Kerry launches new ad campaign


New Member
Kerry Launches significant NEW ad Campaign on his plan to build a stronger america

Washington, DC - The John Kerry for President campaign today launched a significant new ad campaign designed to tell the American people how Kerry will build a stronger and more secure America. The first two in what will be a series of ads emphasize John Kerry's clear strategy to win the peace in Iraq and his plan to rebuild America by putting our economy back on track, creating new and better jobs, expanding access to affordable health care and improving our nation's schools.

"John Kerry offers real leadership and vision of how to build a stronger America," said Kerry Campaign Manger Mary Beth Cahill. "These ads communicate where John Kerry wants to take the country, including building a stronger economy, improving health care and education and making the nation safer and more secure."

"Commitment" features Kerry talking directly to the American people about the steps he will take to make America stronger, including keeping America safe and secure, ending tax incentives that encourage companies to move jobs overseas and investing in education and healthcare. "Risk" shows Kerry talking about his plan to change the situation in Iraq by reaching out to the international community in order to share the burden and risk.

The ads will air in the following 17 states: Maine, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Mexico, Oregon, Wisconsin, Florida, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nevada, West Virginia, Arizona, Arkansas, Washington and Ohio

These ads highlight Kerry's detailed plan to build a stronger America. His "Jobs First" economic plan will create 10 million new jobs in America and eliminate all of the tax breaks that encourage companies to move jobs overseas. His comprehensive health care plan will simultaneously hold down costs while expanding coverage to more Americans. For education, Kerry will rollback the Bush tax cut and heavily invest in our public schools.

The ads also reinforce Kerry's clear strategy to win the peace in Iraq. Kerry has called on America's leaders to be honest with the American people about the difficulties we face in Iraq. He has said we must supply our military commanders with the additional troops they have requested in order to provide the security the Iraqi people need to go about the business of daily life.

Kerry has also said we must remove the "Made in America" label from the Iraqi occupation, and he has called for the creation of an international mission authorized by the United Nations that will help the Iraqi people hold elections, restore government services and rebuild their economy. Finally, Kerry has said we should transform the military force in Iraq into a NATO security force under the leadership of an American commander, so that the United States is not shouldering the burdens and risks alone.

Both of today's new ads can be viewed at


Super Genius
What I see is a whole lot of taxing and spending. What we need from BOTH candidates is smarter spending.

As for bringing the UN into Iraq...the countries that are willing to share in the "burdens and risks" are already there. Remember the whole "Coalition of the Willing" thing? We're not alone, contrary to what Kerry says.


Asperger's Poster Child
Based on my own experience, taxes go up no matter what party controls the White House or Congress. I've never seen a dime from any tax "cut" that wasn't taken away through other changes in the tax code. That includes the recent $400 credit per child.


New Member
Originally posted by ylexot
What I see is a whole lot of taxing and spending. What we need from BOTH candidates is smarter spending.

What people don't seem to realize about bush's tax cuts (if they do claim to see a benefit) is his policies have forced the states and municipalities to increase their taxes to make up for it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sparx
What people don't seem to realize about bush's tax cuts (if they do claim to see a benefit) is his policies have forced the states and municipalities to increase their taxes to make up for it.
And how do you think Miss Hillary's proposed increase for educational funding in third-world nations will affect our taxes?


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
And how do you think Miss Hillary's proposed increase for educational funding in third-world nations will affect our taxes?

Not nearly as badly as sending all our jobs there


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Not to rain on John Kerry v. 8.0

Originally posted by Larry Gude
Mr. Kerry revises...

Roy Moore (God help us, literally and figuratively)...

Uh, can we have a do-over like in football? If this WERE football, the NFL would cancel the draft.


Super Genius
Originally posted by Sparx
What people don't seem to realize about bush's tax cuts (if they do claim to see a benefit) is his policies have forced the states and municipalities to increase their taxes to make up for it.
Sparx, you still haven't explained this...


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by vraiblonde
My job hasn't gone overseas. How about yours?

Democrat logic -- We want people overseas to buy our stuff, but we don't want to employ any of those consumers. We want to buy overseas stuff, but we want our people to make it.

Pretty much sums it up?



Originally posted by FromTexas
Democrat logic -- We want people overseas to buy our stuff, but we don't want to employ any of those consumers. We want to buy overseas stuff, but we want our people to make it.

Pretty much sums it up?


Sparx honey... care to join me ... :banghead: :banghead: :lol: :kiss:


New Member
Sure DEMS, They've really lost it on this one.
If these conservatives don't understand why it's bad to have jobs leave here and go overseas they're WAY beyond logical thinking.
Typical conservative view to only worry about themselves and their jobs.


Originally posted by Sparx
Sure DEMS, They've really lost it on this one.
If these conservatives don't understand why it's bad to have jobs leave here and go overseas they're WAY beyond logical thinking.
Typical conservative view to only worry about themselves and their jobs.

:clap: :clap: :stooges: