Kerry calls US troops 'terrorists'...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Jam4eva said:
and you make donuts?

You see, follow me here, if you start with the good Senator, who had lower grades than W in college, btw, saying US troops should not be terrorizing, then one recognizes that, if in deed, they are engaging in behavior the good Senator calls terrorizing, then he is, in fact, calling them terrorists.

That is 'doughnut', start at any one place in the logic trail and it comes right around to where it started. Simple.

Now, the good Senator, who is pretty stupid, btw, is relying on pretzels to kick in in order to spin what is said into something else, hence the need for pretzel logic. Pick up the logic trail on a pretzel and it goes all over the place.


New Member
dustin said:
That shows you how stupid he is by him using the word in that context, regardless if he actually meant it parallels the actions of terrorists.

It's the equivalent of saying "bomb" outloud in an airport security line.
Mister you sure are right about context. The one time I have ever flew on an airliner was a horrible happenin just because of context.

2 years ago I was invited to a scientist meetin out in California cause, well, I am a scientist. At first I though it was in California down by Lexington Park but they meant the real California. Luckily Momma Rugg had a real good spring selling eggs and she helped me buy the ticket.

We all piled into the Cordova and she took me to Dulles and dropped me off. I was sittin in the chairs by the gate talking to a new friend I made named Jack Bell. Jack wasn’t a scientist but he was a NLF referee and real nice man.

Well quite a while later they let us get on the plane and we took off. WOO WEE that was exciting. I was just a jabbering away at the fella next to me when the call of nature hit. Well sittin near the front I had to go all the way to the back to go to the restroom. Once I got up and started to the back I made it about 5 rows when I spied my new friend Jack way in the back. It is real noisy on those planes so I had to yell pretty loud so he could hear so I yelled “HI JACK!” and stuck my arms in the air like I was signaling a touchdown.

Next thing I knew I was all tingly feelin and tied up on the floor with the beverage cart parked on my head. It seems that “HI JACK!” is not nothing you should be yellin on an airplane these days and a Air Marshal tasered me with one of them souped up cattle prods.

I missed my scientist meetin because they turned the plane around and went back to Dulles and wouldn’t let me get back on the plane. Now I am on some no fly list because the government says I am a risk or some hogwash. I know the real truth, the government don’t want smart people like myself to get together.


StanleyRugg said:
Mister you sure are right about context. The one time I have ever flew on an airliner was a horrible happenin just because of context.

2 years ago I was invited to a scientist meetin out in California cause, well, I am a scientist. At first I though it was in California down by Lexington Park but they meant the real California. Luckily Momma Rugg had a real good spring selling eggs and she helped me buy the ticket.

We all piled into the Cordova and she took me to Dulles and dropped me off. I was sittin in the chairs by the gate talking to a new friend I made named Jack Bell. Jack wasn’t a scientist but he was a NLF referee and real nice man.

Well quite a while later they let us get on the plane and we took off. WOO WEE that was exciting. I was just a jabbering away at the fella next to me when the call of nature hit. Well sittin near the front I had to go all the way to the back to go to the restroom. Once I got up and started to the back I made it about 5 rows when I spied my new friend Jack way in the back. It is real noisy on those planes so I had to yell pretty loud so he could hear so I yelled “HI JACK!” and stuck my arms in the air like I was signaling a touchdown.

Next thing I knew I was all tingly feelin and tied up on the floor with the beverage cart parked on my head. It seems that “HI JACK!” is not nothing you should be yellin on an airplane these days and a Air Marshal tasered me with one of them souped up cattle prods.

I missed my scientist meetin because they turned the plane around and went back to Dulles and wouldn’t let me get back on the plane. Now I am on some no fly list because the government says I am a risk or some hogwash. I know the real truth, the government don’t want smart people like myself to get together.


Well-Known Member
These guys don't understand the concept of free speech.

*MY* voice is as free as theirs, is.

I can call them cowards and traitors if *I WANT TO*.


StanleyRugg said:
Mister you sure are right about context. The one time I have ever flew on an airliner was a horrible happenin just because of context.

2 years ago I was invited to a scientist meetin out in California cause, well, I am a scientist. At first I though it was in California down by Lexington Park but they meant the real California. Luckily Momma Rugg had a real good spring selling eggs and she helped me buy the ticket.

We all piled into the Cordova and she took me to Dulles and dropped me off. I was sittin in the chairs by the gate talking to a new friend I made named Jack Bell. Jack wasn’t a scientist but he was a NLF referee and real nice man.

Well quite a while later they let us get on the plane and we took off. WOO WEE that was exciting. I was just a jabbering away at the fella next to me when the call of nature hit. Well sittin near the front I had to go all the way to the back to go to the restroom. Once I got up and started to the back I made it about 5 rows when I spied my new friend Jack way in the back. It is real noisy on those planes so I had to yell pretty loud so he could hear so I yelled “HI JACK!” and stuck my arms in the air like I was signaling a touchdown.

Next thing I knew I was all tingly feelin and tied up on the floor with the beverage cart parked on my head. It seems that “HI JACK!” is not nothing you should be yellin on an airplane these days and a Air Marshal tasered me with one of them souped up cattle prods.

I missed my scientist meetin because they turned the plane around and went back to Dulles and wouldn’t let me get back on the plane. Now I am on some no fly list because the government says I am a risk or some hogwash. I know the real truth, the government don’t want smart people like myself to get together.



I was watching the History Channel or the Military Channel (they're getting to be the same more and more) yesterday while fixing dinner, and there was a show about Vietnam on. At one point the narrator was talking about how the American forces were causing so many casualties and interuptions to the NVA's supply lines that the North Vietnemese leadership, specifically General Giap, concluded that they were losing and that there was no way that they could win a military victory. It also discussed how the NVA was quickly loosing the support of the average joe in the fields and they were being seen as losers, which would speed their defeat. So Giap and the NVA leadership decided to switch to seeking a political victory. The show went on to illustrate how Giap was able to win by convincing the American people, through the use of the media and "select" Americans, that there was no way the Americans could ever overcome the determination of the NVA and the people, and that continued fighting would only lead to more dead Americans. The bluff worked and we pulled out even though we we're on the verge of winning, and the military's been accused of losing the war ever since.

After dinner I turned on Hannity and Colmes, and what's the topic of discussion? There's Colmes and some talking head from the DNC arguing in support of Dean's comments about how we can never defeat the terrorists in Iraq, how we're just wasting lives, how we can never win, etc., and comparing Iraq to Vietnam. And I couldn't help but laugh at how right they are... it is Vietnam all over again! The terrorists are using the Liberals in the same way that Giap and the NVA used them against us to win the war in Vietnam. Some things never change.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why doesn't anyone sign...

...or explain their red karma???

"I think you're a doughnut to".

What is THAT?

As in I'm right?

Fat and round?

Taste good with coffee?

Why is it that people who disagree with me won't make a point or refute me?

Do I make you THAT unsure of yourself?

I'm a doughnut.


Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
...or explain their red karma???

"I think you're a doughnut to".

What is THAT?

As in I'm right?

Fat and round?

Taste good with coffee?

Why is it that people who disagree with me won't make a point or refute me?

Do I make you THAT unsure of yourself?

I'm a doughnut.


aka, people are dumb.


Larry Gude said:
...or explain their red karma???
When krama was first introduced, I signed my red along with my green.

I stopped almost right away because it, it invariabley turned into an argument. I had to sit there and listen to why they didnt' deserve the red karma I gave them and how I misunderstood them, and how I am the one who was an ass.

Screw that.

If I want an argument, I'll refute someone in the forums. If I want to smack someone across the forehead, but I don't want to engage in a battle of wills, I'll pop off red karma.

I had always thought that was kind of the point of anonymous karma in the first place.

The only thing about unsigned karma that bugs me is when someone asks a question, and I have no idea how to respond.