Kerry launches new ad campaign



Originally posted by ylexot
Is that your favorite smiley now? You seem to be using it a lot. :popcorn:

I guess that's my smilie of the week... I'm glad you took notice :wink:



Originally posted by Sparx
Sure DEMS, They've really lost it on this one.
If these conservatives don't understand why it's bad to have jobs leave here and go overseas they're WAY beyond logical thinking.
Typical conservative view to only worry about themselves and their jobs.
You are one to point your finger and laugh about logical arguments. Your head is so far up your liberal ass you can probably see the sushi you ate last night.

It is bad that jobs are being shipped overseas. If those jobs were to stay here then someone here could be clueless as to why my Ronco set it and forget it grill has not come in yet. Better yet they would be making $24.00 an hour, have full medical and dental, tenture, 30 days paid vacation, and advocate who will go to the hearing and make sure that despite being late 24 consecutive days, not showing up for 5 althogether, they cannot be fired. Their workspace will be 100% in compliance with the 2,700 pages of OSHA regulations that dictate everything from the pile depth on the carpet in the bathroom to the spacing of the electrical outlets. The EPA will come in and make sure that the company hire a HAZMAT specialist to keep files, MSDS sheets on such tricky things as whiteout and toner for the fax machine. Despite that persons best effort the EPA inspector will fine the company $500 because they found a D cell battery out in the dumpster out back.

The problem with your logic is it is non-existant. Cause and effect to you is "This pizzes me off so it has to be the Presidents and those nasty conservatives fault.

You think the "product fairy" comes and takes a giant crap and poof, there is the hand sewn goose down quilt set I wanted.

These things are all made by companies that have been slowly strangled to freaking death by intrusive government regulations, agencies and liberal legislation to reward not the hardest working and the smartest, but the craftiest.

Ever heard of NAFTA? Ever heard of AFL-CIO? Ever heard of OSHA? Ever heard of good old AMERICAN companies throwing their hands in despair and having their raw product shipped overseas to be assembled, then shipped back so they can compete with imports? Catipillar ring a bell? Ford Motor Company?

You are the biggest bufoon on the planet if you think that Bush is personally responsible for the exodus of jobs, and an even bigger bufoon if you think John Kerry can stop it. Look past the end of your nose stupid it has been happening little by little for decades. We the high and mighty Americans have gotten better at one thing.....Handcuffing ourselfs with regulation after regulation so that we cannot produce a tin full of candy and sell it on our own street corner as cheap as a company can buy the ingrediants, ship it to Peru, make it, ship it back and sell it.

And don't give that Kerry will fix those greedy corporate executives who are screwing everyone :bs: Because it is just that :bs: He has been on watch in congress and has done NOTHING to stop the slow and effective STRANGULATION of American business. Oh he is going to take away their tax breaks BFD, it still wont help.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Pete
You are one to point your finger and laugh about logical arguments. Your head is so far up your liberal ass you can probably see the sushi you ate last night.

It is bad that jobs are being shipped overseas. If those jobs were to stay here then someone here could be clueless as to why my Ronco set it and forget it grill has not come in yet. Better yet they would be making $24.00 an hour, have full medical and dental, tenture, 30 days paid vacation, and advocate who will go to the hearing and make sure that despite being late 24 consecutive days, not showing up for 5 althogether, they cannot be fired. Their workspace will be 100% in compliance with the 2,700 pages of OSHA regulations that dictate everything from the pile depth on the carpet in the bathroom to the spacing of the electrical outlets. The EPA will come in and make sure that the company hire a HAZMAT specialist to keep files, MSDS sheets on such tricky things as whiteout and toner for the fax machine. Despite that persons best effort the EPA inspector will fine the company $500 because they found a D cell battery out in the dumpster out back.

The problem with your logic is it is non-existant. Cause and effect to you is "This pizzes me off so it has to be the Presidents and those nasty conservatives fault.

You think the "product fairy" comes and takes a giant crap and poof, there is the hand sewn goose down quilt set I wanted.

These things are all made by companies that have been slowly strangled to freaking death by intrusive government regulations, agencies and liberal legislation to reward not the hardest working and the smartest, but the craftiest.

Ever heard of NAFTA? Ever heard of AFL-CIO? Ever heard of OSHA? Ever heard of good old AMERICAN companies throwing their hands in despair and having their raw product shipped overseas to be assembled, then shipped back so they can compete with imports? Catipillar ring a bell? Ford Motor Company?

You are the biggest bufoon on the planet if you think that Bush is personally responsible for the exodus of jobs, and an even bigger bufoon if you think John Kerry can stop it. Look past the end of your nose stupid it has been happening little by little for decades. We the high and mighty Americans have gotten better at one thing.....Handcuffing ourselfs with regulation after regulation so that we cannot produce a tin full of candy and sell it on our own street corner as cheap as a company can buy the ingrediants, ship it to Peru, make it, ship it back and sell it.

And don't give that Kerry will fix those greedy corporate executives who are screwing everyone :bs: Because it is just that :bs: He has been on watch in congress and has done NOTHING to stop the slow and effective STRANGULATION of American business. Oh he is going to take away their tax breaks BFD, it still wont help.

Come to Catt. :clap:


Super Genius
Originally posted by Pete
The EPA will come in and make sure that the company hire a HAZMAT specialist to keep files, MSDS sheets on such tricky things as whiteout and toner for the fax machine.
My favorite is that distilled water is listed as a HAZMAT :dork: :shocking:


Hey Dems,

:dork: :dork: :clap: :cheers: To you too.

P.S. I think your story about you "putting the big beer belly guy in the store in his place" is :bs: too. If you ever saw a toothless, bald, beer bellied man you would pee your pants and cross the street. Just my opinion though.


Originally posted by Pete
Hey Dems,

:dork: :dork: :clap: :cheers: To you too.

P.S. I think your story about you "putting the big beer belly guy in the store in his place" is :bs: too. If you ever saw a toothless, bald, beer bellied man you would pee your pants and cross the street. Just my opinion though.

Well thats what happened... why would I pee my pants and not associate with him? I wouldn' t have minded the conversation with him had it not been so f###ked up. No reason not to associate with the guy in a store... take home to meet parents is something totally different, let alone hand out my phone number... :smile:


Originally posted by dems4me
:barf: :barf:

Yea right, you would be at my house in a french maid outfit handwashing my skivies if I had given you the chance. :biggrin:
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Originally posted by Pete
Yea right, you would be at my house in a french maid outfit handwashing my skivies if I had given you the change. :biggrin:

Change for what dear???
It would take alot more than change for me to be at your house and in a french maid outfit and certainly more than change to wash out your hottub bleached, skid marked skivies.

:barf: no thanks!!! I'll pass again dear!!!:dance:


Originally posted by dems4me
Change for what dear???
It would take alot more than change for me to be at your house and in a french maid outfit and certainly more than change to wash out your hottub bleached, skid marked skivies.

:barf: no thanks!!! I'll pass again dear!!!:dance:
:wink: Ok, if that is your story.


Originally posted by Pete
:wink: Ok, if that is your story.

I didn't make it up :banghead: :banghead: :rippingouthair:

:lol: I was just conversing with vrai about my experience a few weeks ago and she wanted me to post it. See what trouble you got me into vrai??? :bawl:


I still like you though vrai :huggy:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Typical liberal - blame someone else for your own mistakes and poor judgement.

:shutup: you are the one that said please post it... tia... :banghead:

Typical Democrat -- too trusting of others because they have a big heart... :yeahthat:


Originally posted by Pete
:wink: Ok, if that is your story.

:offtopic: Did you bring your son with you for "bring your child to work day"? We have a big turn out this year here at work!!! :smile: