Keep your fingers crossed please


Be careful what u wish 4
bresamil said:
You got it. Good luck.

Thanks bresamil. I should know by Friday. the first one is setting up second interviews for Saturday. They only picked 4 resumes out of the 60 they got. Thank god mine was one of them.


Be careful what u wish 4
kwillia said:
Good luck... but don't you already work three or four jobs a day as it is...:confused:

Thanks kwillia. i work a full time job durining the day and i work 3 nights a week at another job. i'm trying to get a different day job. :dance:


Be careful what u wish 4
Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed for me guys but i didn't get the first job, i was told that they don't have it in the budget to hire me at the rate i'm making now at the second job and i haven't heard about the third one yet. :dead:


wandering aimlessly
mixallagist said:
Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed for me guys but i didn't get the first job, i was told that they don't have it in the budget to hire me at the rate i'm making now at the second job and i haven't heard about the third one yet. :dead:

Sorry mix. hopefully the thrid one will come through. I think you said you wanted the 2nd or 3rd more than the first one anyhow.


Be careful what u wish 4
bresamil said:
Sorry mix. hopefully the thrid one will come through. I think you said you wanted the 2nd or 3rd more than the first one anyhow.

Thanks bresamil. i'll just keep trying. :dance:

I've got to spread some karma around before i can give you some. :banghead:
