biggest, best gift I’ve ever received,” Lake quipped. “I mean, the people of Wyoming can’t stand her, I’m pretty much sure that the people of Arizona don’t like Liz Cheney,” she continued.

Cheney, who was defeated in her primary election by Trump-backed Harriet Hageman last month, made the comments at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Saturday.

“In this election, you have to vote for the person who actually believes in democracy,” Cheney said, referring to Lake as an “election denier” and “dangerous,” and claiming that electing her would be “putting the Republic at risk.”

“Here’s the deal, Maria. The Republican party, the new Republican party is the party of ‘We The People,’ it is no longer the party of warmongers,” Lake told Bartiromo. “And so, Liz Cheney should probably change her voter registration. Turns out she really is a Democrat after all.”
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Kari Lake Proves She's a Force to Be Reckoned With

“Abortion is effectively banned in the state right now,” the reporter began. “Tell me, do you — is that something that you support?”

“I support saving as many lives as possible,” Lake replied “And what I really want to know and I’ve been waiting — I tune into you guys all the time — I want to know where Katie Hobbs stands. But I never hear you guys ask for that.”


“I’m pro-life,” she continued. “My plan would be that every woman who walks into an abortion clinic knows that there are options out there; they don’t have to choose that. There’s families who would love to adopt a baby, and right now the way it’s been going. They go in and they only have one option. Nobody tells them that there’s other options. We want to help our women. If they’re afraid, we want to help them. We want to give women health care, and I want to help people, but I really challenge you — and I’m happy to get back to you on this when you find out where Katie Hobbs stands.”

Of course, Lake didn’t bother waiting for the media to do their homework. She laid out her opponent’s radical abortion views, such as supporting abortion up until the moment of birth and opposing protecting babies that survive an abortion attempt.

“None of you ever try to get her to talk about her stance,” Lake pointed out. “So get back to me after you do.”


PREMO Member

Kari Lake Goes Savage on Reporter for Dubbing Her an 'Election Denier'

When Lake has been asked about being an “election denier,” she quickly makes the reporter regret it. It’s actually amazing that the media hasn’t learned to stop asking that question. But alas, they still think they’ve found the ultimate gotcha question. They simply don’t count on Lake having the receipts to prove that, when it comes to denying election results, Republicans can’t hold a candle to Democrats, who routinely question election results when they lose.

During a campaign stop on Monday, Lake was asked her thoughts about her name being linked to denying election results, and she really let the reporter have it.

“I’m actually shocked you asked that question,” she said before she called upon a young campaign staffer named Anthony to present 150 examples of Democrats denying election results. She took the stack of paper from him and went to town. “Is that an election denier?”

She then cited Hillary Clinton calling Trump an “illegitimate president” and a Los Angeles Times op-ed titled, “Was the 2016 election legitimate? It’s now definitely worth asking the question.”

“So it’s okay for Democrats to question elections, but it’s not okay for Republicans. It’s a crock of B.S. Every one of you knows that,” Lake continued. “We have our freedom of speech and we’re not going to relinquish it to a bunch of fake news.”



Power with Control
Heard that on Waters last night. Really like that guy. So now I want to hear what that reporters report came out of editing looking like.... Do we know who it was? And BTW, as someone who's job it it to talk to people, that reporter was crap. Don't formulate your question on the fly, goober.

"I'm sure Anthony would love to show you how to be journalists" :)

boom headshot GIF


PREMO Member

‘Go Out And Try To Milk A Bull’

While Hobbs has taken to writing off Lake as a “conspiracy theorist” she will not debate, Lake hasn’t slowed down going after the Democrat on both economic and social issues, earning her a slight lead in the latest polling.

“Katie Hobbs thinks there are 47 different genders,” Lake told a crowd of supporters in Morristown, AZ. “I’ll tell ya what, I’m not a biology major but there are two genders, guys. Two.”

“Since we’re here at a rodeo — Katie, I’ve got a challenge for you: Katie Hobbs, why don’t you go out and try to milk a bull and tell me how that goes,” the Republican said to loud cheering. “Maybe we can give her a common-sense-county education on the two genders. Send her out and have her milk a bull.”


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You watch Katie Hobbs win that election.

This is Trump vs. Biden all over again. A highly visible popular candidate vs. a mumbling basement ghost. The Democrats are printing off those ballots and sticking them in boxes to "find" even as we speak.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You watch Katie Hobbs win that election.

This is Trump vs. Biden all over again. A highly visible popular candidate vs. a mumbling basement ghost. The Democrats are printing off those ballots and sticking them in boxes to "find" even as we speak.