Kerry cheats?


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:

I saw Kerry repeatedly writing while Bush was speaking but did he have a crib sheet, too?
:lol: Of course he'd never do that!

"Kerry did not cheat," said the Kerry insider. "This is more lies from Republicans, who are hoping for a quick change of subject away from the president's performance, and the new polls."

SPIN it away Demonrat!


Football season!
sounds like a bunch of crying losers. Don't fret, there are more debates left where Bush can try again. I don't see how Kerry having a cheat sheet would make Bush look like a rambling kid in front of millions of registered voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
sounds like a bunch of crying losers. Don't fret, there are more debates left where Bush can try again. I don't see how Kerry having a cheat sheet would make Bush look like a rambling kid in front of millions of registered voters
It's not that, sweetie pie. The rules expressly forbid cribsheets. Neither candidate was even supposed to bring so much as a pen. There was paper and writing instruments provided so they could take notes, but that was supposed to be it. If Kerry cheated, he cheated. End of story and not particularly surprising.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
It's not that, sweetie pie. The rules expressly forbid cribsheets. Neither candidate was even supposed to bring so much as a pen. There was paper and writing instruments provided so they could take notes, but that was supposed to be it. If Kerry cheated, he cheated. End of story and not particularly surprising.
I guess the next thing you're going to say is that Kerry paid off the networks to show Bush's odd facial expressions while Kerry was speaking :killingme


Football season!
2ndAmendment said:
Leave it to you to "spin" the argument like the Democratic "talking heads".
Spin what? Sure, if he pulled something out of his pocket it is against the rules. But is it really one of those things that completely turned the whole debate into Kerry's favor? I think not. It really is pretty funny when you think about it, the response this is receiving. I think the republicans should spend a little more time worrying about the next debate instead of dumb little things like this.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Spin what? Sure, if he pulled something out of his pocket it is against the rules. But is it really one of those things that completely turned the whole debate into Kerry's favor? I think not. It really is pretty funny when you think about it, the response this is receiving. I think the republicans should spend a little more time worrying about the next debate instead of dumb little things like this.
Again, you miss the point. It is not whether whatever he pulled out of his pocket turned the debate in his favor. It alludes to his base character if he did something against the rules.

People seem to ignore that morality is of utmost importance in a representative government. That is not my original thought. It is the thoughts of the likes of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and other historical figures in the founding of our nation. They realized and expressed that if the moral fiber of the leaders in a republic was not of the highest quality, the nation would soon loose the character it was designed to have. The moral fabric of our nation has been eroded ever so slightly every year since the founding that our nation no longer resembles what was envisioned. Government is out of control and the Constitution is meaningless in the hands of lawyers that don't pursue justice but victory and a legal system that does not see truth as absolute but as a point of view.

Candle Lover

New Member
SmallTown said:
Spin what? Sure, if he pulled something out of his pocket it is against the rules. But is it really one of those things that completely turned the whole debate into Kerry's favor? I think not. It really is pretty funny when you think about it, the response this is receiving. I think the republicans should spend a little more time worrying about the next debate instead of dumb little things like this.
I believe the issue is about cheating. Cheating is cheating. I believe this becomes a character issue. While listening to all the "talking heads", quite a few of them felt that the President did very well for the first part of the debate; however, it seemed that he ran out of material during the second half. Could Kerry have finished strong due to his cheat sheet?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Spin what? Sure, if he pulled something out of his pocket it is against the rules. But is it really one of those things that completely turned the whole debate into Kerry's favor? I think not. It really is pretty funny when you think about it, the response this is receiving. I think the republicans should spend a little more time worrying about the next debate instead of dumb little things like this.
I don't think it's funny at all. In fact, I'm appalled and would feel the same way no matter WHO had done it. It shows a lack of character and shouldn't be tolerated for anyone running for ANY office.

I think the Democrats should spend more time on trying to WIN the election than lie, cheat and/or deceive their way into the White House. If this story is true, it's absolutely mind-boggling they would sink so low.


Sorry about that chief.
Sure glad the republicans stick to the issues instead of resorting to name calling, bad mouthing or spinning.

Of course if Kerry had a cheat sheet, that would mean that one of the candidates could read (without moving his lips). What I find surprising is I saw Bush with a pen in his hand too, (when he wasn't drinking one of the 7 glasses of water he had), did he get executive privilege to bring it in?


The folks at FNC have a good shot of the "item" and it's not a cheat sheet, it is a pen. Both guys did have pens and paper provided, so why Kerry needed a special pen is anyone's guess.


Well-Known Member
jlabsher said:
Sure glad the republicans stick to the issues instead of resorting to name calling, bad mouthing or spinning.

Of course if Kerry had a cheat sheet, that would mean that one of the candidates could read (without moving his lips). What I find surprising is I saw Bush with a pen in his hand too, (when he wasn't drinking one of the 7 glasses of water he had), did he get executive privilege to bring it in?

Damn! I wrote a long reply, and the software here ate it!

If you read in post #5, writing materials were provided. There was no need to bring anything in. On the other hand, bringing your own pen won't give anyone a tactical advantage, unless it's some kind of James Bond pen with a tiny teleprompter. "Cheating" is more than just breaking the rules; you have to at least be trying to gain an unfair advantage by breaking them. If something is going to have NO effect, who cares?

On the other hand, this is about as important an issue as the one Rather is hanging himself with - a 30 year old document as to whether Bush appeared for a physical. Like, with Iraq, terrorism, jobs and the economy, who cares?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
jlabsher said:
Sure glad the republicans stick to the issues instead of resorting to name calling, bad mouthing or spinning.

Of course if Kerry had a cheat sheet, that would mean that one of the candidates could read (without moving his lips). What I find surprising is I saw Bush with a pen in his hand too, (when he wasn't drinking one of the 7 glasses of water he had), did he get executive privilege to bring it in?
You don't read well do you? The candidates were allowed to have paper and pens. They had to submit them to the staff at the debate and the staff would place them on the podium. THEY were not allowed to HAVE ANY PENS or PAPER or OTHER ARTICLES that WERE NOT SUBMITTED TO the DEBATE STAFF.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
You don't read well do you? The candidates were allowed to have paper and pens. They had to submit them to the staff at the debate and the staff would place them on the podium. THEY were not allowed to HAVE ANY PENS or PAPER or OTHER ARTICLES that WERE NOT SUBMITTED TO the DEBATE STAFF.
Why should he read, it only makes it more difficult for him to blow smoke up people's butts.


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
The folks at FNC have a good shot of the "item" and it's not a cheat sheet, it is a pen. Both guys did have pens and paper provided, so why Kerry needed a special pen is anyone's guess.
Oh the horror! A nasty pen!

Probably more out of habit then anything else. Cell phones are not allowed when I go onsite. but when I'm there and need to make a call, the first thing I do is reach for my pocket. I know it isn't there, and if it was there I would be in a heap of trouble. But out of habit I reach for the phone anyways.

Maybe the pen had some sort of magical powers. The power was released whenever Kerry pushed down on it against the paper. What power it had, nobody knows, but it sure must be powerful.


Nothing to see here
Hannity's exchang with Kerry's spokesperson Michael Meehan last night.

Transcript of the exchange (slightly paraphrased, keep in mind they were talking over each other a lot):

Sean Hannity: Michael, let me ask you couple of quick questions here, and I want quick yes or no answers. Just simple questions, you tell me if it's right. Yes or no answers, and that's all, because you know what, if you don't want to play games I'll just ask Nicole the rest of the questions for the day. That's fine.

Michael Meehan: Go ahead.

Hannity: Here's what's important and you can take little cheap shots in a 15 second video in a 90 minute debate and take the worst moments and act like that's important. I'd rather look at the 20 year record of John Kerry. Was John Kerry wrong proposing a Nuclear freeze when Ronald Reagan was confronting the Soviet Union and the Evil Empire?

Meehan: Didn't happen.

Hannity: He proposed a nuclear freeze. A verifiable nuclear freeze and that was his record. Was that wrong?

Meehan: Didn't happen.

Hannity: That's a lie.

Meehan: Why don't you talk to Nicole about lying then Sean.

Hannity: Mike, why are you ly... why are you distorting his record? That is his record.

Meehan: It's not.

Hannity: Why would you ... Is that something ... Now this is interesting Nicole, because that is his record, that is the truth...and this is a point that now he wasn't asked in the debate. And I think there was an opportunity missed. Let me ask you Michael another question. Was it wrong when he voted againt the death penalty in for terrorists in 1989? Who killed Americans...

Meehan: No

Hannity: Was that wrong?

Meehan: No. No.

Hannity: It wasn't...that was the right vote? OK. Was it wrong after the first trade center bombing he was on the intellegence committee for a full year he didn't show up at one meeting. Was that wrong?

Meehan: Oh, so the standard whether you're tough about, is showing up at a congressional hearing, is that the new threshold here? Meetings with the cabinet...meetings with...

Hannity: I'm asking a question, Does he have any regret, because now we've examined Pres. Bush's record...He's [Bush] gotten frankly an exam that nobody else has got...

Meehan: He did not

Hannity: ...John Kerry's record is that he says he's going to reform intelligence...after the first trade center attack for a full year on the Intel comm. he didn't show up. Was that right or wrong, does he regret not showing up?

Meehan: Sean, No there's no measure of whether you attended a congressional hearing or not of whether you're tough on terrorists. I mean, this president didn't meet with his cabinet about security ...

Hannity: Next question.

Meehan: ...and terrorism in his first 9 months.

Hannity: Now I want just want to finish up...

Meehan: Did did did the president of the US meet with his cabinet on security for 9 months, no he did not. We've not gone through the president's record.

Hannity: We've gone throught the Presidents record one of things that was missing was an examination of JK's record. Next question.

Meehan: Did the...You've examined it for 8 months here let me at least answer the question.

Hannity: I'm won't answer the question. You think the answer's no. So we...I got your answer. Next question. While he was on the intelligence committee, he missed over the years that he was on it...76% of the time he didn't show up. Was that wrong?

Meehan: No.

Hannity: OK, next question.

Meehan: This is really not on to...this is...this is g...why don't you just talk Sean, and you, I'll yield my time back.

Hannity: No I'm just asking you...these are your positions. This is your candidate.

Meehan: No go ahead. Yes or no, OK.

Hannity: And this is, and by the way Nicole, I think what you're seeing here is a level of discomfort on Michael's part because...

Meehan: I'm answering your questions Sean, I'm answering your questions.

Hannity: ...frankly the President missed an opportunity in a 90 minute debate he didn't bring up any of these issues. These issues must come before the American people if their going to, Nicole, get an accurate assessment of who these people are.

Nicole Devenish [Bush comm director]: Right, and if I could just jump in and ask one more, I don't know the answer to this yes or no question...

Meehan: [snickers] go ahead...

Devenish: ...was the removal of Saddam Hussein a mistake? I don't understand their the debate, in the debate it was a...

Hannity: Was it, Michael? Answer her, yes or no? Michael, Yes or no, was it a mistake?

Meehan: The way this President went about it absolutely, it [unintelligable] it was a colossal mistake actually...

Devenish: But that's ridiculous, Saddam Hussein is gone...[laughs] it was a colossal mistake.

Meehan: It's a colossal mistake anyway you think about it...false intelligence...

Alan Colmes: We're gonna take a break. He answered the questions, You just don't like the answers.

Meehan walked off during the break