Karine Jean-Pierre New WHPS


Power with Control
Just to ask these stupidly obvious question. How the flying hell do you rise to this level and not be able to speak at a f****** podium.


PREMO Member
Last Friday is when the Administration said they’d be bringing Pentagon spokesman John Kirby — who shows up for work prepared and everything — to the White House. He’d be doing maybe some PressSec stuff without being the PressSec, but they never quite said what his job would be or why.

Politico noted the mess, complete with racial and sexist overtones:

“There are people in the White House who feel that the timing of Kirby’s hiring demonstrates that White House leadership believes that the first African American White House press secretary needs ‘adult supervision,’” one Democratic source familiar with dynamics in the White House and on Capitol Hill told West Wing Playbook, calling the move “demeaning,” and “insulting.”

The White House needed to send the message that they’d hired someone competent to backstop Jean-Pierre without actually admitting they had to hire someone competent to backstop Jean-Pierre.

The messaging about their messenger who won’t really be replacing their replacement messenger was about as clear as stew.

And now everybody is angry and nobody knows what anybody is supposed to do.

This is what sharp Biden Administration observers call “Days Ending in Y.”



Power with Control
Its not the West Wing the left thought they were getting, but its the one they deserve.

"Vote for Joe, he's the stable and sane choice!!!!"

"Only a 40 year politician can guide us through the international chaos Eeeeeevvvillll Trump left!!!!"

"We need bipartisanship now more than ever, vote Joe!!!"

Anyone remember the Banana Splits? I need that music as the lead in to press conferences....


Well-Known Member
Why should the Press Secretary be any different from any other Government job.
Put in an Affirmative Action employee and hire some whites to do their job for them.

OK start the flaming. It may not be for every AA employee, but every Government employee has seen it happen.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Nothing is more racist than hiring someone to fill a quota without the qualifications and ability to perform the task for which they were hired. This actually hurts minorities more than it helps them. That is, of course, except for the unqualified employee.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Why should the Press Secretary be any different from any other Government job.
Put in an Affirmative Action employee and hire some whites to do their job for them.

OK start the flaming. It may not be for every AA employee, but every Government employee has seen it happen.
1 of the tells of an AA hire is when you hear all about their physical characteristics (race, sex, gender, orientation, religion of peace, disability) and none of their personal accomplishments. Just like the VP & transportation secretary.

About the only AA hire in this administration that you don't hear much about is the guy that wears a dress that runs the national health service.

Before that it was obama the first black president. Funny how people quickly forgot about the race of his mom, the race of the people that raised him or the race of the guy that abandoned him. Even more than a decade later you still hear about barry's race and don't hear a thing about anything he accomplished. He's the poster boy for affirmative action.


PREMO Member

Amateur hour at the White House briefing room

ut Jean-Pierre isn’t just a victim of bad luck regarding the president for whom she works. This early conclusion comes after watching this press secretary read answers to questions, oftentimes for extended periods of time, verbatim.

The confidence simply is not there, nor is the conviction. Consider this exchange between the new press secretary and Peter Doocy on Monday after the Fox News White House correspondent read the following tweet from Biden on May 16.

“You want to bring down inflation? Let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share,” the president tweeted.

Doocy: “How does raising taxes on corporations lower the cost of gas, the cost of a used car, the cost of food, for everyday Americans?”

What followed was akin to a high school student putting together a series of sentences in order to achieve a mandatory word count on a term paper. Here was the answer verbatim, per the official White House transcript:

Jean-Pierre: “So, look, I think we encourage those who have done very well — right? — especially those who care about climate change, to support a fairer tax — tax code that doesn’t change — that doesn’t charge manufacturers’ workers, cops, builders a higher percentage of their earnings; that the most fortunate people in our nation — and not let the — that stand in the way of reducing energy costs and fighting this existential problem, if you think about that as an example, and to support basic collective bargaining rights as well. Right? That’s also important. But look, it is — you know, by not — if — without having a fairer tax code, which is what I’m talking about, then all — every — like manufacturing workers, cops — you know, it’s not fair for them to have to pay higher taxes than the folks that — who are — who are — who are not paying taxes at all or barely have.”


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
What followed was akin to a high school student putting together a series of sentences in order to achieve a mandatory word count on a term paper. Here was the answer verbatim, per the official White House transcript:
More like having to give an oral book report in class, on a book you didn't bother to read.


PREMO Member

Joe Biden Gets Smashed by Resurrected Clip, Karine-Jean Pierre Flails in Response

She’s quite literally reading that answer out of her briefing book. This is a woman so ill-prepared and so unknowledgeable that she can’t even give a basic retort without reading it verbatim. Shouldn’t the ability to speak publicly be a qualification to be a press secretary?

But it’s her substance (or lack thereof) that is most striking. She goes on to suggest that the economy is booming, plugging the American Rescue Plan and noting that Republicans didn’t vote for it. Well, yeah, I’m pretty sure all Republicans are happy to say they didn’t vote for the chief cause of the nation’s out-of-control inflation.

In short, the White House’s economic strategy is idiotic, but its messaging is just as bad. These are people way in over their heads, from Biden down to Jean-Pierre.


Well-Known Member
Just think about this.
How awful it would be to wake up and fear going to work at a job you have absolutely no expertise or competency at. Knowing that you will be facing question you cannot answer.
The pressure must be awful. She won't be around long.


Well-Known Member
Just think about this.
How awful it would be to wake up and fear going to work at a job you have absolutely no expertise or competency at. Knowing that you will be facing question you cannot answer.
The pressure must be awful. She won't be around long.

Nah, unless she is offered another position she will blunder along just like Biden.


Well-Known Member
she could take lyrics to answer questions:

Generic reporter:

"Can you explain why the economy is having a historic downturn under the current administration"?

Lesbian black woman:

"you can't always get whatcha want, but if you try sometime"...

Generic reporter #2:

"the President seems to be unsettled in his approach to the Country's problems. How would you categorize this impression"?

Lesbian black woman:

"I was standing in line, with Mr. President, a man, who looked, pretty ill", "we decided to get a soda"..

Generic reporter #3

"But, but but"...

Lesbian black woman:

"let me re-state, fear in the air, tension everywhere, Unemloyement rising fast..."


PREMO Member

Karine Jean-Pierre insists she stands by Biden's saying he hasn't spoken to Hunter about his business, claims voicemail uncovered by DailyMail.com of Joe telling son he's 'in the clear' is 'alleged material' - and says she 'CAN'T' comment on the laptop

  • White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said 'What the president said stands' when asked if he ever spoke to Hunter about foreign business dealings
  • A voicemail proves that he did, but the president insists he never did
  • 'I cannot comment on any materials from the laptop,' Jean-Pierre said Tuesday
  • It is unclear if she is choosing not to speak on the topic or if she legally is unable
  • Joe called his son in December 2018 saying he wanted to talk to him after reading a story about Hunter's dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC
  • Files on Hunter's abandoned laptop previously disclosed by DailyMail.com show that he struck a deal with the Chinese company worth millions of dollars
  • 'I thought the article released online, it's going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you're clear,' Joe said in the voicemail
  • The message flies in the face of the president's repeated denials that he ever discussed Hunter's overseas business dealings with his son


PREMO Member

The Ineptness of the Biden Administration Is Becoming Comical

I wrote on Macron’s confrontation with Biden in Europe where he essentially told the US president that he’s clueless without actually saying it. It was all over the national news, with the exchange being caught on tape in a quasi-hot mic moment. Yet, Jean-Pierre claims she hasn’t even heard about it? Can someone remind me what her job is again? She’s the press secretary for the President of the United States and claims to be completely unaware of one of the biggest stories to come from the G7?

I mean come on, you can’t do anything but laugh, and Jean-Pierre was delivering her best stand-up routine all briefing.