Kerry, Biden Rescued!


No Use for Donk Twits
He doesn't need to prove or disprove anything. His military record and awards speak for his service.

When he slandered the Admiral's swiftboat service and the BS flag went up from the Admiral, it's time to put up or shut up. Kerry has done neither. Right now it's a he said, she said situation. Only Kerry has the power to put the entire issue to rest. Back up your allegations, or shut up. I have a tendency to believe the vast majority of his comrades, not him. But I could be wrong, and only his records hold the truth.


New Member
When he slandered the Admiral's swiftboat service and the BS flag went up from the Admiral, it's time to put up or shut up. Kerry has done neither. Right now it's a he said, she said situation. Only Kerry has the power to put the entire issue to rest. Back up your allegations, or shut up. I have a tendency to believe the vast majority of his comrades, not him. But I could be wrong, and only his records hold the truth.

Again...the burden of proof is not on Kerry. He doesn't need to "reprove" he earned the medals he was awarded. It's up to those who challenge his record to prove it's inaccurate.

Until the military revises those records and takes back any medals that should not have been awarded, they're legit.


Well-Known Member
Again...the burden of proof is not on Kerry. He doesn't need to "reprove" he earned the medals he was awarded. It's up to those who challenge his record to prove it's inaccurate.

Until the military revises those records and takes back any medals that should not have been awarded, they're legit.
As far as whether he can keep the medals, you're absolutely, technically correct.

As far as his reputation goes, it's shot. He's a liar until he shows that the Swiftboat people are liars. Usually, when someone is publicly humiliated and they have the ability to regain their credibility, they do. Especially if they're seeking a job and that lost credibility might cost them that job. Now, if they can't back up their claims, they just say they don't have to. And, you're right, he can keep his medals. Just not his credibility.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You'll play what?

...when you said "R U sure?" I figured that was a question. And, seeings how everyone knows quite a few people who served with Kerry have...issues with him, I figured you'd have sworn statements from them or something saying they were only kidding and just wanted to mess with John OR maybe you'd list the people who are on John's side of events or...maybe a whole new take, so, this might be a game, so, I'll play.


No Use for Donk Twits
Again...the burden of proof is not on Kerry. He doesn't need to "reprove" he earned the medals he was awarded. It's up to those who challenge his record to prove it's inaccurate.

Until the military revises those records and takes back any medals that should not have been awarded, they're legit.

I have medals from three different services. And I can make up any story I want about how they were awarded. But the records don't lie, they don't exaggerate. Of course Kerry tried to defend his honor. As anyone would. However, the proof is in the pudding, not his words, especially since his credibility is shot. He really should just shut up about the entire thing since he won't release his records publicly. Just makes one wonder what he's trying to hide. I don't care who sees my records, they're heavily redacted anyhow. But then again, I'm not running for dog catcher!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Most of those...

I have medals from three different services. And I can make up any story I want about how they were awarded. But the records don't lie, they don't exaggerate. Of course Kerry tried to defend his honor. As anyone would. However, the proof is in the pudding, not his words, especially since his credibility is shot. He really should just shut up about the entire thing since he won't release his records publicly. Just makes one wonder what he's trying to hide. I don't care who sees my records, they're heavily redacted anyhow. But then again, I'm not running for dog catcher!

...guys tried to make the point as clearly as possible; it wasn't even about the medals per se. There's quiet acknowledgement that plenty of medals were/are awarded for not exactly THE right reasons. They've said it's Kerry's attitude, his attack on his fellow soldiers and sailors, his attack on their service, what they did and why. Kerry is the one that made it a big deal by presenting himself as not only this conscientious objector type who 'threw' away blood medals and speaker of truth about mean and nasty service personnel but also, when it suited him, played the hero warrior.


New Member
I cant say I am a better judge of Kerry than the militry,but maybe if he signed his F-180 like he promised to do we could all better judge his awards.

Until then I will consider Kerry a lying sack of Doo-doo.