

This Space for Rent
Kerad said:
I do appreciate that you are trying to "educate" me. I will be pleasantly surprised if you are able teach me something I do not already know, as far as politics are concerned. However, if there is a point you are trying to get to, it might be best to just put it out there. I have the attention span of a hummingbird on expresso, at times.

I'm guessing that in your roundabout way you're trying to point out that, for the coming elections, Democrats would do much better concentrating on the items that divide the Repblican party. Not spend so much time hammering the issues that obviously polarize the Dems and Repubs. That way, they might be able to pick up some moderate GOPer's votes.

Did I guess correctly?

That could be one reason. I will give you a hint in the Libby tread.